Theorycrafting new builds is really fun for me. So part of me looks forward to every balance update.
But… right now, my condi mesmer build is awesome for my favorite game mode (roaming in WvW). I get that balancing is sometimes easier by weakening some things versus strengthening others, but it’s not fun to have to theorycraft because your current build has been nerfed so much that it’s not viable. So my fear of the major nerf is bigger than my hope for some fun new things to try out.
I think the challenge for Anet is that there seem to be only a few kinds of changes that could fit the non-nerf but fun to theorycraft category. Here’s how it looks from the perspective of my current build.
I’m always going to take Chronomancer – the default run speed, continuum shift and gravity well are just too much fun. Time catches up, illusionary reversion and chronophantasma are simply all great traits.
I also think I’m always going to take Illusions. I have a lot of investment in condi gear, and I’m totally used to the timing of shatter skills. Plus shattering is fun There are a couple areas where I might experiment if they were better. I would be really willing to try Shattered Strength instead of Maim the Disillusioned if the amount of Might was bigger (maybe 2 stacks per illusion?) Persistence of Memory is still awesome, but I would consider The Pledge or Compounding Power if they were better.
Currently, I’m always going to take Inspiration. The condi removal and healing from Restorative Illusions by itself is enough justification to take the trait line. Mental Defense has wonderful synergy, and Restorative Mantras has been rewarding enough (both as a self-heal and a way to help others) that I use the heal mantra (and this makes Mender’s Purity even better).
But I would consider taking Chaos if it provided a way to deal with conditions. It’s easy to see taking Master of Manipulation and trying to learn to use the Mirror heal. Chaotic Transference is straightforward benefit for a condi roamer build. So somewhere, something would have to deal with condis. It could be from adding Resistance somehow. Otherwise I can’t see dropping Inspiration (realized I made a typo and said Illusions instead of Inspiration in my first post)
So there aren’t a lot of areas that seem like they can change to offer new choices without hurting the things that work so well right now. The one area that seems like it offers some possibility is tweaking sigils and runes. There are a number of them that nobody seems to use because they are underpowered. I’ve kept a stack of Aristocracy runes around hoping for the day that Shattered Strength gets better. And there lots of other runes that seem like they just don’t quite get interesting enough to try.
So in the end, I’m hoping to have mostly very small changes. And the challenge is to find some fun theorycrafting to do with those changes.
P.S. For reference, I’m not using the condi roamer build on Metabattle. I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting and making something I like. I’m using a build that is always scepter in the mainhand, and I really appreciate the buffs to Illusionary Disenchanter in the last updates. I’ve come to really enjoy that skill, and I think it’s a great example of the kinds of changes that work well for me. Here’s my current build
(edited by eldenbri.1059)