Benafits of a mesmer

Benafits of a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: GenTech.5306


what are the benafits of a mesmer? i just started myself a mesmer, but i think the damage is veryvery weak… how best to play this class? cause i am very interested in this class! i’ve seen mesmers in pvp and they owned me so hard, and i dont understand how…
please can anyone explain it to me?

Benafits of a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Troll or real? Hard to know.. check the top with the stickied guides and you might find what you are looking for.

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Benafits of a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaidax.7835


Well, Mesmer has a lot of snowballing traits that come into play only later on. It’s kinda hard to “own” at level 13 when your effective damage output and survivability are cut in half just because you don’t have the very core traits and utils yet.

Benafits of a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


mesmers are really good vs people who focus on learning to play thier own class and do not learn to fight their opponent. people who take the time to learn how mesmers work will be on even ground in a fight.

but alot of people dont put much effort into being good. so you can just blow them up as they attack 10hp clones

Benafits of a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


low level mesmers esp below level 40 have a very tough time… very low power, armor, and hp. As you go beyond level 40 – esp 60+ that’s when mesmers begin to show their worth. A fully spec’d level 80 mesmer is considered one of the most powerful professions – if not the most powerful profession in the game. And no thieves don’t count because stealth in to 10k burst, then hs spam, then stealth again doesn’t really count as any amount of skill. Mesmers are a very technical profession and mistakes can sometimes be very unforgiving unlike other classes.

Benafits of a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: ichal.9504


Troll or real? Hard to know.. check the top with the stickied guides and you might find what you are looking for.

i believe this one is real