Best choice for Legendary?

Best choice for Legendary?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186




I been struggling to pick a decent class i am willing to play till the end as Main character and i finally found it since beta.

In any case, i dont want to bother why, i just started to like it a lot. Maybe i understand it a lot more then before.

I been trying to check out all builds, but takes time and a lot of money -_-
So i dont really know what weapons would be a good choice to invest as legendary?

I kind of like the look of bolt. Trough not sure if it is fitting (isnt it to robus and big for a skinny human mesmer girl?)
Maybe even Dual Bolt? Is dual Sword viable in any way?

Or i should stick to decent builds and get an Leg. for those builds? Like a Staff, or a Gs?
I dont really like the look of the Bifrost actually, but i mostly use staffs…
The second thing i mostly use is Gs, and i do like the look of Twilight and Sunrise, but not sure if it is worth it?

The third think i prefer to use are scepters, and i like the look of Meteorlogicus, but it lacks spell effects and walk effects -_-
Besides it would also need an offhand and not sure what would look decent besides it…Propably not bolt or Minstrel.

I also thout of playing with Bolt, but to tell you the truth, i didnt really practice with swords on mesmer. THey look cool, but attack animations are just funny. Trough its the number one direct damage source of mesmer i guess…killing burrows and things is good.
And i am not even sure if there are decent and viable builds for it?
A dual bolt might look good. If i dare to invest so moch time into it.

I propably would not get minster, focus is an item i would barely use, trough i play mostly suspport or dd.
So would Rodgor, i dont like torches, unless i seriously need invis in pvp.
Or quip. It not only looks terrible to my taste, but i wont use pistols till it can be dual wielded.

So as you see, i am still not sure what would be worth to invest in. Any ideas?

Best choice for Legendary?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kisarae.2850



Incase you dont find any legendary fitting enough, check out these babies (scroll down a bit for list of items with a similar theme)

All look very mesmery being all pinkish and transparent, and are way cheaper to craft too.

Kisarachan @ Underworld

Best choice for Legendary?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Mmm that does look good. Thx for the tip.