Blatant exploitation

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Southerncarl.2740


I just read that it was possible to uncheck show NPC names in the options menu and just enable player names meaning that none of your clones will have a name above there head, only the real Mesmer making it so blatantly obvious who the real one is even Stevie wonder could spot you in an instant.

Is this not a blatant exploit some people are using that seriously damages the concept of a Mesmer being confusing etc and the play style?

Does annet know about this? If so, something so easy to fix why hasn’t it been done already?

Its a bit frustrating as it is basically a mild form of cheating, imagine if there was an option to uncheck stealth so you could see invisible players, thieves would go crazy

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


If it’s true, then yea, it’s an exploit.

Our only strong survival mechanic is rendered utterly useless if so. Anet said that illusions are the basis for Mesmers, rather it be our DPS or defense. They’re everything for us. So something like that would definitely be a bug/exploit.

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Tested and it works, but it makes fighting painful. Also, if they target a clone, it ruins the intended exploit effect.

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zen.4678


Make sure you file a bug report so it might actually get fixed. There’s already enough indicators of real vs clone.

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: wookie.8934


Someone needs to make a thread in the bug forum. This effectively makes mesmers much less useful if people can just spot the real one so easily.

Havok Legion [HL]
Fort Aspenwood

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

One reason why I’ve never used my clones as a distraction. Just get those babies up and send em in for murder death kill. It’s obvious many players know about, and have been using this for a very long time.

Rep it.

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daishi.6027


One reason why I’ve never used my clones as a distraction. Just get those babies up and send em in for murder death kill. It’s obvious many players know about, and have been using this for a very long time.

Rep it.

^ pretty much

Though it would be nice to make it harder after dropping target if they staggered for a second trying to retarget instead of just instantly grabbing the right one.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Blatant exploitation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


This should be fixed… but isn’t a big deal tbh… it’s only an issue at lower levels of gameplay.

It’s obvious to a vet which one is the real mesmer. If you decoy you’ll have a black swirl at your feet when you exit stealth. Even if you miss that and they pretend to be a clone and auto attack… the clones attack at a different rate than you character does.

If they can’t catch any of those signals… well… they are inexperienced and you could have just smashed them faster without trying to trick them in the first place.

Tarnished Coast
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