(edited by Sam.4728)
Bleeding phantasms; improvements?
I run a Bleeding condition build, personally i would replace the sword with scepter and staff with GS. Dont waste so many point in illusions, taking Rampager/Rabid gear is enough for conditions.
Replace Dueling IV with II as the Fury will help proc Bleeding alot more. Change the runes to Undead more condition damage as well as some nice toughness along with the 30into Chaos and the Rabid gear 10% of toughness is added as condition damage (5% runes, 5% trait)
Personally my build is:
Domination(20) : V, X
Dueling(20) : II, X
Chaos(30) : IV, V, XII
Running Greatsword and Scepter+Pistol/Focus
I run a Bleeding condition build, personally i would replace the sword with scepter and staff with GS. Dont waste so many point in illusions, taking Rampager/Rabid gear is enough for conditions.
Yes, that sounds like a good combination as well. However, I think you are going for a slightly different build concept than I am. Using sword #3 + staff #2 is really good for confusing your enemy about your positioning, which is the way I would like to play.
Still, I see how your build is stronger condition-wise. GS clones + izerker definitely do more bleed stacks. BTW, I took illusions for phantasmal haste and illusionist’s celerity, though the condition damage is also very nice. As I understand it, phantasmal haste on iduelist increases his hit rate a lot and celerity+pistol training stack (the tooltip is wrong).
Also, staff #5 lets me put 5x confusion stacks per duelist. Something to consider.
(edited by Sam.4728)
In illusions compounding Power doesnt affect the condition damage as far as i am aware which isnt that great. Phantasmal Haste is the only good one but in my opinion not worth spending 20 points in Illusions to get it. Illusionary Persona is more of a Shatter build item doesnt affect Condition builds that much.
You dont really have anything that makes taking it worthwhile, sure Confusion is nice but its been nerfed to the point its a meh skill that people can and still do continue to damage through it.
You have VERY low toughness which means against pretty much you are an easy target for any burst player and you wont have the power/condition damage to burst anyone down before they can get you down.
You want a “bleeding” + Phantasm build yet your condition damage is going to be pretty low which makes the Bleeds pretty meh. The Crit chance and damage is nice though. I would say this sort of build would be better as a Power/crit build and leave the conditions as a nice little extra, though they wont do alot but then you could move the traits from Illusions into Chaos and pick up some very nice traits and give a nice little buff to Toughness.
Or go for a full Shatter build, there are plenty of guides and builds on the forums for them as well. Because taking traits for Conditions, Phantoms and Shattering just makes you decent at all, master of none in my opinion.
in my opinion u’re going to encounter some difficulties running this 10/30/0/0/30
u will lack toughness / vita, prot and regen buffs which are really strong if u’re planning on solo roaming.
Disenchenter is a really bad idea. U can’t waste Uskill like that. Null field is way better ( considering u’re playing staff/sword )
Playing Spvp with staff/pistol combo is really great because u can’t really benefit from GS range and mono burst damage is beast. It’s slightly different in WvW where u can outrange plenty of ppl / cripple / ae damage.
footage : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a55qTgKDG7Q
I see your point about illusions. Ideally, I’d go 10/30/25/0/5 except they moved illusionist’s celerity. It’s just really upsetting how many skills are improved by illusionist’s celerity and now I can’t reach it easily. :-/
As for being decent at all, master of none, … that is actually what I was aiming to do.
Hmm. I can see null field is better except for the long cooldown. I will swap that in. It’s another ethereal field I can use for more confusion as well.
How about this distribution then? I took MoR so I can get 3x conditions removed now that I don’t have phantasmal disenchanter. The 5 domination is for +1s of bleeding tick.
(edited by Sam.4728)
Yeah problem with being decent at everything and master of nothing
- you will be burst down burst specs due to no toughness
- Wont have the damage to kill Bunkers
- Low toughness + Melee = death
- Range + Staff = low damage
I can see this build having ALOT of issues and i think it could struggle in 1 Vs 1 against pretty much any decent spec build. It wouldnt be a bad Zerg build (though not “good” either)