Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Trait currently shown: 2 stacks confusion on blind, 5 sec icd, +33% confusion duration.

At first the icd seemed stupid to me, and I thought for example that 1 stack confusion per blind with no icd would be better. However combined with blind on shatter in dom, which has no icd, and the illusions minor, you would be getting 2 stacks of confusion on each shatter, on top of regular effect, so F2 would hit for 3 stacks of confusion.

Would this be OP?

I’m thinking possibly, when combined with sum of all fears (torment per 5 stacks confusion applied), but possibly not depending on how other classes shape up.

I think if the 5 sec cd stays, it could go up to 3 stacks per blind without it being OP. This would take it out of the questionable range and put it up to a solid GM on par with MtD.

Even as is, I think I would still take it. With confusion on crits and on shatter, the + 33% duration is good and the extra 2 stacks of confusion on one shatter attack every 5 sec (which is fine when you think about how often you go in for a big shatter attack) is a nice bonus.

So I know many have said there should be no icd, I could see how this is actually a balanced implementation of it when taken with everything else.


Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


No it doesnt. We dont have a lot of blind sources to begin with. At the same time, a lot of it is coming from Chaos Armor, which is RNG too,

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Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


But we will have blinding dissipation which is blind on every shatter with no cd. That is a lot of blind. With no icd on BB wouldn’t that be pretty crazy, 3 stacks of confusion per clone per shatter (assuming illusions minor)?

Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


But we will have blinding dissipation which is blind on every shatter with no cd. That is a lot of blind. With no icd on BB wouldn’t that be pretty crazy, 3 stacks of confusion per clone per shatter (assuming illusions minor)?

Exact wording is blind around yourself, meaning it’s likely not per illusion, but per skill. Add this to Torch and Signet of Midnight, we have 6 skills that can’t really be spammed, unless you count Chaos Field, then 8 non-spammable sources across 2 weapons and an unused signet, 2 RNG. We aren’t like necro or thief, who have pulsing blind, so I think no ICD should be fine.

Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


Not trying to derail, but I think that icd’s are part of th ‘numbers’ that are skill a very up in the air part of the development.

Without too much focus on the numbers (as they can easily change those) how is the functionality compared to other choices you could make in builds?

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Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


But we will have blinding dissipation which is blind on every shatter with no cd. That is a lot of blind. With no icd on BB wouldn’t that be pretty crazy, 3 stacks of confusion per clone per shatter (assuming illusions minor)?

Exact wording is blind around yourself, meaning it’s likely not per illusion, but per skill. Add this to Torch and Signet of Midnight, we have 6 skills that can’t really be spammed, unless you count Chaos Field, then 8 non-spammable sources across 2 weapons and an unused signet, 2 RNG. We aren’t like necro or thief, who have pulsing blind, so I think no ICD should be fine.

Oohhh, ok then if it is only around you and not every clone then the icd is whack. Wow that makes it a lot less awesome.

Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


I think the 5s ICD makes more since now that we have Blinding Dissipation and the torch/Staff CD traits giving us access to MANY more blinds.

I’m loving this trait a lot more now with all the confusion buffs. Without an ICD, it would definitely be OP imo. I know I’ll be testing out a Mistrust, Blinding Befuddlement and Chaotic Interruption build with all the following Confusion applications:
Mistrust, CI, BB, Chaos Armor, Shatters, Illusion crits, Mesmer crits.

You’ll be a confusion rekting monster while on Staff…
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Windwalker.7421


I think the CD is fine, but it should apply 2x Confusion in an AoE around the target it procs off with a 5 target limit and at least 240 radius, preferably more.

I don’t think even this would make me take it over MtD, which will now apply 8x Torment on a 3 Clone shatter, but at least it would have the benefit of being usable at range.

Unfortunately a CD of some sort is necessary now that we have the AE blind on shatter.

This one definitely needs work to compete with MtD and MoF though!

Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


I don’t think even this would make me take it over MtD, which will now apply 8x Torment on a 3 Clone shatter, but at least it would have the benefit of being usable at range.

This one definitely needs work to compete with MtD and MoF though!

While I think MtD and MoF are “tough competition”, I don’t think the confusion build I suggest is unviable compared to the other two. The point isn’t for grandmaster traits to in a way compete with one another but to offer an equally viable build defining alternative. eta – It’s worth saying that all Mesmer builds are inherently shatter/interrupt/phantasm hybrids in a sense with this revamp. BB would lend itself to being an interrupt/phantasm condi build with the occasional shatter here and there.

Take into consideration also that MtD shatter won’t have confusion duration increase, making their confusion procs aka “MtD’s Idiot Tax” pretty insignificant.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

(edited by MailMail.6534)

Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Originally, I’ve always said the BB ICD is completely unjustified and foolish. Now, however … I’d have to say it depends on how much blind Blinding Dissipation can crank out. Mesmer used to have -at best- mediocre blind access; but we might be on the cusp of some almost Thief-level blindspam.

If that is indeed correct, I have no logical choice but to eat crow, RE: BB and its ICD. /shrug

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