Boons converted into conditions skills

Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

Running as a PU mes these skills seem a bit too powerful. One sec you have 5/6 boons on you and the next sec they are converted to conditions, add another 2-3 conditions and there is nothing you can do to clear them in time. Even with the inspiration line mes just does seem to have enough condi clearing for this. Usual I have to blow a heal and my shatter skills to try and clear them. When you have chill, burning and torment combined it is fairly problematic.

Not sure how many other classes have these skills, but necro is obviously one and another class, but couldn’t pin down which class it was. I guess I could run without PU, but wondering how others running PU deal with this in PvP.

I have managed to get out of some of these situations, but in others it seems as it if there is nothing you can do about it. Possibly temporal enchanter might help with the resistance it gives.

Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coxy.5269


Not OP imo. I assume you’re mainly talking about the necro skills corrupt boon and the well of corruption. Punishes boon stacking opponents hard but theyre not a death sentence usually.

In terms of dealing with it, i’d suggest prevention over clearing all the condis. Obviously don’t stand in wells, and try to keep blind on the necro as much as possible. I’m sure someone else has some better tips.

Edit: wiki says torment can’t be applied via corruption. Are you running condi mes and having your conditions transferred back to you?


Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

No, I’m running power shatter PU. The issue seems to be the boons mostly from PU being converted, as I noticed they have all gone and I have 5-8 conditions on me in an instant.

I use blind but it’s hard staying close to a good necro without dying, especially one running signets. They are very tanky and pretty resistant to burst, and can lock you down pretty fast with CC, only blink seems to help get some ranged damage. It’s a difficult fight especially with PU, just don’t have enough condi removal to deal with them up close. Trying to fight two necros is just futile.

Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


If you’re playing the build on Metabattle with its almost non-existent condi removal then of course you’ll have problems with condi builds. If you must run Power PU then you can’t run Inspiration, so there’s nothing you can do really.

Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


One thing I find makes the fight easier is using the necros weakness. They have little to no stability and usually only 1-2 stunbreaks. Using the blinds you have (blind on shatter, torch) in conjunction with CC and you can pressure them hard usually forcing them into DS.

At that point either wait out the DS in stealth or keep putting on the pressure from range and phantasms and LoS LB. Once out of DS they’re dead.

Also interrupt builds work wonders on them, play aggressive and you will win most of the time.

As for condition conversion, I find it’s alright having played a necro in WvW. It’s probably in a good spot now as necro is really the only class I can think of that can do it.

Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

If you’re playing the build on Metabattle with its almost non-existent condi removal then of course you’ll have problems with condi builds. If you must run Power PU then you can’t run Inspiration, so there’s nothing you can do really.

If you read my post, I am running inspiration, and that isn’t enough. I’m specifically talking about boons being converted to conditions, not condi builds in general.

Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


If you’re playing the build on Metabattle with its almost non-existent condi removal then of course you’ll have problems with condi builds. If you must run Power PU then you can’t run Inspiration, so there’s nothing you can do really.

If you read my post, I am running inspiration, and that isn’t enough. I’m specifically talking about boons being converted to conditions, not condi builds in general.

Thought you meant “even if” you took Inspiration. In this case I’m a bit puzzled as to what build you’re running, you kind of need both Domination and Dueling for a good Shatter build.

Boons converted into conditions skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


If you ever run Condi mes though, you’ll learn to fear necros like the hand of God.