Buff Sword #3

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Every now and then I try to use MH sword, and I just can’t stick with it. I hate the stupid pathing issues on #3, I can’t stand it. I know I could learn to work around it, like many other skills we have, but with this one I just don’t like it, it’s too kittenin clunky looking when the clone stumbles out and doesn’t make it to the target.

So with the upcoming patch I want to bump and idea I saw somewhere else: Make sword 3 just like GS 2, a projectile you throw that spawns a clone on the target and cripples them. So you chuck a purple sword, it hits target and cripples them and spawns a clone on them. You can swap places with clone just like before if you want.

This would be an awesome yet reasonable buff. Make the animation and projectile look like whatever you want so there is counter play or whatever (Anet is very selective in how they apply this “principle,” but whatever…).

Edit: Better suggestion from someone below: Make it a ranged teleport to target that immobilizes them and leaves a clone at your starting location. This kind of skill already exists in game with theif and Guardian, ours would be the same except with a clone left behind where we were and an immobilize, which isn’t OP. If it is then make it a projectile that ports you when it hits. After the most recent nerf to sword 3 the vast majority of the time you are instantly swapping anyways, so the whole swap mechanic is just buggy overhead now with no real point.

(edited by MSFone.3026)

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


It is kittening annoying.

Not one fight goes by where I don’t get completely kittened off with it at some point during the fight. It’s pretty challenging to play with at the moment.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


It is kittening annoying.

Not one fight goes by where I don’t get completely kittened off with it at some point during the fight. It’s pretty challenging to play with at the moment.

Yes I feel like it’s a straightforward change they could make and would be a really nice buff for us. No weird AI issues to worry about in the code, just a projectile that applies a condition and spawns a clone. The code is already basically there, just change a few lines from GS#2

And really calling it a “buff” is not really accurate. I should say change this skill so it actually functions on the level of most other skills in the game.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Let’s not forget terrain. If it is uneven in the slightest way, the clone stops at the first pebble, then proceeds. You can also forget about trying to cast up an incline. Now this doesn’t affect too much, apart from aspects of every map in Pvp. So no real big deal. The weapon that strips boons has pathing issues..shouldn’t affect Pvp too much and make mesmer undesirable.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


However, we should take a moment to recognise ranger and engi have a revamp in skills coming because they were considered subpar. Subpar gets the fix, broken gets the blind eye.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Veruah.5302


This has been discussed to death, but yeah, I agree. All but the most clueless of non-mesmers should see that this skill is the worst gap closer in the game with its myriad of bugs and stipulations that have to be in place to make it even work without the bugs.

I would be happy with just a direct copy of Infiltrator’s Strike (Thief sword skill) that generates a clone on the teleport. Is that a lazy fix that really doesn’t fit any of the mind game/confusion aspect of mesmer? Yes. But at least it is a proven gap closer mechanic that we know will work.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Ranged projectile. I.e. can be reflected/blocked/unvuln’d. Can also be obstructed by those very things which the current clone gets caught on. Don’t know how much of an improvement this is going to be.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coxy.5269


Could also be a slight nerf as LoS is required for projectiles. Currently #3 can be used around corners (assuming the terrain is completely flat)


Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


Ranged projectile. I.e. can be reflected/blocked/unvuln’d. Can also be obstructed by those very things which the current clone gets caught on. Don’t know how much of an improvement this is going to be.

I’m with Ross on this one. iLeap needs a change/fix but a projectile is not the way to go. It doesn’t matter that much if GS#2 is reflected but reflecting iLeap could cause some serious trouble. It might also cause wonky behaviour like your enemy spawning a clone (Hello, Scepter!).

(edited by Xaylin.1860)

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I’m confused because from my layman’s perspective, if Monarch’s Leap exists – why can’t the clone be given exactly the same leap?

At the moment, if iLeap isn’t the cause of death, then blink is. Either of them is guaranteed to kitten up at some point during a fight.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I am 100% behind this change, I have been asking for Zaxis parts to the clone leap for some time but the removal of the clone and conversion to GS #2 style projectile with clone spawn at impact is a superior fix.

This would give Sword a usefulness again – I stopped using it after the “you can’t swap after clone death” fix. The weapon needs some serious help.

Oh.. Wait I just thought a bit. The reason the clone doesn’t have Zaxis OR work like this projectile is so the Swap Blink doesn’t get put in a position where it is asked to work when you couldn’t WALK from A to B. Blinks require an unbroken walking path to work, if you then have clones leaping/spawning in locations you cannot walk to the Swap Blink would fail. (Although I’d rather the Swap failed in these odd circumstances rather than Sword3 being awful)

I think thats why ANet haven’t changed the skill because it allows a skill to be used more frequently in a ‘failing’ manor, (this can confuse new players and show limitations in the game breaking immersion – I feel they want to minimise these) however I think as the game has been out for some time now and we all know the rules of pathing anyway we can just deal with fail Swap Blinks when we use the skilll inappropriately.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Well yes it would be a tradeoff, projectile that works in place of an in some ways more robust skill that often doesn’t. I don’t think the reflect thing will be a problem; what happens when someone reflects GS#2 or #3 of scepter auto attack? I think it works out fine.

The issue with spawning a clone up on a wall and then failing to port to it is a more serious issue. Not sure about that one.

Although I don’t know what realistic alternatives there are. Anet isn’t going to fix the pathing issue, so it’s pretty much fundamentally change the skill or leave it as is. If you’d rather have it as is, that is a fine and defensible point, I just don’t think it will ever work properly in that case.

Or they could just do something even simpler: Make it a standard gap closer where you leap forward and leave a clone in your place.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sekhen.3592


I would be glad if it worked like Guardian sword’s #2 but with a few tweaks: the Mesmer teleports to the target doing some damage, crippling and creating a clone behind the target, then the Mesmer can swap his position with the clone aplying inmobilize.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Terekhov.3670


its funny how all want it to be a projektiel. i guess so you dont wanne use it without los anymore.
moreover the stunbreak should be changed, its kinda broken.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I have to say, kitten no way to it being a projectile. Absolutely no way. Do not want to see mirror blade v2.0 either.

Either give the clone a different leap – ie Monarch’s Leap with reduced range, or reverse the skill to work like feigned surge, infiltrators strike or leap from beta.

In any case I prefer it that the clone leaps first as it is now – but for goodness sake needs to use a completely different leap mechanic, maybe even a direct blink with some kind of delay/telegraph after spawning.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Just spawn the clone at the enemy in first place? Maybe op.
Btw even a projectile can be homing and get a “unblockable” tag, like GS#2. Sword#3 is blocked too by anything if there is no line of sight, so there is no difference between now and a projectile.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Veruah.5302


Just spawn the clone at the enemy in first place? Maybe op.
Btw even a projectile can be homing and get a “unblockable” tag, like GS#2. Sword#3 is blocked too by anything if there is no line of sight, so there is no difference between now and a projectile.

I don’t see how spawning the clone at the target is OP. It also seems to be the easiest fix to the terrible pathing issues that cripple this skill.

If somehow this is considered terribly OP then add a 1s delay between casting iLeap and being able to use Swap, like Temporal Curtain —> Into the Void. This would offer counterplay for the opponent to burst the clone down or use some sort of retreat skill to get out of incoming mesmer’s way.

Still, there is precedent set for this type of skill with Infiltrator’s Strike (Thief Sword #2), so I really don’t see how this is OP.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coulter.2315


its funny how all want it to be a projektiel. i guess so you dont wanne use it without los anymore.
moreover the stunbreak should be changed, its kinda broken.

The times without los being useful is a much smaller number than the number of fails on uneven ground, thats why people are willing to sacrifice it. The stunbreak element has taken a MASSIVE reduction in usefulness after the ‘clone dies no port’ change.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

This bug fix has killed me so many times in wvw and spvp its insane really. I don’t understand why this was changed when we have 30+ bug thread on the front page on the bug forum lol.

-Rylock [vE]

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

Hey everyone =) after one or two month of break I’m back to play gw2 with you
I must say that I’d dislike that change!

  • a projectile is dodgeable! the best about the skill atm is that it will ALWAYS spawn a clone when you’re in range (wouldn’t spawn if projectile misses/you’re blinded/enemy blocks or dodges it)
  • projectile needs LoS! =(
  • projectile is better visible than something that looks exatly like you (this changes from enemy to enemy but i believe it is)

Why would this skill be op if it directly spawns a clone at our enemy? Here’s my explanation:
There are no visuals that would signal the burst of for example shatterbuilds! If the mez is fast enough he can just burst out of nothing. that’s op. (pls don’t come at me with “but thieves can backstab out of nothing too QQ”-.-)

~ Me Games Ma

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I never understood how this skill bugs exactly. It performs what looks like [Savage Leap] which does go up the y axis. How it gets stuck on a stone or step beats me, but any bug fixing helps.

I’d hope the skill bar for Mesmer focuses on fixing bugs so that the whining stops like that they aren’t powerful enough when really its just bug fixes that would alone buff them a lot for a smooth QoL. To this day, a well played Mesmer either doesn’t like to die(stale mate) or scares the hell out of me and forces me to retreat or crawl into my grave so I’m not so sure they need a buff, just bug fixes so their other kitten works. Even when I spectate I watch them destroy people, or watch my guildies roam in wvw and let them melt people.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I never understood how this skill bugs exactly. It performs what looks like [Savage Leap] which does go up the y axis. How it gets stuck on a stone or step beats me, but any bug fixing helps.

I’d hope the skill bar for Mesmer focuses on fixing bugs so that the whining stops like that they aren’t powerful enough when really its just bug fixes that would alone buff them a lot for a smooth QoL. To this day, a well played Mesmer either doesn’t like to die(stale mate) or scares the hell out of me and forces me to retreat or crawl into my grave so I’m not so sure they need a buff, just bug fixes so their other kitten works. Even when I spectate I watch them destroy people, or watch my guildies roam in wvw and let them melt people.

I’m curious – have you personally played mesmer for any significant period of time?

I could equally say thieves qq over nothing and don’t need buffs to anything other than p/p from what I experience fighting against them – but I am aware my viewpoint is severely restricted by not actively playing a thief to high level or for any significant amount of time, so I cannot make that judgement.

Certain things on mesmer do need buffing, many things need fixing and a few things could be nerfed. I won’t write a long wall of text because posting from phone and I cba.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I never understood how this skill bugs exactly. It performs what looks like [Savage Leap] which does go up the y axis. How it gets stuck on a stone or step beats me, but any bug fixing helps.

I’d hope the skill bar for Mesmer focuses on fixing bugs so that the whining stops like that they aren’t powerful enough when really its just bug fixes that would alone buff them a lot for a smooth QoL. To this day, a well played Mesmer either doesn’t like to die(stale mate) or scares the hell out of me and forces me to retreat or crawl into my grave so I’m not so sure they need a buff, just bug fixes so their other kitten works. Even when I spectate I watch them destroy people, or watch my guildies roam in wvw and let them melt people.

I’m curious – have you personally played mesmer for any significant period of time?

I could equally say thieves qq over nothing and don’t need buffs to anything other than p/p from what I experience fighting against them – but I am aware my viewpoint is severely restricted by not actively playing a thief to high level or for any significant amount of time, so I cannot make that judgement.

Certain things on mesmer do need buffing, many things need fixing and a few things could be nerfed. I won’t write a long wall of text because posting from phone and I cba.

I watch, I ask in game, and I read their builds (not all but a good amount) and look up how their skills behave. I’m not saying I play Mesmer, I’m saying I still see them wreck faces and that’s with all the glorious bugs they have. So from that I can say, fix the bugs and they can live with some peace.

Just like when the ileap was “fixed” people kittened and moaned that anet was just further breaking Mesmer when only a handful were upset that the skill still performed like a trashcan drum. Its bug problems Mesmer is facing, I bet there would be a fraction of the complaints from the Mesmer community if the bugs were fixed vs buffing them and still having all the bugs to deal with. That’s my problem, Mesmer players saying they’re weak rather than bugged. Two totally different things.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Henrik.7560


An ideal idea could be that it teleports you to your foe, stabs them immobilizing them, and leaves a clone at the point where you left.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Domey.9804


I think it wouldnt be op if it was a teleport. It Would just need a shorter immobilize Like infil strike. If you have no dodges left you eat the whole shatter, if you have one left you can dodge 50%. The Clones need to walk to your target which takes 0.5-1sec. Sure, you can create Clones right at your target with mirror Images and thus the Clones have no travelling time,but Thats a utility and should be rewarded.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I never understood how this skill bugs exactly. It performs what looks like [Savage Leap] which does go up the y axis. How it gets stuck on a stone or step beats me, but any bug fixing helps.

I’d hope the skill bar for Mesmer focuses on fixing bugs so that the whining stops like that they aren’t powerful enough when really its just bug fixes that would alone buff them a lot for a smooth QoL. To this day, a well played Mesmer either doesn’t like to die(stale mate) or scares the hell out of me and forces me to retreat or crawl into my grave so I’m not so sure they need a buff, just bug fixes so their other kitten works. Even when I spectate I watch them destroy people, or watch my guildies roam in wvw and let them melt people.

I’m curious – have you personally played mesmer for any significant period of time?

I could equally say thieves qq over nothing and don’t need buffs to anything other than p/p from what I experience fighting against them – but I am aware my viewpoint is severely restricted by not actively playing a thief to high level or for any significant amount of time, so I cannot make that judgement.

Certain things on mesmer do need buffing, many things need fixing and a few things could be nerfed. I won’t write a long wall of text because posting from phone and I cba.

I watch, I ask in game, and I read their builds (not all but a good amount) and look up how their skills behave. I’m not saying I play Mesmer, I’m saying I still see them wreck faces and that’s with all the glorious bugs they have. So from that I can say, fix the bugs and they can live with some peace.

Just like when the ileap was “fixed” people kittened and moaned that anet was just further breaking Mesmer when only a handful were upset that the skill still performed like a trashcan drum. Its bug problems Mesmer is facing, I bet there would be a fraction of the complaints from the Mesmer community if the bugs were fixed vs buffing them and still having all the bugs to deal with. That’s my problem, Mesmer players saying they’re weak rather than bugged. Two totally different things.

I will point out one or two things that need buffs:
- scepter auto attack – at least increase projectile speed.
- iMage – in damage/conditions/aoe or something
- arcane thievery – cooldown reduction
- mind stab – damage/aoe/new effect, etc
- blinding befuddlement – remove ICD to make glamour spec viable again

I could list many more straight buffs to skills and traits (but my time is very limited in typing this post), which anyone playing mesmer will be familiar with. These are not bug fixes, and are generally not observed by people who don’t play mesmer and think everything is fine and dandy aside from bugs.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


I never understood how this skill bugs exactly. It performs what looks like [Savage Leap] which does go up the y axis. How it gets stuck on a stone or step beats me, but any bug fixing helps.

I’d hope the skill bar for Mesmer focuses on fixing bugs so that the whining stops like that they aren’t powerful enough when really its just bug fixes that would alone buff them a lot for a smooth QoL. To this day, a well played Mesmer either doesn’t like to die(stale mate) or scares the hell out of me and forces me to retreat or crawl into my grave so I’m not so sure they need a buff, just bug fixes so their other kitten works. Even when I spectate I watch them destroy people, or watch my guildies roam in wvw and let them melt people.

Visual counter
1)(as well with best performance video option it is clear at least compare to other skills fair visual effects)
2) more easier way to understanding that foe is using ileap, is on enemy bar u can see ileap icon
3) and ileap has 3/4 sec casting time

So it is dodgeable skill in will

But if it is not work as it requires,
Mean u use your #3 sword and for ileap that clone should reach to enemy and which is can stuck on the way that can still make u in cooldown wit it..

And with lastly nerf(i say nerf cuz if other professional skills can be bugfixes on tooltips, not on skill mechanic however with mesmer in contrast)

I dont see mesmers whinning about not enough being powerful..
Whining comes with not objective/subjective critices which are mostly scruby things.. As OP mentioned as with his pov all mesmers are 30/30/30/30/30 i mean 4 5 optional builds which they can have maximising specs all to gether while skiping cons of them.. As in risk/reward thing no risk max profit..
Mesmers accept their pros as how they can be better/more effective in goals as general wvw solo roaming, or with having portal, veil pros.. Etc..
But things that can seems whining have already experiance knowladge in their topic.. Pls dont skip them.. As blurred frenzy complains in wvw large scale fightings zerging.. After bf got nerfed.. Whinings as u say.. Are coming from anets untrasperant balance philophys, as they nerfing it for pvp but same as in all modes.. However goal of their nerf on bf, was not the same as zerg mesmers.. Which meaned that balances was not include wvw primarly, however they changed their word now..

If u re talking over videos, it ll be not objective source for you,
U ll not see cons, as how he died, or cut mistake scenes.. Maybe live videos as twitch can better source and other thing is knowladge differences with u and him.. U should understand how they do things and why.. Their willingness.. As u can see a video as vash ll bursted players to hell.. But in risk reward? Bursting player nonself sufficient cant dodge or upskilled or afk or zerker with notmax itemizationed players with various enviroment effects..

Anyway tl dr: mesmer is not weak or strong as all other 8 proffessions, they ve pros/cons weak/strong things.. However would like to remind u that major thing is.. How they can perform the requirements in goals over other proffessions..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


@ Azo

I watched a few videos of mesmers, its not what my source of them is from when I say “watch”. I mean watch like I’ll stumble near a 1v1 in pvp and let them go at it or literally spectate them watching their rotation, positioning etc. Then in wvw when I roamed I ran thief so if I was in stealth I could spectate for a few seconds and watch him destroy a fleeing target or set up a trap for some passer by and watch them implode.

Maybe a few things outside of their common builds could use a buff for some diversity, but I’m talking more about when they ask for the un-nerf to null field or want their clones to survive a zerg. The clones aren’t meant for large scale encounters, if they could survive a zerg imagine what a 1vX for the Mesmer would end up doing. It would be broken as kitten. Its really no different from engi/thief/ranger being excluded from zergs atm yet I constantly see posts saying Mesmer isn’t viable anywhere or Mesmer is subpar to every other profession in their strengths. It’s just ridiculous to see that kitten getting around.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


They haven’t discussed Mesmer on Ready Up yet, maybe Based Grouch will deliver some good news about sw3 fixes. Also gs2 is unblockable so idk why people think making sw3 similar would be an issue.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


The closer it gets the more worried I’m getting about mesmer showing up on ReadyUp.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

The closer it gets the more worried I’m getting about mesmer showing up on ReadyUp.

I really look forwart to it. What bad can happen? Another nerf? Well we’ve suffered to so many nerfs in the last 2 years that we should be used to it by now (well at least i am).
If they bugfix us then they can make some “nerfs” and some “buffs” but i don’t really think they want us to be buffed.
There are some skills/traits that I think will never be fixed: iLeap/tCurtain/iElasticity

I guess the next balance patch will fix our iWarden to not block unblockable projectiles and Swap being a stunbreaker.

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: UrMom.4205


I will never understand this skill. It’s always messing up, pathing all over the place, stop start stop, “oh let me jog over to the enemy”. HOWEVER the other day me and like 5 other friendlies were chasing a nike warrior. He used his sword jump literally right as I used my sword 3 and for some reason….the clone…..shot out like a rocket and jumped right on the back of the warrior. I quick swapped and imob’d and we killed him. I just stood there stunned. It was amazing. I’ve never seen the clone move that fast. The planets must have aligned and created some like perfect spot in the universe where the skill functioned like it should. I dunno, cray cray. Anyways yeah Anet fix sword 3.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Veruah.5302


In response to the “Mesmers quit QQing” talk here:

We aren’t really asking for iLeap to become some beast of a skill. We are asking that it does what it is intended to do: let us quickly travel to an opponent in order to engage in melee range while also generating a clone, our profession’s expendable resource.

Since it is apparent that Anet is unable to make the current design work due to their pathing/AI technology, that may mean a change to the skill in order to fit its design.

No one here that is halfway credible is asking that it deal a billion damage and be both a leap and blast finisher or something. We just want a gap closer, like pretty much every other melee set has.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Thought I’d jump back in here:

Yes a projectile can be dodged, guess what so can the current sword three, you know like when they see the clone come running at them? Happens all the time. The thing about GS#2 is that it’s unblock able, so dodging will wreck a similar sword #3 just as much as it does now, and by spawning a clone right on the guy when it hits you’ll get an instant swap that will end up landing more often that the current one does.

I know there are all these neat unique features of the current bugged pos skill that make it feel all cool, but nobody can really argue that the current skill lands effectively more than GS#2. Yes the clone is always produced, but are you really using sword #3 for the clone? No, you are using it for the imob, which gets dodged plenty.

But someone above said something even better, just forget the swap part (which is just pointless overhead now after nerf) and make the skill just a ranged port like thief has. You port onto target with an immobilize and leave clone behind where you were. Think about it realistically, yes it won’t have all the bells and whistles that work out for you half the time, but statistically it will land the immob at least as often and probably more, so it won’t be a nerf.

Yes no LoS, but I think many would prefer a skill that actually worked when it’s supposed to to one with neat tricky features like can be used without LoS. Besides how cool is something that can be used without LoS, but doesn’t work half the time when you do have LoS?

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Hey everyone =) after one or two month of break I’m back to play gw2 with you
I must say that I’d dislike that change!

  • a projectile is dodgeable! the best about the skill atm is that it will ALWAYS spawn a clone when you’re in range (wouldn’t spawn if projectile misses/you’re blinded/enemy blocks or dodges it)
  • projectile needs LoS! =(
  • projectile is better visible than something that looks exatly like you (this changes from enemy to enemy but i believe it is)

Why would this skill be op if it directly spawns a clone at our enemy? Here’s my explanation:
There are no visuals that would signal the burst of for example shatterbuilds! If the mez is fast enough he can just burst out of nothing. that’s op. (pls don’t come at me with “but thieves can backstab out of nothing too QQ”-.-)

~ Me Games Ma

This is exactly what happens in a GS shatter setup right now and for a lone time; it has been, it is and would be fine.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


The thing about being a projectile is for me not about how well it works – for sure it should work ok if like mirror blade.

No the problem is that it takes a skill that had the potential to be something with a little uniqueness, and turns it into a fairly dull copy of another skill on another weapon set. If the animation is done in a way that makes sword #3 feel unique, and not simply mirror blade 2.0 with the ability to port to your clone, then I’ll be more happy to accept it.

If Anet really have no clue – and I mean absolutely zero ideas into improving the leap/swap mechanic, then I will concede and accept more mundane alternatives, because a boring skill that functions 100% of the time is better than a unique skill that rarely works.

I hope though that they can fix and maintain some decent potential for deception with sword #3.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


The thing about being a projectile is for me not about how well it works – for sure it should work ok if like mirror blade.

No the problem is that it takes a skill that had the potential to be something with a little uniqueness, and turns it into a fairly dull copy of another skill on another weapon set. If the animation is done in a way that makes sword #3 feel unique, and not simply mirror blade 2.0 with the ability to port to your clone, then I’ll be more happy to accept it.

If Anet really have no clue – and I mean absolutely zero ideas into improving the leap/swap mechanic, then I will concede and accept more mundane alternatives, because a boring skill that functions 100% of the time is better than a unique skill that rarely works.

I hope though that they can fix and maintain some decent potential for deception with sword #3.

I absolutely agree with your sentiment, this is what I’ve been trying to say, thanks for saying it better. It’s just I am convinced that Anet doesn’t have a clue and will never be able and/or willing to improve the current mechanic into something that actually functions.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097



1. Fixed
2. Fixed feature build
3. Complicated, technically terrain related bugs. All classes have this issue to some extent.

I play all the classes enough to know that no, they don’t have these issues like mesmers do. The Devs have a clue as to what has to happen but they wont be fixing a game engine terrain bug for what is essentially a mesmer only problem. So REWORK!

Unblockable projectile that spawns a clone behind the enemy? It would prevent immediate melee cleave which could help with swap being able to function. Would add slight deception as to which way the enemy needs to turn to attack.

Alternatively, they could bring back an underused mechanic: Hold the button to charge a skill. Tap for the mesmer to actually leap (no clone spawned but some dmg+immob). Hold down for half a second to summon a leap clone and then tap again to swap(still immob). This would still have a buggy clone leap involved sometimes but would add a bit of a mind game to it while giving us a guaranteed self leap.

However, if they gave the mesmer an actual leap this brings up the question of if the mesmer should be able to leap without a target and if they would be willing to give us an actual leap to begin with.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

This is exactly what happens in a GS shatter setup right now and for a lone time; it has been, it is and would be fine.

I’ll just add a link to a video where I show you that why I don’t want it to be a projectile!
(Just need to upload it Here it is^_^) :P

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

(edited by Me Games Ma.8426)

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Yes I get what you’re saying, that in a perfect setup like that the skill works great. But most people here aren’t complaining about it not working on perfectly flat ground with an opponent standing still in front of you when you fire the skill.

What I’m saying is that even with a projectile being dodged sometimes that overall it would result in more frequent successful immobilizes than the current skill. It would be a tradeoff for more reliability.

I think many would agree that a skill that does really cool stuff sometimes but completely fails plenty of other times is not preferable to a skill that does less cool stuff but works every time exactly how you expect it to.

Like most of our class skills, sword 3 is a cool concept that Anet doesn’t have the ability or expertise to actually pull off correctly, for whatever reason, so a simpler skill that never fails to work as expected is the better option at this point.

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I never told you that the skill wasn’t buggy as f***. I just showed you one of the many things why I would NEVER change it into a projectile.

The actual skill was dodged in the video. The swap wasn’t. I was able to get 1 of the enemys dodges for nothing! That’s what I want to keep. With the skill working as projectile you wouldn’t be able to get a dodge AND the immob but only the dodge OR the immob!

Sure that wouldn’t work on e.g. stairs or a roof of a building. But that’s the thing anet has to fix. Just keep the mechanics but actually FIX it. It is ridiculous that we have to come up with suggestions like you did just to make them finally fix our skills.

I’m against your suggestion because it’d take away the many ways we can use that extremly great skill. We need an idea that would let us keep the skills design but also fix it.


Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


All they need is to allow it to actually leap up the y axis or just visually leap and literally teleport. The porting to a dead clone fix was actually a fix, its just they entirely disregarded the bugs it has atm.

The izerker ports right next to the target on command, so the teleport effect is already there it’s just about making the clone look like it is leaping without actually being there to intercept AoE and die before swap can be activated.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”