[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


Before i post it in the bugs forum, I wanted to be sure that it is a bug.
I am sure most of you noticed that sometimes the Phantasm won’t come out.

Actually, if you dodge Echo of Memory shorty before the phantasm is summoned. The Chronomancer won’t be able to summon it. The same goes for invulnerable and such.
This so unreliable….

So please, what do you think? is it a bug? or is it intended?

(edited by Seyiwaji.4082)

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Before i post it in the bugs forum, I wanted to be sure that it is a bug.
I am sure most of you noticed that sometimes the Phantasm won’t come out.

Actually, if you dodge Echo of Memory shorty before the phantasm is summoned. The Chronomancer won’t be able to summon it. The same goes for invulnerable and such.
This so unreliable….

So please, what do you think? is it a bug? or is it intended?

I haven’t tested it myself, but I can tell you that invuln will block phantasm summons. Dodge/evade/block/aegis should not. If those affect echo of memory, then it’s absolutely a large bug.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


I only tested it with dodge and evade. I didn’t try aegis or Block.
And Yes it won’t summon if the enemies dodge.
I wonder why nobody noticed.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I only tested it with dodge and evade. I didn’t try aegis or Block.
And Yes it won’t summon if the enemies dodge.
I wonder why nobody noticed.

Probably introduced in the most recent patch.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


well…. it is like this since the beta
As they changed the block to continious block. I talk about it now, just because I begin to be kittened off with Chrono.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


Well dodging interrupts the channel, and if you don’t complete the channel, you don’t have the phantasm. As far as I know, it has always been like this as a continuous block indeed.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


I am talking about the enemy’s dodging.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Make sure:

-You dont auto before the block ends ( summon just happen in the end)
-Have a target when begin blocking (same like when you turn off autotargeting and use decoy to skip it wont spawn a clone vs autotargeting)
-Same about other phantasms (invul targets/blind/on range/ LoS).

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


what are you talking about?

I tell you, the phantasm won’t be summoned if the enemy dodge short before the summon.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


this bug is real; echo of memory is the only phantasm skill that can be evaded and won’t make a phantasm

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Throwing this out there …

I get the history and inconsistency of other phantasm spawns being unable to be evaded, but from a pure game play/counter play perspective, why shouldn’t our phantasm spawns be able to be dodged?

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Throwing this out there …

I get the history and inconsistency of other phantasm spawns being unable to be evaded, but from a pure game play/counter play perspective, why shouldn’t our phantasm spawns be able to be dodged?

Because they can already be blinded, invulned, and the actual phantasms themselves can be blinded, dodged, invulned, cced, kited, or killed. The skills already have more opportunities and options for counterplay than any other skills in the entire game.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Throwing this out there …

I get the history and inconsistency of other phantasm spawns being unable to be evaded, but from a pure game play/counter play perspective, why shouldn’t our phantasm spawns be able to be dodged?

Because they can already be blinded, invulned, and the actual phantasms themselves can be blinded, dodged, invulned, cced, kited, or killed. The skills already have more opportunities and options for counterplay than any other skills in the entire game.

I get it … ultimately Anet needs to be consistent about this. So let’s call bug for now.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


So after 7 months, nothing was done.
Shield 4 [Echo of Memory]
Is unreliable, playing a phantasm build with chronophantasma: It just make it useless.
Every single evade skills that you block won’t allow you to cast a Phantasm (blurred frenzy, Unrelenting Assault) , this is a bit ridiculous.

But dev don’t care about it, if after 7 Month it was not reviewed.
It is a pain to fully chanel for a phantasm that won’t be summoned. I mean we are talking about evade and Phantasm.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I have this on vid XD

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


I guess they only take care about things that are massively discussed.
As i reported it 7 months ago, nobody really cared about it. People even thought i was talking sensless things and advice me not to dodge or use a skill before the cast end.

So i understood that those mesmers were not far/experienced enough to understand the problem. So i just let it go.

I repeat this bug is there since Beta.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


are the dev aware of the ISSUE?

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


hmm someone (I think MaPko? Sorry if I got your name wrong) made a video guide that has this bug documented but his thread is gone for some reason :o

Look at 3:10. Basically you can work around this bug by having a target and jump at the end of channel. Since phantasm only spawn then you’re on the ground, this buys you slightly more time to get pass that evade frame. I’ve tried plenty of times and this does work, though if opponent has crazy evade time frame like blurred frenzy/unrelentless assault it’s still prone to miss.

Edit: Further details inside though, looks like you’re not suppose to hit another skill before the phantasm spawn so its like 0.5s of just walking after you land on the ground. I haven’t have that problem much when I tested a while ago.

(edited by NICENIKESHOE.7128)

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


i was using all this methods long ago, even before his vid. This is not the problem.
I would like them to fix their game.
Using mechanic to try to overcome a bug is not something i like. Considering that those devs are called Professional.

Each time i see this https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/98802888-Known-Issue-Tracker
i want to vomit.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


It may or may not worth anything, but at least in wiki it is recognized as a bug. And yes, its taking far too long…

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


i was using all this methods long ago, even before his vid. This is not the problem.
I would like them to fix their game.
Using mechanic to try to overcome a bug is not something i like. Considering that those devs are called Professional.

Each time i see this https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/98802888-Known-Issue-Tracker
i want to vomit.

Yeah, I have to agree wholeheartedly here. While workarounds are useful, potentially necessary, and nice to have, what would be nicer to have is severe bugs being fixed in a timely manner.

I’ll see what I can do to get this recognized at a more relevant level; with luck they might fix it by 2018 instead of 2020.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


i believe invulnerable is intended to prevent phantasms but not evasion. Echo of Memory is arbitrarily different with no documentation!

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Exciton.8942


Before i post it in the bugs forum, I wanted to be sure that it is a bug.
I am sure most of you noticed that sometimes the Phantasm won’t come out.

Actually, if you dodge Echo of Memory shorty before the phantasm is summoned. The Chronomancer won’t be able to summon it. The same goes for invulnerable and such.
This so unreliable….

So please, what do you think? is it a bug? or is it intended?

I haven’t tested it myself, but I can tell you that invuln will block phantasm summons. Dodge/evade/block/aegis should not. If those affect echo of memory, then it’s absolutely a large bug.

It has been like this for a long time.

Dodging the shield4 phantasm spawn is an important thing to do when dueling condition mesmer.

But afaik block don’t prevent the phantasm spawan

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


speaking of bug, what about Restorative Illusions? it still said “Conditions Removed: 1”

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Exciton.8942


hmm someone (I think MaPko? Sorry if I got your name wrong) made a video guide that has this bug documented but his thread is gone for some reason :o

Look at 3:10. Basically you can work around this bug by having a target and jump at the end of channel. Since phantasm only spawn then you’re on the ground, this buys you slightly more time to get pass that evade frame. I’ve tried plenty of times and this does work, though if opponent has crazy evade time frame like blurred frenzy/unrelentless assault it’s still prone to miss.

Edit: Further details inside though, looks like you’re not suppose to hit another skill before the phantasm spawn so its like 0.5s of just walking after you land on the ground. I haven’t have that problem much when I tested a while ago.

This doesn’t work anymore.
Now if you use jump trick, your phantasm simply won’t spawn.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


speaking of bug, what about Restorative Illusions? it still said “Conditions Removed: 1”


[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


speaking of bug, what about Restorative Illusions? it still said “Conditions Removed: 1”


Conditions, plural, not Condition.
The old one, before the merge with healing, it was remove a condition per clone and no heal so it was ok to use conditions.
Spelling mistake? I hope so or is it a “bug” like the mantra recharge?

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


speaking of bug, what about Restorative Illusions? it still said “Conditions Removed: 1”


Conditions, plural, not Condition.
The old one, before the merge with healing, it was remove a condition per clone and no heal so it was ok to use conditions.
Spelling mistake? I hope so or is it a “bug” like the mantra recharge?

I think getting uppity about the plural construction of a word when the quantity is spelled out explicitly is beyond absurd.

Edit: Besides, it’s not even grammatically incorrect. Let me rephrase it: “The number of conditions this skill removes is 1.” Using the singular in this way “The number of condition this skill removes is 1” is obviously incorrect.

(edited by Fay.2357)

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


The plural is referring to the condition itself, if it was “condition removed: 1” it implies that it only removes 1 type of condition, like immobilise but nothing else. It’s not a bug nor is it incorrect.

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


The plural is referring to the condition itself, if it was “condition removed: 1” it implies that it only removes 1 type of condition, like immobilise but nothing else. It’s not a bug nor is it incorrect.

I see, this I accept

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

There’s certainly a condition at play here, but it has nothing to do with the game XD

We can all agree it needs removing. :D

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Takashiro.8701


I’d love them to remove that aswell, however.. On the wiki page this is not listed as bug, only as anomaly. Meaning while it works different from other phantasm summoning skills, this is probably intended?

(edited by Takashiro.8701)

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I’d love them to remove that aswell, however.. On the wiki page this is not listed as bug, only as anomaly. Meaning while it works different from other phantasm summoning skills, this is probably intended?

Wiki is player-maintained, so don’t take what it says as law. It definitely is an anomaly, that doesn’t mean it isn’t also a bug.