Bug or feature? Blink - camera turns 180°
Just tested it now, targeted and non-targeted, no change in the camera. Blinking or using phase retreat.
It seems to happen randomly. I can definately say that it happens to me quite often.
this happens to me randomly without even using Blink. Very annoying glitch.
This usually happens when you use it to break stuns, especially knockdowns. I guess it’s a bug, but since illusionary leap is bugged for like forever i doubt it’s high up on their todo list.
never happened to me and i use blink all the time
It happens to me a lot too. Almost every time I blink off a knockdown.
Happens here as well. I run back into AoE’s a bunch when this happens.
I use blink quite a lot in pve and wvw and only really notice this when I use it to break out of fear. most commonly during claw of jormag fight.