As many of you know, the Invincible Mesmer build lost its retaliation effect and some survivability with the new update. However, I have finally come up with a build that has slightly lower tanking abilities, with massive condition damage.
Weapons – and why
Staff –
Chaos armor, gives protection, regeneration, swiftness, randomly, also applies confusion and blindness!
Chaos Storm. applies aegis for blocking (retaliation) and you will usually get more than one of these in while fighting inside your chaos storm. In addition it also grants retaliation! It all adds up in duration to about 20(s), that’s a good long while of damage from just being struck! you also apply weakness and poison to enemies and chill which increases their recharge time by 66%! Combine this with the daze from chaos storm and your enemy will be unable to use some skills fo a good while
you also get ethereal field, when combined with leap, that’s even more chaos armor. (leap with veil grants more retaliation – veil is one of the utility skills)
Scepter + Torch
The scepter creates clones every third attack from ether bolt, this comes in handy for shattering. The new torment skill is applied through a successful block using the #2 torch skill and is very powerful, especially when the enemy is moving ( this skill aso applies retaliation for blocking the attack!!! Confusing images gives 5 stacks of confusion for some pretty insane damage.
The torch really has come up in this build, The prestige skill grants stealth (boons – aegis and therefore more retaliation) and burning upon the skill ending (blast finisher). The blast finisher when combined with ethereal field give aoe chaos armor for 5 seconds. Phantasmal Mage gives you more retaliation and stacks 3 confusions on the target! What more could you ask for?
For this build you will want to be using Rabid armor for high toughness, high precision, and high condition damage. I Have not figured out what runes to use yet, open to suggestions
Dueling 20 – III, X
3(s) retaliation when you block – stacks duration and adds up!
Create clones when you dodge – comes in handy when shattering
Chaos 30 – V, X, XII
clones apply random condition when killed – extra damage
staff skills recharge 20% faster
cloaking skills last 1(s) longer, gain boons every second (protection,regeneration, aegis) – aegis allows blocking, aka retaliation
Illusions 20 – II, V
confusion lasts 33% longer – good for damage
cry of frustration grants retaliation – also applies confusion!
Utility Skills
Healing: Ether Feast
Veil, Decoy, (what ever floats your boat) i use Portal entry
Mass invisibility or timewarp.
- Additional Notes*
This build will inflict Extreme condition damage due to stacks of torment, retaliation, confusion, bleeds.
base skill rotation
scepter 1 x3
scepter 2
torch 5
scepter 3
scepter 1 till 2 pops up
scepter 2
torch 4 [switch staff]
stakitten stand in chaos storm for blast
staff 3
veil stand in it
staff 2
staff 4 [switch to scepter]
-repeat but skip first attack(scepter 1×3)-