{Build} Butterfly assassin

{Build} Butterfly assassin

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darkfire.2950


Disclaimers, yay
This is my first build to create from scratch and Im sure there is some work that needs to be done to fix this up some, condi duration for stuns maybe. But currently, with the little testing I have done with it, it works out well enough.
Im not a great player so this build may be absolute junk lol. I have only played around with it on npcs in hotm because I am poor, lack money and time to build it to test in wvw, and again, I feel I am not good enough to really give it a proper play in wvw currently. I never play glass cannons so this is a huuuuge difference in play style for me.

Anyways, lets get on with the show.

The idea was to build a character around the idea of an assassin, I feel like Dondagora had a similar concept for his smurf build, just a different way to implement the idea. I want to run with a zerg with this for survivability, as it is very glassy and Im not sure how well it will survive in roaming, plus you can grab might and other boons from allies to help you out.The idea is to find a squishy backline enemy, get to them, kill them, and gtfo out of Dodge before too many people notice you are there. The cooldowns would allow you to get back to a full rotation every 45 seconds if you dont choose to, or need to, use mass invisibility.

I cant say I have seen something exactly like this around yet, Im sure something out there is similar at least. But if it’s out there already feel free to let me know.

Sword/Pistol for main player killing, with staff for getting away quickly and maybe a final blow.

Sword and pistol – sigils of ice, just to help kind of lock the enemy skills down a little more.
Staff – hydromancy, so if they arent dead then they are going to get another chill and have a harder time following you, as will anyone around them.
I guess you could also run geomancy sigil on staff, so if they arent dead yet, they will have a nice condi tick, not much damage, but its still something to annoy them.

Full zerker with runes of the ogre for added damage and power, the rock dog is a nice touch as well, but not my main reason for the choice.

zerker on all save earrings, which i put the coral orichalcum for extra precision.
All trinkets have emeralds for added precision and a little bit of tough for some survivability.

The build is 10/30/0/0/30 – its kind of a bursty/stun shatter build

10 in Domination – Mindwrack damage
30 in Dueling – Precision with sword, Reduce pistol cd, and Dodge roll clones
30 in Illusions – Mindwrack crit, recharge of shatters at 50% hp, and illusionary persona
Not only do the traits themselves help, but Dueling with precision and crit damage, and Illusions with shatter recharge rate are a big reason why i picked those lines.

Prayer to Dwayna – since you wont have many illusions up due to shattering
Mirror Images – for a very quick initial burst Mindwrack
Blink – cuz its awesome and for a quick get away
Signet of Domination – solely for the stun
Mass invisi – either as a get in sneaky or a gtfo sneaky if you want

Rotation and play:
The way I have been doing this, mind I have only done this in hotm, is to just get as big of a burst as possible as quickly as possible and then just keep stuns and dazes up until i can get another burst.

Rotation i have used it as follows:
Initial Burst:
Illusionary leap -> Swap -> Blurred Frenzy -> Mirror Images -> Mindwrack

Magic Bullet -> Phantasmal Duelist -> Dodge roll -> Signet of Dom -> Auto attacks

Final burst:
Dodge roll -> Mindwrack -> Swap to staff -> Phantasmal retreat -> blink
Then you can drop a chaos storm on the zerg after you get safely behind the wall of allies lol.

So far I have not made it through the whole rotation unless the npcs block a lot of my attacks, which happens about half the time. But I can usually get them downed before the second mindwrack comes into play.

Please feel free to decimate this build as you wish. This is really my first from scratch build, normally I find something I like and just tweak it a bit. Any help to make this maybe more viable would be appreciated. Or, if its complete junk I can throw this idea out the window. I know there are some survivabilty issues, and probably more issues, with this build, but at least I have a start out there now and all of you can help me tweak this to make it better and maybe make a new fad if it turns out to be any good.

I cannot say that currently I will attempt to run this, I just made this as a kind of fun thought-provoking challenge for myself to soak up some time lol.

Cheers in advance for any tips or fixes and have a great day/night

{Build} Butterfly assassin

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


In most cases and unless you’re really good, running full berzerkers in a zerg is a bad thing. All you will do is cause half your opponent’s zerg to rally when you are dead.

Zerkers is better in solo or 5-man groups but if you really want to run zerkers in a zerg, you’re better off GS/Staff.

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{Build} Butterfly assassin

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

One thing I’d like to know:
Why did you choose 2 Sigils of Superior Ice? It doesn’t stack I think…

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{Build} Butterfly assassin

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


umm, I’m not trying to be really mean or anything, but this is just like the Original Shattercat build by Osicat. I wouldn’t really call changin utilities a form of tweaking the build. Again, it is very solid overall, just saying that it is basically the same mostly…

{Build} Butterfly assassin

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darkfire.2950


I hadnt really thought abt the rallying point, so on that idk lol.

idk how sigils work other than if one goes on cooldown they all do. Thats my understanding of it at least. I just did 2 ice so that if one procced I would still get the ice affect I wanted.

hahaha, holy crud your right :P i hadnt even looked at that build before. Well pooh, i guess we can scrap this thread then lol. Thanks for letting me know

{Build} Butterfly assassin

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


No no! Don’t scrap the thread! That’s not what I meant! We all want you to be motivated to work harder on an existing build if that’s where you need to start. It’s ok to start from scratch, just make sure that your build makes a difference, or turns out even better than the scratch one.

{Build} Butterfly assassin

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Yea, full berserker isnt a good idea for zergs :P

I personally like going with 2050 armor, which is achieved by making the helm shoulderpiece coat and skirt knight’s :P.

Some still think its way too low, and they go full knight or soldier, but the 2050 armor really makes a difference compared to nothing :P.

10/30/0/0/30 is actually a roaming build, but we dont really have full zerg builds anymore, so you can kinda run anything :/.

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