[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So here’s what I put togeather and have been running around in WvW with. It’s very forgiving, and if you’re wanting a relaxed but powerful build this will serve. I can easily take a 1v2 easily, and probably more besides. All you gotta do is chug along, applying and reapplying your confusion, torment, blinds, interrupt for bursts, and applying slow. Enemies start out at you strong, and quickly go down. Also super easy to down camps.

Here’s yar build

Made a short vid, as per usual :D

Oh, so about Dire vs Rabid. Usually Rabid is considered the optimal option for Mesmer, and I don’t disagree. But because of the weapon setup there aint no strong bleed application that you might get from iDuelist. Vigor uptime is also less important as there’s full block/blind and CC loadout to cover the defensive side.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


So, without crit chance or staff clones, isn’t your spec into Dueling resting entirely on the strength of Mistrust and Blinding Dissipation?

Mistrust’s stacks are so low (relatively speaking), that it seems like you might get more out of either Domination or Chaos.

Chaos loses dps from Mistrust and BD+Ineptitude confusion stacks, but picks up dps from Chaotic Transference, Chaotic Persistence and Chaotic Interuption (might stacks). It makes up for the loss of BD blinds and dueling vigor by applying debuffs with CI and adding those lovely Chaos defensive traits.

Domination replaces the confusion stacks with extreme vulnerability stacking (one place where Rending Shatter might actually make sense) and boon stripping. Power block, meanwhile, compensates for the survivability loss of the BD blinds by applying weakness and recharge increases.

I just don’t see Sharper Images providing enough bleeds for your build to make up for the gains you’d make in Chaos or Dom.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I like the sigils of mischief!

Do you struggle against enemy condition classes/builds given your only cleanse is on traited torch, even with all the vitality provided by dire?

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, you can swap out decoy for mantra cleanse if you’re running into heavy condi users. You won’t feel the pressure to need it, unless you’re being trained by a zerg and need that extra stealth. Mass invis in the elite is, obviously, the best additional thing to deal with heavy focus from overwhelming numbers (double it up with continuum shift).

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So, without crit chance or staff clones, isn’t your spec into Dueling resting entirely on the strength of Mistrust and Blinding Dissipation?

Mistrust’s stacks are so low (relatively speaking), that it seems like you might get more out of either Domination or Chaos.

Chaos loses dps from Mistrust and BD+Ineptitude confusion stacks, but picks up dps from Chaotic Transference, Chaotic Persistence and Chaotic Interuption (might stacks). It makes up for the loss of BD blinds and dueling vigor by applying debuffs with CI and adding those lovely Chaos defensive traits.

Domination replaces the confusion stacks with extreme vulnerability stacking (one place where Rending Shatter might actually make sense) and boon stripping. Power block, meanwhile, compensates for the survivability loss of the BD blinds by applying weakness and recharge increases.

I just don’t see Sharper Images providing enough bleeds for your build to make up for the gains you’d make in Chaos or Dom.

Dueling wasnt taken for sharper images. For that you’d need rabid, preferably better phantasms to apply good bleeds, you’d gain vigor, and it’d be smarter at that point to take DE. The best draw of Dueling is Blinding Dissipation which has great synergy with Ineptitude. Sure, it’s not going to proc great condi burst stacks, but it is a constant output, and those blinds are strong.

Having said that, while at work out riding my bike today it occurred to me that Chaos was a great alternative. You get your manipulation synergy, more condi damage, and either CI or Bountiful Disillusionment. CI is really for the might stacks more’so than the imobs, but W/E. I’ve always really liked BD, the stabos is solid, you get a bit of might, and other boons to boot. If you really want, or you’re Pyro, you could also swap sw/to out for staff if that’s more your thing. But again, W/E.

It’d look something like this- (note manipulations focus)

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Starmiz.3298


@Ross: Interesting. I had intended to try out something similar but great to see your take on it. Though I got a few questions. Why did you pick sword/torch over a staff? I haven’t really done WvW with my mesmer so I don’t know the torch well but I would have thought that the staff provides great synergy with condition builds. I also noticed that you didn’t pick up PU in your 2nd build where you changed to Chaos despite using both torch and mass invis. Is it no longer worth it to use PU compared to the other traits?

@Alpha: I like your suggestion with Chaos instead of Dueling. I had probably been overestimating the worth of BD and I have been uncertain about how much the bleeds on crit adds, but I certainly see the value that Chaos brings. Still, you meantion staff clones so I was wondering if using a staff instead of sword/torch made it worth using Dueling instead of Chaos.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tealots.6095


This is what I toy with when I log on. Not perfect, but it’s fun. You can probably swap out Signet of Midnight for the mantra cleanse if you don’t like managing your blocks and blurs on top of the healing well. Then in that case, you can swap out the heal well for Mirror.


[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


@Ross: Interesting. I had intended to try out something similar but great to see your take on it. Though I got a few questions. Why did you pick sword/torch over a staff? I haven’t really done WvW with my mesmer so I don’t know the torch well but I would have thought that the staff provides great synergy with condition builds. I also noticed that you didn’t pick up PU in your 2nd build where you changed to Chaos despite using both torch and mass invis. Is it no longer worth it to use PU compared to the other traits?

@Alpha: I like your suggestion with Chaos instead of Dueling. I had probably been overestimating the worth of BD and I have been uncertain about how much the bleeds on crit adds, but I certainly see the value that Chaos brings. Still, you meantion staff clones so I was wondering if using a staff instead of sword/torch made it worth using Dueling instead of Chaos.

Well, in this case the issue is one of focus.

Staff Clones apply the same conditions as the Staff AA, so staff clones are a viable source of bleed/burn. However, that comes with some caveats:
1. Without Sharper Images backed by a reasonable crit chance, those condis are not very competitive (SI is about 1/4 – 1/3 of the dps from staff clones).
2. The clones have to attack. If you’re shattering your clones faster than they can attack, then you’re not getting your investment out of them (and they attack slower than you do).
3. Full dps relies on the staff bounces hitting your target twice, or at least hitting enemies on the bounce (for aoe). The boons from hitting your allies are not nearly as valuable.

But with Dire gear, dueling falls off because Sharper Images isn’t doing much. The staff is likewise affected, you’re losing dps.
Add to that, alacrity means Confusing Images is coming off cooldown well before the swap cooldown, and you’re losing scepter dps by swapping to staff.
So instead, you grab a torch and rely on the iMage to make up the difference (since iMage’s dps is roughly equivalent to a SI’ed staff clone). Chronophantasma helps, as you’ll get more out of the iMage than you would out of a clone during a shatter rotation, and definitely more than you would out of an iWarlock.

The biggest loss really is Chaos Storm, which is a potential aoe interrupt…but shield does that better anyway.

Edit: I’d like to also point out that the original build with Dueling could gain some mileage by swapping torch for pistol. Rely more on shield for your defenses, trait Duelist’s Discipline to supplement Sharper Images, and use Magic Bullet to get more interrupts. And since you’re interrupt oriented anyway, you’ll be getting iDuelist and Magic Bullet off cooldown a lot, especially as swapping out torch means you’ll be able to grab Persistence of Memory. So iDuelists will be getting a lot of volleys, and will potentially be a really strong source of shatter fodder. That makes Mistrust more valuable, as the constant refresh on Magic Bullet gets more frequent interrupts, and the icd-less Mistrust will gain some ground against Perplexity.
It’s a more offensive build, but really enhances the interrupt synergies.

(edited by AlphatheWhite.9351)

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

@Ross: Interesting. I had intended to try out something similar but great to see your take on it. Though I got a few questions. Why did you pick sword/torch over a staff? I haven’t really done WvW with my mesmer so I don’t know the torch well but I would have thought that the staff provides great synergy with condition builds. I also noticed that you didn’t pick up PU in your 2nd build where you changed to Chaos despite using both torch and mass invis. Is it no longer worth it to use PU compared to the other traits?

So back when I started Mes, and the game, Staff was something I took, and also felt was necessary for survival. While staff can be a powerful offensive tool, it’s primarily a defensive tool, and otherwise a passive weapon. In any game mode it can serve a purpose and I understand why people take it. After moving away from it, I never really went back.

That said, the reason for the torch was that this is WvW. Stealth allows us Mesmers to run all over the place and get out of sticky situations. So it’s less about the offensive qualities present in a condi build and more about the utility. Sword is more or less the same purpose. The iLeap is for the imob to catch and shatter upon an opponent. BF is another evade. I find myself sitting in scepter/shield most of the time and only swapping over for that utility when it’s needed.

Now you could take staff. You get the extra leap, chaos armor, and chaos storm. If you take Chaos you could trait for it too. However staff, being a defensive weapon, isnt really necessary in this build because of the sheer amount of defensive qualities already present to it. This also serves to answer the question of why not PU. Sure, you’d get more stealth, but stealth was necessary on vanilla mesmer roaming because it provided necessary aegis, and protection to save us from the hostile nature of WvW. In place of that we have the weapon setup I went with, which includes the defensive qualities of the shield, slow, a TON of CC, more blinds than ever, alacrity for more skills more often…. you get the idea. It all adds up and in the end, how necessary is staff anymore in place of those other features other weapons provide?

Also, by taking torch as a stealth source, and with MI x2 thanks to C split, we can comfortably drop decoy for some much needed condi cleanse. There’s just good synergy present if you look at everything as a whole.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


On the other hand, Chaotic Dampening + Alacrity = good times.

For future reference, the actual cdr/final cooldown with 100% chaos armor and alacrity uptime is:
Phase retreat: 54.6%/4.5s
iWarlock: 58.4%/7.5s
Chaos Armor: 60.6%/13.8s
Chaos Storm: 60.6%/13.8s

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: unknownchaos.1425


Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.


[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blades of Sabatine.5639

Blades of Sabatine.5639

So here’s what I put togeather and have been running around in WvW with. It’s very forgiving, and if you’re wanting a relaxed but powerful build this will serve. I can easily take a 1v2 easily, and probably more besides. All you gotta do is chug along, applying and reapplying your confusion, torment, blinds, interrupt for bursts, and applying slow. Enemies start out at you strong, and quickly go down. Also super easy to down camps.

Here’s yar build

Made a short vid, as per usual

Oh, so about Dire vs Rabid. Usually Rabid is considered the optimal option for Mesmer, and I don’t disagree. But because of the weapon setup there aint no strong bleed application that you might get from iDuelist. Vigor uptime is also less important as there’s full block/blind and CC loadout to cover the defensive side.

Ha ha,
Am laughing not at the build but at the sigil used. The blind one. I posted a build using that just before HOT came out. It was fun. And as a condi blind to confusion it was really good.

Glad that someone else is using it. It was one of those sigils that people thought had no value and no use.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

Bad post/ Unconstructive.

This is how NOT to post on the forums, particularly the Mesmer forum.

You walked into the wrong thread, buddy ;D Have another go though, you might learn something.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: unknownchaos.1425


Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

Bad post/ Unconstructive.

This is how NOT to post on the forums, particularly the Mesmer forum.

You walked into the wrong thread, buddy ;D Have another go though, you might learn something.

I can post my opinion. Your build is bad. The video is even worse.

My post is very constructive . it will steer players that don’t know any better away from this sub par build.


[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

Bad post/ Unconstructive.

This is how NOT to post on the forums, particularly the Mesmer forum.

You walked into the wrong thread, buddy ;D Have another go though, you might learn something.

I can post my opinion. Your build is bad. The video is even worse.

My post is very constructive . it will steer players that don’t know any better away from this sub par build.

Rofl, such fail.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

There’s an assumption in your post that there is a “way” to play a dire mesmer, and this isn’kitten
But…you don’t supply any alternative, or reason that this is the case? The last video you posted was before chrono release, so I’m not sure how I can place any stock in your assertion based on your history, so I have to rely on the things you say.

So…what makes your declaration any different from any of the unfounded bullkitten that we hear from random warriors and thieves that cross through the forums looking for a fight?

Furthermore, Ross isn’t proposing some superior approach, he’s posting a build that he’s been trying and having success with. I mean, he’s explicitly going out of his way to try something different, and that’s all the post is.

If he’s having success with that, what grounds do you have to say that it doesn’t work?
Maybe you have an alternative that is so much better it makes his build a wasted effort?

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: unknownchaos.1425


Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

There’s an assumption in your post that there is a “way” to play a dire mesmer, and this isn’kitten
But…you don’t supply any alternative, or reason that this is the case? The last video you posted was before chrono release, so I’m not sure how I can place any stock in your assertion based on your history, so I have to rely on the things you say.

So…what makes your declaration any different from any of the unfounded bullkitten that we hear from random warriors and thieves that cross through the forums looking for a fight?

Furthermore, Ross isn’t proposing some superior approach, he’s posting a build that he’s been trying and having success with. I mean, he’s explicitly going out of his way to try something different, and that’s all the post is.

If he’s having success with that, what grounds do you have to say that it doesn’t work?
Maybe you have an alternative that is so much better it makes his build a wasted effort?

I do have a much better alternative. I have a build that works. It’s 100% based 1vX roaming. I play on magumma on the off hours. I am permanently outmanned. Having a build that works is a huge deal.

This bad build posted on this thread is at best a ,1v1 deuling , test , I’m bored build.

Just keeping it real.


[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


I do have a much better alternative. I have a build that works. It’s 100% based 1vX roaming. I play on magumma on the off hours. I am permanently outmanned. Having a build that works is a huge deal.

Sweet! What is it?

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raikao.4130


Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

There’s an assumption in your post that there is a “way” to play a dire mesmer, and this isn’kitten
But…you don’t supply any alternative, or reason that this is the case? The last video you posted was before chrono release, so I’m not sure how I can place any stock in your assertion based on your history, so I have to rely on the things you say.

So…what makes your declaration any different from any of the unfounded bullkitten that we hear from random warriors and thieves that cross through the forums looking for a fight?

Furthermore, Ross isn’t proposing some superior approach, he’s posting a build that he’s been trying and having success with. I mean, he’s explicitly going out of his way to try something different, and that’s all the post is.

If he’s having success with that, what grounds do you have to say that it doesn’t work?
Maybe you have an alternative that is so much better it makes his build a wasted effort?

I do have a much better alternative. I have a build that works. It’s 100% based 1vX roaming. I play on magumma on the off hours. I am permanently outmanned. Having a build that works is a huge deal.

This bad build posted on this thread is at best a ,1v1 deuling , test , I’m bored build.

Just keeping it real.

Post your build. But then people could turn around and kitten all over your build too and oh let me guess: You wont post your build, cause you don’t want to spoon feed all the noobs right?
You’re kittenty attitude alone makes anyone not give a kitten about what you think anyway. But just for a laugh, try it. Post that MLG420 build. I’m actually curious to see that build, that is SO GOOD, you feel the need to belittle other people’s builds.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curennos.9307


Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

Bad post/ Unconstructive.

This is how NOT to post on the forums, particularly the Mesmer forum.

You walked into the wrong thread, buddy ;D Have another go though, you might learn something.

I can post my opinion. Your build is bad. The video is even worse.

My post is very constructive . it will steer players that don’t know any better away from this sub par build.

Your opinion is worthless without support. Meanwhile, the OP has given a build link and a video. That’s a lot more support for their stance than you’ve given for yours.

As someone who just started hopping into PvP today on a Mesmer, I’d pay more attention to the OP than you :P I’m be glad to take advice, but your presentation makes you look foolish.

OP – if you would, what changes would you make to your build to adjust it for sPvP? I’m avoiding WvW due to being impatient. When I want to kill things I want to kill things -now-. I’m currently jumping back and forth between a power/crit/ferocity (greatsword, 1hsword-shield – here http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAR8encfC9fi1fCufCEgilUjicAOgAo8DSuupeZr2sF-T1RBABFtBAaKBNUTApq/oxTA4LlfAcRAAA-w) switching back and forth between Lost Time and Chronophantasma. Plopping down the damaging well, stunning with the shield 5 and then going into sword 2 is kinda amusing.

aaaand condi build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJAbWncfC9fi1fCufCEgilejyMAuA1jar+qovWHFDA-TlxHABOpEksNAm9JAoo6PAcIAKS5HA-w
WIth this one, I try to maintain 100% uptime on Protection via staff 2 on wells or staff 5.

I’ve been pondering trying for an interrupt/chrono-well build. Any advice on that? I imagine I’d switch out the damaging well for the Mantra of distraction. I really have little clue on how interrupts work though, so any information on that is apprecaited as well I assume

Lastly, nice video…although the first kill was kinda bad sportsmanship :P

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I’d say Obs is probably running on an inflated ego as he has a pretty solid posting history of WvW roaming play (shatter spike montages etc). So it’s not like he’s inexperienced, or can’t (or wont) produce a video when he’s done making one. This is, of course, if I’m thinking of the right person.

As for the attitude, well that speaks for itself.

Really the trouble is the ignorance presented as I never overstated the builds worth. So the arrogance comes off superfluous. Like, you’re upset by something that doesnt exist, and beating on a wall while I stand back watching with an odd expression on my face, wondering wtf you’re doing.

Anyway, the other thing I found funny was Obs admission that, running the same build, he’d get sent back to spawn over and over. When, experientialy, i’ve not had that experience. Question I have is, does that say something about build or the player? As always people are free to draw their own conclusions.

As for the vid, yeah its an average piece of work. Was I meant to be entering a competition or something? Rofl.

Note: I already did enter a competition, still waiting on ChaosA to draw the results. kitten Chaos!

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367


I wouldnt even begin to recreate this build for PvP. You can get milage out of it in WvW because you have access to Dire stats, Perplexity runes, and can stack higher condi damage. PvP leaves you wanting in various areas.

If you want something though, check out Tealot’s build which he posted up above. It’s Chrono condi CC, so similar gameplay but better laid out for PvP. I wouldn’t run it myself in PvP simply because I like playing the roaming DPS roll (though I have tried it), thus I run the builds in my sig (for mes and chrono). I’ve got plenty of match vids on my youtube channel if you were wanting more points of reference.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: atheria.2837


Bad spec/ bad video.

This is how NOT to play a dire Mesmer.

Bad post/ Unconstructive.

This is how NOT to post on the forums, particularly the Mesmer forum.

You walked into the wrong thread, buddy ;D Have another go though, you might learn something.

I can post my opinion. Your build is bad. The video is even worse.

My post is very constructive . it will steer players that don’t know any better away from this sub par build.

Oh look, another “your build is trash” without posting a build and video of his own.

I am so sick of those who, even if they were telling the truth, won’t teach the rest of us even if it meant the demise of the game over time.

I am so tired of jerks and griefers in these forums – but I get infracted for saying much less “inflammatory” things like the truth.

Show your build and a “how to” video, or go shame yourself into uninstalling.

Good gosh.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ardamus.2730


Just looking for a build for my son, I play ele. Just had to comment here on mr. perfect I know what’s what. Well many here will tell you where to go. Me, I will say I am tired of little kids in this game pressing a few buttons every single time to win as such an accomplishment. I have seen good players take me down with skill, not press this and this too win. On top of that, they show respect to other players.

So, if you wish to comment with such a simple minded reply…..don’t next time. Or if you do grow up, give some details and explain a little bit more.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Just looking for a build for my son, I play ele. Just had to comment here on mr. perfect I know what’s what. Well many here will tell you where to go. Me, I will say I am tired of little kids in this game pressing a few buttons every single time to win as such an accomplishment. I have seen good players take me down with skill, not press this and this too win. On top of that, they show respect to other players.

So, if you wish to comment with such a simple minded reply…..don’t next time. Or if you do grow up, give some details and explain a little bit more.

Who are you talking too…. and what are you talking about?

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ardamus.2730


Oh sorry, not you, was about unknowchaos’s remarks.

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curo.2483


Ross, I think you’re on the right track with this build. Some points are debatable, like Torch with no PU, and torch not being that strong right now. But I guess there aren’t very many alternatives, and you need some kind of condi clear. I agree with your stance on staff completely. The first time I played a condi mes, I was using Mantra of Distraction, so I like the idea of an interrupt-based condi build. Also, what’s your opinion on using Trailblazer stats over Dire?

I’ve always historically liked ineptitude a lot, but one must consider: 1 stack of confusion and a blind on a 10 sec cooldown…is that really worth it?

It’s really hard to build a decent condi mesmer build since the effects we want are all spread out through too many different traits/trait lines. A lot of the good traits for these types of builds apply a weak amount of conditions, or provide only a slight defensive boost. There aren’t really any strong trait lines that stick out as 100% necessary – a fact that simultaneously allows for a large variety of condi builds, but also decreases the potency and effectiveness of the condi mes.

When theorycrafting, I generally end up in a situation where I’m missing key elements of the build. Either I don’t have enough sources of clones, enough condi removal, or enough condition application.

Just an example: I generally like a strong source of condi clear, but you can’t fit that into this build without either using inspiration, or torch without PU (which is weak). If you put in Mantra of Resolve, then the whole interrupt focus isn’t getting enough activators. That problem could be solved though with Mantra of Distraction taking the defensive slot of decoy, and then also using Resolve. And I believe that’s something you’ve discussed already. So yeah, you’re definitely on the right track. It just gets quite difficult when theorycrafting condi mes.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


Question, is this a good build for learning Mesmer? I’m just lol at anything other than Necro and Ele

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959

[Build] Condi Dire Chrono (WvW/Roaming)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Question, is this a good build for learning Mesmer? I’m just lol at anything other than Necro and Ele

In WvW? Something like this should be pretty easy.


Pretty much play as follows. Kite, kite, kite, proc clones and phantasms, when you have three, shatter. Whenever you have a f1, f2, or f3 shatter up with 3 clones/phants, shatter. Kite, and kite some more. Weapon swap as you please. Use your stealths to break target and open gaps, kite. Proc clones, shatter, kite. Do this until the enemy is downed. Stealth, stomp, kite. Oh and, kite- do this while shattering and… yeah you get the idea.

Dire is a very forgiving stat, as is a stealth setup, as is PU for defensive boons.

If you want to move on to other builds etc, then, after getting your feet wet, read the tooltips, practice practice practice. And watching vids of other players using Mes will help.

As for the build in the OP, you could use it. It’s fairly easy to accidentally land interrupts for full condi potential. However interrupts are technically a pro players game. That said, I might tweak the original build if I were to use it now. Don’t know, haven’t revisited it XD

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)