[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


This is more or less what I’m running now. I’ve made some other “Mindgasm” builds but I never get any comments so I tend to cry little purple butterflies until I fall asleep in a puddle of shattered dreams.

I like to roam with a small group in World vs World (Kill-Shot Warrior, Support Guardian, Bomb-Elixir Engineer and myself) so I play a sorta supporty-DPS hybrid. I like to stay alive via active defense / stealth although I’m transitioning out of a more tanky build. In dungeons I usually prefer reflects, but otherwise offer predominantly single-target burst dps. I’m officially in love with Ethereal Fields combined with Blast Finishers for group Chaos Armor.

Waiting on more Laurels / Commendations to try out some other Ascended Trinket options. Any tips or insight are appreciated!


0/10(IV)/30(IV,X,XII)/25(II & VIII or IV & X)/5

Sword / Sword & Staff
Sword / Sword & Scepter / Focus

(Short / Mid-Range mostly)


Berserker Armor (Power, Precision, Critical Damage)
Centaur Runes (+165 Power, 15 Seconds of Group Swiftness on Heal Skill use due to boon duration traits, +15% Bleed Duration)

Berserker Weapons
Main: Bloodlust Sigil (+10 Power Kill Stacking up to 250 Power)
Off: Hydromancy Sigil (AoE Damage and Chill on Weapon Swap)

other off: Energy Sigil (+50% Endurance on Swap)

“of the Knight” (Precision, Power, Toughness) Amulet
Berserker Rings
Cavalier Earrings (Toughness, Power, Critical Damage)

Trait Detail


Vigor on Crit, Blade Training: 20% Sword Skill Recharge +50 Precision w/ Sword

Regeneration @ 75% Health, Protection on Regeneration, 5% Toughness to Conditions
3% Damage Reduction per Illusion, 20% Staff Recharge & 50 Toughness w/ Staff, +1 second and Random Boon with Stealth

Phantasms have Retalation and provide Regeneration, +15% Phantasm Damage

(Remove one Condition on Heal & 2,600 Group Heal w/ Mantra Preparation)


(20% Glamour Recharge & Focus 20% Recharge + Reflects)

20% Illusion Recharge

Utilities with Staff
Mantra of Pain, Blink, Decoy

Utilities with Focus
Feedback, Blink, Null Field
Phantasmal Defender, Phantasmal Disenchanter optional

Mirror as Heal for Perma-Swiftness and Reflects

Build Editor Link

~ Special thanks to the Dark Cloud [DC] Guild in Crystal Desert for often conflicting but always helpful build advice, and to the Mesmerized Podcast, which I resisted listening to for a long time but now tune in to once in a while. ~


Crystal Desert

(edited by Sinaya.4201)

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Ehmm i dunno where to start.. But here goes…

1. You use Rune of Centaur
Clearly ur melee teammates will be very grateful for ur AOE Swiftness from this RUnes.

2. U have role Support – DPS Build and u have a Support Guardian in ur P
This is kinda problem. In term of Utilities like Condi removal and anti projectile and healing Guardian is far more superior than Mes.

Guardian can heal when dodge and the heal value is 1:1 while in Mes u can heal for 2,6k when casting a Mantra but Heal value is 1: 0,2. Guardian also have perma Vigor trait if crit like Mesmer do.

In term of condi Removal Guardian have Pure of voice, Affected allies by shout convert 1 condi into 1boon. Easy to use coz the Guardian can move around positioning himself in Group so Hitters don;t need to move around. While Null field is good but we need to enter the field somehow not handy if the battle is dynamic.

For anti projectile Guardian wall of Reflect last for 10sec and the trait is “Recharge -20% and longer duration” Both Feedback and Wall are 40sec Initial CD without trait.

But if u still need AOE Chaos Armor well it’s fine to bring Etheral field.

3. For Ur weapon choice
Staff + Dual Swords are good. U will have good single damage from Both Phantasm and both weapons are traited too. Well maybe u can throw the last 10points on Toughness trait coz u don;t play Condition damage. Maybe into 10atk to get another 15% phantasm or simply 20Prec trait for Clone when dodge?

Well u already have a Guard. Just play more aggresive and take care ur self. Guardian can take care of teammates better than Mesmer IMO coz i have 2 Guardians on my P. 1Frontliner and 1 Pure Support Healer.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


Thank you, that’s really helpful! My knowledge of Guardian abilities is admittedly sort of limited, so having a better idea of what they’re capable of assists in narrowing down my focus.

I appreciate the input!

Crystal Desert

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Thank you, that’s really helpful! My knowledge of Guardian abilities is admittedly sort of limited, so having a better idea of what they’re capable of assists in narrowing down my focus.

I appreciate the input!

you should use traited focus and medic feedback on inspiration. Damage denial is powerful in this game

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Phantasms have Retalation and provide Regeneration, +15% Phantasm Damage

(Remove one Condition on Heal & 2,600 Group Heal w/ Mantra Preparation)

Btw can u tell me more about Restorative mantra on teamplay? If u tested it i mean…

I was thinking making Shooter – Healer Build but the 2,75sec cast is killing me when 3people aim at once. Well my expectation was … 10k Heal every 13sec. But the channeling… Is just.. Hard

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


The channeling is kinda hard to get used to, but the pay off is a nice little on-demand burst that you can cast even while channeling another spell. You can trigger the damage charges of Mantra of Pain (Power Spike) from under a Mimic shield, while using a Great Sword Auto Attack, Scepter 3 ability, casting a heal, etc.

Luckily, if you’re playing with a group, all of the pressure won’t always be on you. The trick is to keep moving. You can cast other instant-cast spells while channeling too, like Blink, Decoy, Feedback, Power Return (Mantra of Recovery trigger), etc. The heal might not seem like a whole bunch of healing at once, but if you consider that it’s healing each of your allies around you (up to four) it’s pretty significant.

I especially like using it to heal up a Phantasmal Defender to give it more up time. It can take some getting used to, and admittedly won’t be useful in all situations, but for extended fights it can make all the difference.

Crystal Desert

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: JesseBensen.4817


the build seems pretty solid. youll get some nice support via perma regen on all party members near your phantasms from a minor trait in inspiration. I like to play on that a bit by going with clerics weapons plus superior runes of divinity for the extra healing power from your phantasmal regeneration. I try to keep my armor at about 3k, crit damage at 50, and crti chance at 30 (50 for phantasms) health in wvw will sit at around 20k. overall id probably advise going knights armor with this setup along with some ascended pwr/tough/crit, and a couple ascended knights rings. you will still have great dps and youll be able to stay alive a lot longer in some of those sticky outmanned situations.

-priest of lyssa

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


In term of anti projectile Guardian is far more superior than Mes.

For anti projectile Guardian wall of Reflect last for 10sec and the trait is “Recharge -20% and longer duration” Both Feedback and Wall are 40sec Initial CD without trait.

Here you’re wrong.
Mesmers not only have feedback, but also iWarden and temporal curtain as an aoe projectile reflection. Then they have mimic, distortion and Mirror for self reflection.

Mesmers also have other advantages, like better synergized lines and reflecting traits, and the fact that knight and cavalier set provides offensive stats while upgrading mesmer lacking, toughness.
Unlucky, Guardians are more restricted to set possibilities, so neither their reflecting damage and the reflecting possibilities will never be as much as mesmers can reach.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


In term of anti projectile Guardian is far more superior than Mes.

For anti projectile Guardian wall of Reflect last for 10sec and the trait is “Recharge -20% and longer duration” Both Feedback and Wall are 40sec Initial CD without trait.

Here you’re wrong.
Mesmers not only have feedback, but also iWarden and temporal curtain as an aoe projectile reflection. Then they have mimic, distortion and Mirror for self reflection.

Mesmers also have other advantages, like better synergized lines and reflecting traits, and the fact that knight and cavalier set provides offensive stats while upgrading mesmer lacking, toughness.
Unlucky, Guardians are more restricted to set possibilities, so neither their reflecting damage and the reflecting possibilities will never be as much as mesmers can reach.

Well i see ur way of thinking. U want to count Weapon skills and Healing skill as well?
I’m not really into weapons/ Healing skills but if u want to say to beat a single Utility skill called “Wall of Reflection” and 1x trait “Wall Of Reflection skills recharge 20% faster and last longer” u will need…

1x Focus Mastery ?
1x Glamour Mastery (Glamour Recharge 20% faster)?
1x Temporal Enchanter (Glamour dura +2sec)?
1x Masterful Reflection (F4 reflect projectile)?
1x Off Hand Focus?

Not very handy I must say…

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


I wasn’t refereeing of how to beat a single skill, I was refereeing of global possibilities.

The problem of guardian is that only has 1 skill to reflect projectiles, and if you want to upgrade it you need to sacrifice some traits, while mesmers can incorporate reflecting skills with no problems.

I’m doing a build around reflecting projectiles. Let guardians focus on healing and condition removal.

And by the way, with only feedback and temporal curtain without traits yo can reflect the same with wall of reflection and his trait.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


The problem of guardian is that only has 1 skill to reflect projectiles, and if you want to upgrade it you need to sacrifice some traits, while mesmers can incorporate reflecting skills with no problems.

Guardian just need lv 10 Special trait to get “Wall of Reflection recharge 20% faster and last longer” It’s not a “Sacrifice” I think Mesmer is the one who need to make a lot of sacrifice? Guard get Recharge 20% faster and last longer in just 1x major trait. WHile Mes? U will need 2x Major Trait.

The reason i only talking about “Wall Of Reflection” is for flexibility. That single Utility slot called “Wall of reflection” is already good for teamplay. Good range like a wall, Light field, Last 12sec with trait and the Guardian can still have their favorite weapons Equiped while u insist on Mesmer to use Focus which not everybody like it. Well i don’t like Focus either coz can’t do “Double Phantasm”

Changing Utility for Teamplay is fine. But changing weapon for Teamplay is somehow rude. That’s why i never talk about weapon based skills for Anti Projectile.

And by the way, with only feedback and temporal curtain without traits yo can reflect the same with wall of reflection and his trait.

Since when Temporal Curtain without trait can reflect projectile…???

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Build Help Request] WvW Small Group Play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


Changing Utility for Teamplay is fine. But changing weapon for Teamplay is somehow rude. That’s why i never talk about weapon based skills for Anti Projectile.

That’s because I have mesmer mentality and I see further from skills descriptions, so I’m able to use teamplay skills as offensive and offensive skills as teamplay ones.

And for the focus trait you’re right, my mistake.

As I though before, you see wall of reflection as an addition to a build. But that wasn’t my point. What I was trying to say is that mesmers can easily outperform reflexion if they invest just a little.

With just 20 points in inspiration I have cd reduction for both feedback and temporal curtain and I’m able to give for sure 2x aoe regeneration every 15s. 5 points obligated in illusions, so there are 45 more points you can spend in what you want. What a lose of trait…

And finally, I will repeat, I’m not trying to find a better skill than wall of reflection, just prove that mesmer is better in reflecting projectiles. The same happens with guardian and healing. Restorative mantras may be one of the best aoe healing, but with a guardian you can easily heal much more.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz