[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So the other day someone was digging up old outdated pre patch threads asking for large scale build viability. The build in question stunk. It stunk then, it especialy stunk now. So what can Mesmers do in zergs these days, and how should you focus your traits, gear, and utilities? I’m not going to bring anything incredibly new to the table but I am going to provide a thread with a build and straight forward explination. If others want to share their Meta Zerg Mesmer builds in this thread, they should feel free. I’m not expecting wild variation, however small tweaks here and there can help to alter the Mesmers unique contribution to a large scale fight. Instead of me painstakingly going through every option, the community can offer what they’re doing and how effective it’s being.

To begin
So to start I’m going to offer two build links with slight variations in design. The reason being to show, via contrast, how the same concept can be imagined but bring subtle differences to what you’re out there doing.

Explanation of build/role
The way I see it, a good large scale mesmer build can bring three core things to the meta.

  • Sniping
    In the construct of my guild with which I raid, I’ve taken to picking up and organizing our snipers/pick team/gankers/whateveryouwantocallthem. Mesmer GS alongside Ranger LB serves a wonderful weapon for singling out and DPS’ing targets down. It also allows you to burn downs to dead from afar. This is crucial for chipping away at enemy forces, and rallying friendlies downed in a push. If you have a group like this you can also cut the head off the beast by downing enemy commanders (usually first to move in a zerg, but also first to double back (biggest give away). Mesmer fits perfectly for this role.
  • CC
    Building around interrupts we can apply some solid CC. If you’re on comms, and learn to watch the ebb and flow of battle, you should be able to pick up when and where to swap from your GS DPS role into a staff, CC interrupts role. You can add MoD to this effort for additional effect and with good placement there should always be space on the bar for it should you want it. Interrupts lead to damage, they lead to stuns, they lead to daze skill lockouts, they can be traited to immobilize, and also dump some solid vuln via dazes. I’m preferring CS over CI for various reasons (typical -condi zerg food, spammy cleanses) but hell, you could go crazy and take both if you like- 6, 2, 6.
  • Support
    One word: Veil. Portal too if you’re a smart cookie and your Raid leader trusts you. It’s what we do, it’s one thing we’re good for. Don’t worry though, “Veil bot” is an old term and Mesmers are more than that now that we can have solid pick teams, and interrupt/cc application.

Extra Random Notes

Sigil of Speed is very much worth it. You’ll always find yourself with an excess of swiftness (2+ mins after clearing a camp) and pick it up via kills in a fight under GS. Me likey. Try it sometime.

-Landing interrupts
on the melee train is the hardest place due to the heavy stabo’s. Cleansing is important, and necro’s help with that. What you can do is get your nullfield on to assist. There’s room somewhere on the bar for it.

if you wan’t more DPS. Help’s to chip away someone close to down. That’s the best way to use it imo but if you want it for tagging the melee train, just mind the retal.

isnt necessary. I just like it for the strong heal, or to string out a solid distortion if the need arrises. It’s a survival mechanism in this build, not an offensive tool. Though I’ll still shatter anyway.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: OJ For Prez.8254

OJ For Prez.8254

Thanks Ross, I always enjoy reading the builds you post on here!

[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


I’m really enjoying my self-sufficient AoE mantra build at the moment:

I occasionally vary it up with either:
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQJARWl0npMtloxGNcrNipxYybihkBcQpHZ8FA depending on if I need CC ( the first one) or self-buffs (the second).

If needed, I’ll drop Blink for Veil and rely on Staff more for my stun breaks/mobility.

I drop Chaos Storm on the enemy, then swap to GS and pick off targets. It’s been really solid for AoE damage, ranged pressure, and a healthy amount of CC. It’s been pretty great. If I’m running Confounding suggestions (Stun on Daze), I often get out insane AoE burst with MoP, Mind Stab, iZerker, Mirror Blade, and Mind Wrack right in a row. It’s finally scratching that ranged zerg-capable itch I’ve been having since the class first came out.

I’ve had a few allies ask about my build and try it out with good results as well!

[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


I run a shatter build 2/6/0/0/6 and being able to hit quite hard (Mind Wrack hit for 3k and BF for 4,5k-5k).But thats for raids. I still need to try 2/6/0/6 based on phantasm/mantras for pug zergs to see if it’s worth.

@OJ, better take Triumphant Distortion instead of Shattered concentration. Necros have much better boon ripping than mesmers and with this change you gain a lot more survivability.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: OJ For Prez.8254

OJ For Prez.8254

Okay, thank you Ansau for the tip.

Kelthien, I am going to give your build a try tonight.

[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: adelaide.6213


Have you guys that have been running shatter builds w/ staff in zergs been swapping out Illusionary Invigoration with Illusionary Elasticity recently (since the IE buff/fix)?

[Build] Meta Zerg Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Have you guys that have been running shatter builds w/ staff in zergs been swapping out Illusionary Invigoration with Illusionary Elasticity recently (since the IE buff/fix)?

The point of the bonus bounce in a shatter build is on the GS, not the staff. Its a nice bonus on the staff but not why it’s there. That said, in a zerg situation staff bounces are irrelevant anyway, even in a condi build (which would be the reason to take it for staff). II on the other hand is both offensive and defensive application. So it’ll come down to the users preference.