[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Pure vs Thief montage

So the other day Stickerhappy posted up a build he wanted to try and make work called Prismatic Interruptions http://tinyurl.com/muaa4j7
The basic concept inspired me to put together the build linked up top. This is an sPvP build and I’ve found it to be very good. It scratches that interrupt gameplay itch and unloads deadly damage to boot.

The build takes the best of lockdown and phantasm parts, using sword/sword and scepter/pistol. Even without Bountiful Interruptions and CI the build has great synergy with weapon to traits. Every weapon swap brings blocks, blinds, dazes, stuns, and heavy single target DPS to control and ultimately defeat opponents. Thieves are prey with this build even with the full glkittenout. Condi biulds are overcome with kiting and positioning.

The usual weakness of phantasm builds are AoE and cleave. This setup alleviates the issue in a few ways. Traited iDuelist’s 1200 range means the phantasm can be spawned outside the fight area. More than this, duel traits sword/pistol means new phantasms every weapon swap to constantly maintain their presence on the field. More importantly though, the damage output is such that the phantasms are acting amidst a burst of damage, including phant, halting strike, and mainhand weapon skills with sigil procs. The high crit chance on the mesmer and phants means high bleed stacks to boot. It’s just a nasty concoction to face.

Obvious concerns are no boon strip, and no DE. DE isnt necessary. Not only is it a phant build but bonus clones proc quickly off of scepter/OH sword blocks, and MH sword. The phants take care of themselves. As for boon removal, the phantasms allow for heavy kiting while maintaining pressure. You can wait stability out, then clean up the fight once its down.

My experience has been its a solid build. Well worth running.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


Just from my first look, I’m very impressed. I used to run a similar build called Dazzling blades that used sword/sword+GS, but this looks like it would be more effective than mine with the pistol.

Your video is amazing. I loved watching you slash away at the downed thief in shadow refuge.

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

This looks like the build chaos was using against me in our quest to find mind crush 2.0. It didn’t go nearly as well as the video, he never got me below 75% lol. Nice gameplay and pretty hilarious name.

-Rylock [vE]

(edited by Warlord of Chaos.7845)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: adelaide.6213


Your two points in chaos seem to be there because they’re “just what’s left over.”

I would advise taking those two points in chaos and another two points elsewhere and going 4 points into illusions and picking up 20% cd on all illusions and phantasmal haste. So the build would look like this:

(Taking away CS)

(or taking away one of the dueling traits)

Comparing the 2nd build I linked with the one in your OP, you still have 20% cd on 4 sword skills, but now 40% cd on your pistol phantasm, not to mention a reduced decoy cd. Combined with PHaste, I think this outweighs the reduced blink cd, regen, and more.

I would also recommend pack runes over air runes because air runes can ruin your stealth. Furthermore, pack runes may allow you to have some fury on your phantasms if you want to go for longer range blink.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Your two points in chaos seem to be there because they’re “just what’s left over.”

I would advise taking those two points in chaos and another two points elsewhere and going 4 points into illusions and picking up 20% cd on all illusions and phantasmal haste. So the build would look like this:

(Taking away CS)

(or taking away one of the dueling traits)

Comparing the 2nd build I linked with the one in your OP, you still have 20% cd on 4 sword skills, but now 40% cd on your pistol phantasm, not to mention a reduced decoy cd. Combined with PHaste, I think this outweighs the reduced blink cd, regen, and more.

I would also recommend pack runes over air runes because air runes can ruin your stealth. Furthermore, pack runes may allow you to have some fury on your phantasms if you want to go for longer range blink.

Notable suggestions for what they’re worth but you’re weakening the build, making it a watered down, less viable build all for the sake of Illusionists Celerity. PHaste also isnt necessary.

Two things make this build work. Confounding Suggestions, turning all dazes into the chance of a 1s stun. This changes OH sword from a lackluster weapon (because the OH sword 4 Daze is weak on its own as an interrupt source, but as a 50% chance for stun it’s suddenly amazing). And the high crit chance not only on phantasms, but on the mesmer themselves. Your builds give up one of those two things. You also go for zerker amy, which further reduces viability. Precision, phant crit chance, sigil procs, these are all crucial.

If you want a straight up phant build, using Phaste, there are better options. This is not a straight up Phantasm build. Furthermore you’re sacrificing synergy going into Illusions. You get shatter cd but will never use it. The only thing, and I mean only thing you get for your 4 in Illusions is the reduced CD on decoy, and it’s just not worth it. Take the reduced CD on manips (which is about survive, 24s blink is so much more powerful than 30s blink at keeping a mes alive), with Metaphysical Rejuve for a bit of regen, and call it a day. The only change I might make to traits are
Debilitating Dissipation for the weakness and bonus vuln, or go 2 in Inspiration for Menders Purity. Compounding Power has synergy it should be noted. But I’m much more happy with Master of Manips because I prefer to stay alive. I’m not lacking on damage.

The last thing was runes. Centaur is a contender. The big bonus is the fury proc on hit. The swiftness duration is nice, but it’s best with focus so you can proc your own swiftness. Air is usually looked over because of the conflict with stealth but this build relies on stealth more than other mesmer builds. You have many active defences, or counter offences to use instead. Stealth, such as from decoy, isnt so much about the stealth as it is the target drop/change. If you get hit and a lightning bolt procs, revealing you it’s of little consequence. What you’re wanting is the bonus damage from the lightning proc. It’s a real teeth kicker for offensive, glassy opponents. It also ties into the overall damage output. You also get the benefit of swiftness on heal, which is great during a healing retreat, and at the start of the match to get on point.

So yeah, I’ve tried the things you’ve suggested. The changes might not seem like much but from my position of experience, they’ve everything.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: adelaide.6213


Let’s talk about the 2nd build I linked, where I sacrificed the 2 points in dueling and kept CS. Since you’re not “lacking on damage” let’s assume you drop phantasmal fury.

My first impression of your original build was that you were going for sustained damage through phantasms while keeping your opponent locked down. You’re not trying to go full burst during a full stun/daze lockdown (62006 or “ShatterLock”) so with this build you’re valuing traits that provide more sustained damage, which are usually phantasm traits.

Let’s assume that pHaste and IC together make up for the loss of sustained damage for dropping fury (although my intuition tells me that it will more than make up for it,) and compounding power makes up for 100prec/ferocity. You actually get a lot by picking up IC in terms of utility/lockdown:

-40% reduced sword4 cd. So more dazes/stuns and therefore less incoming damage.
-20% reduced the cd of scepter block. Something that you couldn’t have before.
-40% reduced iLeap cd makes kiting in melee a complete joke. If you know how to use this skill defensively with such a short cd your opponents will start to wonder if they’re fighting a sword/x thief.
-You mentioned that you didn’t get anything good from 20% shatter cd, but you forgot you can use diversion more often with it. Distortion cd is good as well, but it’s hard to objectively compare to something like blink (see my issue with 20% manip cd below.)
-decoy cd as you stated

Here are some more issues that I have with regards to your reponse:

Do you have any reference comparing assassin’s amulet to berserker’s for mesmers? I understand you’re going for reliable sigil procs, but outside of builds that heavily rely on crit effects (fresh air ele) or can stack might, the consensus still seems to be that berserker’s will yield more damage. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/PvP-Amulet-Added/first

I’m also not sold on the idea that a (900 range) 24s blink is “so much more powerful” than 30s blink. Is there a specific situation/skill you’re trying to counter that happens to be in a 24s cd?

I understand your reasons for air runes. However, be aware that running them will make you especially vulnerable when being focused by 2+ players. The backlash damage may be enough to deter one player from focusing you, but another opponent may be able to capitalize on your unreliable stealth.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Let’s talk about the 2nd build I linked, where I sacrificed the 2 points in dueling and kept CS. Since you’re not “lacking on damage” let’s assume you drop phantasmal fury.

My first impression of your original build was that you were going for sustained damage through phantasms while keeping your opponent locked down. You’re not trying to go full burst during a full stun/daze lockdown (62006 or “ShatterLock”) so with this build you’re valuing traits that provide more sustained damage, which are usually phantasm traits.

Let’s assume that pHaste and IC together make up for the loss of sustained damage for dropping fury (although my intuition tells me that it will more than make up for it,) and compounding power makes up for 100prec/ferocity. You actually get a lot by picking up IC in terms of utility/lockdown:

-40% reduced sword4 cd. So more dazes/stuns and therefore less incoming damage.
-20% reduced the cd of scepter block. Something that you couldn’t have before.
-40% reduced iLeap cd makes kiting in melee a complete joke. If you know how to use this skill defensively with such a short cd your opponents will start to wonder if they’re fighting a sword/x thief.
-You mentioned that you didn’t get anything good from 20% shatter cd, but you forgot you can use diversion more often with it. Distortion cd is good as well, but it’s hard to objectively compare to something like blink (see my issue with 20% manip cd below.)
-decoy cd as you stated

Here are some more issues that I have with regards to your reponse:

Do you have any reference comparing assassin’s amulet to berserker’s for mesmers? I understand you’re going for reliable sigil procs, but outside of builds that heavily rely on crit effects (fresh air ele) or can stack might, the consensus still seems to be that berserker’s will yield more damage. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/PvP-Amulet-Added/first

I’m also not sold on the idea that a (900 range) 24s blink is “so much more powerful” than 30s blink. Is there a specific situation/skill you’re trying to counter that happens to be in a 24s cd?

I understand your reasons for air runes. However, be aware that running them will make you especially vulnerable when being focused by 2+ players. The backlash damage may be enough to deter one player from focusing you, but another opponent may be able to capitalize on your unreliable stealth.

I’ll run your variant and take some vids and post it up as a review.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: adelaide.6213


I’d also encourage you to experiment with sigil of rage (quickness on proc like fire/air).

Running fire/air on both weapon sets is a little bit awkward as the cd on them doesn’t get reset when you swap weapons.

If you were to work sigil of rage into the build I would put it on the sword set (although it should still be fine on the scepter), replacing fire, since it has a higher cd than air. When you notice it proc, switch to scepter/pistol and do stun + scepter 3. Ideally you can pull off a quickness stomp as well.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Aren’t you a freekill with that 15k health, no IP for immediate Distortion and no staff/torch? I would like to have your word on Ranked arena plays.

Snow Crows [SC]

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: adelaide.6213


Aren’t you a freekill with that 15k health, no IP for immediate Distortion and no staff/torch? I would like to have your word on Ranked arena plays.

Lockdown mesmer is certainly a viable spec; there are even some players who make it work with sword/focus + GS, which has arguably less defenses.

Although i typically run shatter in arena, I pull out a lockdown build (the one with CI usually) when I see the other team has few heavies or an abudance of thieves/rangers/engi’s for whatever reason.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: masskillerxploit.2165


Shatter mesmer or get outtttt

Ferox, multiclass’r, ESL’r
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Aren’t you a freekill with that 15k health, no IP for immediate Distortion and no staff/torch? I would like to have your word on Ranked arena plays.

I’ve been playing mesmer exclusively every day of my life since release generally using some combination of MH/OH weapons in that time. If I were freekill I’d of abandoned the game a long time ago.

Maybe some history/perspective. A long long time ago in a borderland far far away, I used to run staff as my OH weapon exclusively. I found it to be an amazing weapon and an incredible defensive weapon. No matter what I was running I had my trusty staff there to get me out of the poo and it worked wonderfully.

But then I started to get annoyed with staff. Every mesmer seemed to be running one. Everyone agreed on the staffs usefulness. I myself started to question if Mesmers could live without it. Could I run a different combination of weapons and still succeed as a Mesmer? Was staff just a defensive crutch that I was stuck relying on? So I dropped staff and took up sword/X to go with scepter/X.

One of the things about GS and Staff is that so many Mesmers have been running them that every Joe and his AI knows exactly what they’re facing whenever you bring them to the table. They have great strengths but also weaknesses. There’s a predictability to them for one. With our MH/OH sets if you know what you’re doing you’ve got all the tools you need in order to overcome your opponent, and because of the way in which those skills work (such as a scepter or OH sword block) there’s not much the enemy can do about them. Compare staff 2 and scepter 2 vs a thief. Staff is reactive while scepter is proactive. There’s nothing wrong with reactive over proactive, just that the differences allow for different applications in different situations. Tools that allow you to overcome challenges differently.

In this build I don’t need to rely on staff or torch. That might be true in other builds and you’d be right to take them. In this build it’d take something away, either making it work less effectively or not at all. Essentially the build is a full offense/counter offense strategy. 15k HP is enough given the tools you have to work with. Anyway, enough of my rambling.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Shatter mesmer or get outtttt

Thief says: “Shatter mesmer, get out!”

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

It has several flaws (no remove boon, no portal, no aoe pressure) so I was really curious how you could make it work in today’s Cele AoE meta. The enemies were hotjoin level in your showcase so I was wondering how is the build performing in Ranked or on a higher level.
The assassin amulet and the only 2 getaways you have got my attention (and to some extend the Scepter) as you pick up the -glassiest- tools aviable and I find that rather scary.


I’ll get that build going in a few ranked matches and will come back with feedback. Might take an hour or two. Might change runes.

Edit: Impressions as I keep playing your build. Every match is commented on its own, if a point is brought up each time, it is an issue

Match 1 : Lost on a 1+1+1+2 vs ? (enemy thief from Cheese Mode)

  • Is a total freekill against a LB ranger or thief
  • Absent mobility, too slow to be viable
  • Hits hard
  • Oppener not enough range

Match 2 : Won 1+1+1+1+1 vs 1+1+3 (the 3 afk’d, supposed to be pvers testing out new classes)

  • Swapped Scepter out because it’s totally kittened, using GS + S/P. Range seems more effective, the burst is faster, faster opener, safe range, has one boon remove and might.
  • Maybe change the ammulet/rune/sigil?

Match 3 : Lost 1+1+1+2 vs ? (necro+necro+guard+staff ele+war)

  • The armor does not synergize with the build AT ALL.
  • Picking Berserker amulet, Assassin is too much to handle pressure (was fearlocked 24/7 with 0 escapes after Decoy and Blink were used)
  • Consider Traveler/Hoelbrak + Battle/Hydromancy/Paralyse/Energy sigils because
    1) Might is superior to Ferocity when speaking of phantasms
    2) You don’t have enough getaways and the dodges are always a good thing to have;
    3) You lack seriously speed (the Air runes are awful at that, you get no swiftness procs at all so half the rune is useless).
    4) You’re way too weak to conditions
  • Swap if you wish for Mender’s Purity with Har. Mantras and Heal Mantra

Using from now on http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAsaRl0npRtlpxGNcrNiphcqqkOQiBlu0pFA-TZBCwAAOBAYOEAaeCA52fIcZAA

Match 4 : Lost, 1+1+1+1 (1 afk) vs 1+1+1+1+1

  • Is more sustained
  • Still deals a fair amount of damage
  • Stun is ok and a lifesaver.
  • Still no mobility but well, its good at what it is meant to do.

Conclusion : It is a hotjoin/unranked build/a build for funs and some quick bursts of rank1’s/zerk pvers.

Snow Crows [SC]

(edited by Miku Lawrence.6329)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: QQing.3089


It’s fun, but I find regular CI or shatter to be more effective so far. Great for 1v1’s though. Now I’m going to do a few matches with greatsword instead of s/s and see how that fairs. I REALLY missed greatsword

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

It has several flaws (no remove boon, no portal, no aoe pressure) so I was really curious how you could make it work in today’s Cele AoE meta. The enemies were hotjoin level in your showcase so I was wondering how is the build performing in Ranked or on a higher level.
The assassin amulet and the only 2 getaways you have got my attention (and to some extend the Scepter) as you pick up the -glassiest- tools aviable and I find that rather scary.


I’ll get that build going in a few ranked matches and will come back with feedback. Might take an hour or two. Might change runes.

Edit: Impressions as I keep playing your build. Every match is commented on its own, if a point is brought up each time, it is an issue

Match 1 : Lost on a 1+1+1+2 vs ? (enemy thief from Cheese Mode)

  • Is a total freekill against a LB ranger or thief
  • Absent mobility, too slow to be viable
  • Hits hard
  • Oppener not enough range

Match 2 : Won 1+1+1+1+1 vs 1+1+3 (the 3 afk’d, supposed to be pvers testing out new classes)

  • Swapped Scepter out because it’s totally kittened, using GS + S/P. Range seems more effective, the burst is faster, faster opener, safe range, has one boon remove and might.
  • Maybe change the ammulet/rune/sigil?

Match 3 : Lost 1+1+1+2 vs ? (necro+necro+guard+staff ele+war)

  • The armor does not synergize with the build AT ALL.
  • Picking Berserker amulet, Assassin is too much to handle pressure (was fearlocked 24/7 with 0 escapes after Decoy and Blink were used)
  • Consider Traveler/Hoelbrak + Battle/Hydromancy/Paralyse/Energy sigils because
    1) Might is superior to Ferocity when speaking of phantasms
    2) You don’t have enough getaways and the dodges are always a good thing to have;
    3) You lack seriously speed (the Air runes are awful at that, you get no swiftness procs at all so half the rune is useless).
    4) You’re way too weak to conditions
  • Swap if you wish for Mender’s Purity with Har. Mantras and Heal Mantra

Using from now on http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAsaRl0npRtlpxGNcrNiphcqqkOQiBlu0pFA-TZBCwAAOBAYOEAaeCA52fIcZAA

Match 4 : Lost, 1+1+1+1 (1 afk) vs 1+1+1+1+1

  • Is more sustained
  • Still deals a fair amount of damage
  • Stun is ok and a lifesaver.
  • Still no mobility but well, its good at what it is meant to do.

Conclusion : It is a hotjoin/unranked build/a build for funs and some quick bursts of rank1’s/zerk pvers.

While I can’t change your personal experience, nor would i necessarily say I’ve put together the perfect set of options, I gotta say I’ve been playing this build in ranked matches and not having trouble with it. In terms of fights there’s not been anything I can’t beat down. I’ve been overwhelmed at times by outnumbered fights but that’s all been a part of knowing when to engage/disengage. Matches are won and lost, but in solo-q that’s not always up to you since you team can be all kinds of afk and/or just bad.

Also mystified by your being a total freekill vs lb ranger or thief. But again, can’t comment on your personal experience.

Anyway your suggestions/trial are welcomed.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I run a 2-6-6 lockdown build with CI and HM, I’d like to offer some suggestions. Again these are just my opinions based on my experiences on my build.

Firstly, Mantra of Recovery in sPvP just doesn’t work out. And using it with Mender’s Purity as your condition remover, doesn’t help. I’ll try and explain why. First, Power Return just doesn’t heal enough for a Mantra. Yes, I know if you do the math, its does more healing than Ether Feast. But see when you do the math, you’re assuming you are recharging your mantra as soon as its on cooldown. But in reality as with any of our Mantra’s, there’s always a delay on when the cooldown expires and when you can safely recharge it. So the longer the battle lasts, the more at risk you put yourself because you don’t have a healing spell/not charged.

Also with Power Return, you end up using all your charges at the same time just to get back to the one cast of Ether Return. Yes, its half the CD of Ether Feast, but again. In a fight, its probably going to be 15-20 seconds (or more) before you find an opening to recharge it.

Now if you throw in Mender’s Purity. Now your using charges not necessarily for the heal, but to remove that nasty immobilize or fear. Ending up with less charges (less healing) for when you actually need to heal.

Ether Feast just a better heal skill.

Mantra of Resolve provides the same condition removal as a MoRecovery/Mender’s Purity and is a small AOE cleanse. And more importantly it’s less painful, being in a fight with an uncharged MoResolve than an uncharged MoRecovery. The downside is you would need to give up either blink or decoy to run it. (I’d keep blink.)

Now, one advantage you do have is more access to stuns, so maybe your build provides for more opportunities for mantra recharging than a HM/CI build and its less of an issue. But I’m just throwing in my .02$,

I’d have to agree. You’re not wrong.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


I deleted my previous comment, because I was addressing some other players variations and not the original build posted.

But I’m glad Ross agreed with me at least.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I deleted my previous comment, because I was addressing some other players variations and not the original build posted.

But I’m glad Ross agreed with me at least.

Nothing wrong with discussing other players variations. It’s all relevant.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I deleted my previous comment, because I was addressing some other players variations and not the original build posted.

But I’m glad Ross agreed with me at least.

I’ll add that while the drawbacks are present, there are some builds it’s not a bad choice in.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


I’m much too afraid to try Assassins, so I went with zerker, and it did pretty well in unranked/ranked. It can handle on point fighting a lot better than dps shatter when you factor in the frequent blocks. It deals a ton of single target dmg omg! There was even a time where I went down with phantasms up, and they downed a necro and I won the down fight. lolzy lolz he was salty as kitten.

Easy to get overwhelmed. Had an issue with eles and engis though (especially condis; how do you non condi removal peeps do it?!) so I swapped blink out for NullField which did the trick somewhat and fits my person playstyle…also had issues with guardians without support from teammates. I think null field (or even Arcane) is crucial for stability ripping.

Overall, I like the play style, but I take back my previous assertion that this would be more effective than the CS build I envision with scepter/pistol which is 6/4/0/0/4 and gives more Decoys, an insanely low CD on Sword 3/4/5 and Pistol 4. Here it is if you’re interested:

Great job on your build as always Ross!!

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I’m much too afraid to try Assassins, so I went with zerker, and it did pretty well in unranked/ranked. It can handle on point fighting a lot better than dps shatter when you factor in the frequent blocks. It deals a ton of single target dmg omg! There was even a time where I went down with phantasms up, and they downed a necro and I won the down fight. lolzy lolz he was salty as kitten.

Easy to get overwhelmed. Had an issue with eles and engis though (especially condis; how do you non condi removal peeps do it?!) so I swapped blink out for NullField which did the trick somewhat and fits my person playstyle…also had issues with guardians without support from teammates. I think null field (or even Arcane) is crucial for stability ripping.

Overall, I like the play style, but I take back my previous assertion that this would be more effective than the CS build I envision with scepter/pistol which is 6/4/0/0/4 and gives more Decoys, an insanely low CD on Sword 3/4/5 and Pistol 4. Here it is if you’re interested:

Great job on your build as always Ross!!

Cheers, Mailman.

I think Eles and Engies are easier thanks to the spammy channel attacks. Guardians are an attrition battle the guardian will ultimately lose. Only the most bunker guards can hold out well enough. Necro’s can draw things out with their massive HP pool too. But they’re so easily out kited.

You’re right about being able to hold a point somewhat, I find that too. I’m definitely looking at the game more tactically about what fights I engage in and using my allies presence for domination. That single target DPS + Lockdown just allows you to chew through the enemy team one at a time in a very short period of time. It’s incredible.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: adelaide.6213


I’m much too afraid to try Assassins, so I went with zerker, and it did pretty well in unranked/ranked. It can handle on point fighting a lot better than dps shatter when you factor in the frequent blocks. It deals a ton of single target dmg omg! There was even a time where I went down with phantasms up, and they downed a necro and I won the down fight. lolzy lolz he was salty as kitten.

My opinion is that berserker’s is superior to assassin’s for this build. Swapping the berserker amulet with assassin’s in the original build (without the +50 prec bonus from having a sword) yields:

(Assuming no might, which this build cannot generate)
For regular hits:
~1% direct damage loss when there is no fury.
~0.33% direct damage gain when there is fury.

Now you might argue that sigil procs from fire/air become more reliable with assassin’s amulet. However, the sigil procs themselves cannot crit, and scale well with power (0.85/1.1 respectively.)

My conclusion is that you’re trading a few bleeds from sharper images for ~3k health. The bleeds are not worth it imo.

(edited by adelaide.6213)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I’m much too afraid to try Assassins, so I went with zerker, and it did pretty well in unranked/ranked. It can handle on point fighting a lot better than dps shatter when you factor in the frequent blocks. It deals a ton of single target dmg omg! There was even a time where I went down with phantasms up, and they downed a necro and I won the down fight. lolzy lolz he was salty as kitten.

My opinion is that berserker’s is superior to assassin’s for this build. Swapping the berserker amulet with assassin’s in the original build (without the +50 prec bonus from having a sword) yields:

(Assuming no might, which this build cannot generate)
For regular hits:
~1% direct damage loss when there is no fury.
~0.33% direct damage gain when there is fury.

Now you might argue that sigil procs from fire/air become more reliable with assassin’s amulet. However, the sigil procs themselves cannot crit, and scale well with power (0.85/1.1 respectively.)

My conclusion is that you’re trading a few bleeds from sharper images for ~3k health. The bleeds are not worth it imo.

Fair calll adelaide. What about reliable crit procs from iswordsman and halting strike?

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: adelaide.6213


I’m much too afraid to try Assassins, so I went with zerker, and it did pretty well in unranked/ranked. It can handle on point fighting a lot better than dps shatter when you factor in the frequent blocks. It deals a ton of single target dmg omg! There was even a time where I went down with phantasms up, and they downed a necro and I won the down fight. lolzy lolz he was salty as kitten.

My opinion is that berserker’s is superior to assassin’s for this build. Swapping the berserker amulet with assassin’s in the original build (without the +50 prec bonus from having a sword) yields:

(Assuming no might, which this build cannot generate)
For regular hits:
~1% direct damage loss when there is no fury.
~0.33% direct damage gain when there is fury.

Now you might argue that sigil procs from fire/air become more reliable with assassin’s amulet. However, the sigil procs themselves cannot crit, and scale well with power (0.85/1.1 respectively.)

My conclusion is that you’re trading a few bleeds from sharper images for ~3k health. The bleeds are not worth it imo.

Fair calll adelaide. What about reliable crit procs from iswordsman and halting strike?

My point was there is insignificant difference in overall direct damage when you compare berserker’s with assassin’s in a build like this. With berserker’s crits/non-crits hit harder, but crits occur less frequently, resulting in a wider expected damage distribution when looking at relatively small sample sizes.

Still, I don’t think having more “consistent” damage is worth the loss of 3k health because this build isn’t meant to burst someone 100 → 0.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

While I can’t change your personal experience, nor would i necessarily say I’ve put together the perfect set of options, I gotta say I’ve been playing this build in ranked matches and not having trouble with it. In terms of fights there’s not been anything I can’t beat down. I’ve been overwhelmed at times by outnumbered fights but that’s all been a part of knowing when to engage/disengage. Matches are won and lost, but in solo-q that’s not always up to you since you team can be all kinds of afk and/or just bad.

Also mystified by your being a total freekill vs lb ranger or thief. But again, can’t comment on your personal experience.

Anyway your suggestions/trial are welcomed.

Fair enough, I guess the issues of the build you are suggesting are hard to gasp when we’re on opposite sides of the MMR spectrum. It’s comparing your thief from your Kill montage who died without even moving and Collero that I had to fight in a match when testing your build.

Consider changing your sigil, runes and sigils however, they aren’t working at high level plays – Might gives more good to phantasms. Like, it’s vital you change that if EVER you want to play competitively with this build.

  • What adelaide said on the ammulet
  • What I suggested about Air runes being awful and Might being a better stat for phantasms (moreso when you swap to Berserker)

tl;dr : It’s a fun build to play, awful build to compete with (even power necro is a better 662 mesmer at this point).

Snow Crows [SC]

(edited by Miku Lawrence.6329)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

While I can’t change your personal experience, nor would i necessarily say I’ve put together the perfect set of options, I gotta say I’ve been playing this build in ranked matches and not having trouble with it. In terms of fights there’s not been anything I can’t beat down. I’ve been overwhelmed at times by outnumbered fights but that’s all been a part of knowing when to engage/disengage. Matches are won and lost, but in solo-q that’s not always up to you since you team can be all kinds of afk and/or just bad.

Also mystified by your being a total freekill vs lb ranger or thief. But again, can’t comment on your personal experience.

Anyway your suggestions/trial are welcomed.

Fair enough, I guess the issues of the build you are suggesting are hard to gasp when we’re on opposite sides of the MMR spectrum. It’s comparing your thief from your Kill montage who died without even moving and Collero that I had to fight in a match when testing your build.

Consider changing your sigil, runes and sigils however, they aren’t working at high level plays – Might gives more good to phantasms. Like, it’s vital you change that if EVER you want to play competitively with this build.

  • What adelaide said on the ammulet
  • What I suggested about Air runes being awful and Might being a better stat for phantasms (moreso when you swap to Berserker)

tl;dr : It’s a fun build to play, awful build to compete with (even power necro is a better 662 mesmer at this point).

Fair enough. From what I keep reading over and over, even what’s considered Mesmers best (shatter) isnt fit for the meta so you have to just accept that I suppose. I’m playing ranked matches. Still down the bottom of course. I’d probably be fully competitive if not for life and family etc, but I’ll just never be free to get there. Anyway enough about me.

I’ve not enjoyed many of the suggested changes in actual practice, but I will give battle a run in place of fire. While I’ve not felt might is necessary with this build (which is a positive, not needing to rely on boons) I’ve often thought what the bonus might would yield even in terms of those extra bleed stacks (on top of the power of course). I suppose when you’re counting damage output from multiple phantasms, plus condi, plus the mesmer themselves, that’s potentially going over and above the burst of a sigil. I’ll look into it.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

And the extra 3k health ! <3

Snow Crows [SC]

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


@ Ross

I have not much else to add on top of what’s been already wrote except that your build is exactly the same I used till few days ago. Only difference is amulet/runes/sigil and DE. I did enjoyed it indeed but went back to the safer 4/4/6. CI kind of forces me to use OH sword which I do not particularly like.

One thing I did try in the past which works great in some situations and less in others is improved signet trait and swap feast for ether and abuse the double phantasm you can get from the very beginning of the fight, especially the 1200 range duelist. The amont of pressure is unbelievable and should get you past the 30s when the heal is back. I agree this approach is not for everyone

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

@ Ross

I have not much else to add on top of what’s been already wrote except that your build is exactly the same I used till few days ago. Only difference is amulet/runes/sigil and DE. I did enjoyed it indeed but went back to the safer 4/4/6. CI kind of forces me to use OH sword which I do not particularly like.

One thing I did try in the past which works great in some situations and less in others is improved signet trait and swap feast for ether and abuse the double phantasm you can get from the very beginning of the fight, especially the 1200 range duelist. The amount of pressure is unbelievable and should get you past the 30s when the heal is back. I agree this approach is not for everyone

Yeah, for the signit cd you’re either giving up halting strike, or the bonus phant damage, which is a major shame. As for the play style dropping two phants, particularly iDuelists at the start of the fight is a nasty opener, but burning the heal at the start of the fight really sucks. I’ve seen players use it to good effect in WvW but didn’t like it myself when I’ve tried. That’s probably tied directly to how I manage myself over the course of a fight, and I didn’t invest enough in it to alter myself for the challenge.

The one thing I don’t get is taking DE in this build. Each of the three dueling traits is crucial to the build, thus the 6 point investment. DE means dropping either the sword or pistol CD which will effect cd’s on weapon rotations. DE is for high clone ouput which is critical in shatter builds, clone death builds, or in most builds generaly that use or can make use of both. I rarely if ever shatter, and barely ever need to thanks to the tools I have to work with. That said, I’m never starved for clones/phants either as the up time from weapon skills is more than enough.

I guess DE may allow me to add more shattering into the mix (at the cost of using my phantasms at times), but if it’s not necessary, why would I?

I’d also never thought about CI “forcing” OH sword. I don’t think that’s the case but I understand what you’re saying. I’ve wanted to love OH sword in the past but never found a great home for it. CI just seems to make OH sword incredible, at least in this build. I’m a huge fan of the blocks/riposts (in terms of utilizing them, not the developmental drawbacks present that need correcting), so I’m happy to run OH sword.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


Regarding DE you have a strong point there (I’d also add far reaching manipulation which I love) so it’s not easy dropping any of those traits. However, you cannot deny that although a phant build doesn’t want to override its phantasms, more clones can always help in terms of shatter fodder and/or damage/survivability. Especially considering your phantasms do not have high HP pool and can die easily. You also picked assassin amulet which is kind of risky if you allow me. So, if you agree, I’d like to keep discussing about various options that can apply to this build.

I was thinking swapping pistol/sc for GS. This way you can drop pistol trait and pick up DE. I can’t remember watching any of your videos with you using a GS. Yet… GS can offer so much in terms of damage. Also, since I find myself comfortable enough with sw/focus I’d go with that. But there are no dazes in those two sets. That’s why I’d pick Harmonius mantra for three dazes. Are three dazes + F3 worth going so deep in dom tree for CS? I think so. Between the pull from curtain, iwave and those dazes you can really shutt down someone.

I understand the build may be, if not totally, rather different from yours but the hard hitting phantasms + CI are there, so… Thoughts?

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So, if you agree, I’d like to keep discussing about various options that can apply to this build.

Wow, this is a lot of changes it’s almost too much to tackle. So, at this point you’ve really got to ask, what is the build trying to achieve? And with that question in mind a second question, is there a more optimal build to achieve that goal?

What the build I posted does well, and I mean really really well is allow for high single target burst with stun lock. It does this in conjunction with the often disregarded phantasm approach, which actually maintains viability thanks to the rate of phantasm output, and the phantasm range on the iDuelist. The build also comes with a lot of secondary effects that are crucial for the sustainability of the mesmer themselves in the hazardous PvP environment. Things like scepter 2’s block/blind, and OH swords block with high counter damage, or the daze/stun for interrupt/vuln are crucial factors in the builds success. The build works curiously well thanks to the many small features that are present to make the whole.

So the possibility of problems arising begins when you start taking those pieces away. At the very least it’s going to alter the mechanics of gameplay, which may or may not work, or may work but introduce new hurdles the mesmer has to take into consideration.

So that’s some general statements regarding the prospect of making alterations. In terms of actual suggested changes I can try to address theory behind each one.

DE is right up there as one of Mesmers most powerful traits. In almost every single case, even in most if not all phantasm builds (not PvE, I’m not the guy to discuss PvE with), I’d likely say- Yeah, DE is the obvious, albeit necessary choice. You’re only increasing your chances by taking DE by making yourself more powerful. I think this is one of the rare circumstances when I’m going to have to recant on that. Believe it or not replacing phantasms is not a concern of mine at all on this build. In fact if I happen to get three phants up, one’s going to be replaced soon enough on the back of either a scepter, or OH sword block. Believe it or not I have high clone output, though not enough for a full range of reliable shatters. But then I have to wonder why I would want to? An f4 distortion yes, to cover a heal or mass invis, to make some last ditch escape. It happens, it’s there, but otherwise I’m better off keeping my phantasms up and using my myriad of other defensive options (BF, ileap/swap teleport, OH sword 4 block/daze/stun, scepter 2 block/blind, pistol 4 stun, decoy, blink, MoD daze/stun, MI). As you can see that’s a lot of options all on low CD’s, many of which are dealing out damage directly, or indirectly via halting strike.

Of course your DE change doesn’t stand alone. DE replaces pistol as GS replaces Scepter/Pistol. Harmonious Mantra must replace Blade Training since you’re dropping OH sword for focus, so less point taking that instead of phantasmal fury. You also didnt mention taking Greatsword Training so I’m assuming the Domination traits are all staying the same. So we have an untraited sword, focus, and GS, so immediately even with the pulls, pushes, phantasms, and direct damage/mitigation skills we do have such as BF, or iLeap for a misdirecting teleport/imob, we’ve got them on maximum CD. This is less active control over your fights just in terms of weapon CD’s. You do have DE, and plan to make use of shatters to make up for it, but shatters are not a strength in this build (max CD), and will eliminate your pressure when your phantasms are eaten up in your desperation. Quickly on that note of phants being eaten up, iZerker and iWarden have a low rate of survival due to their range and nature of attacks. The wade directly through aoe, and attack in melee. This leads to ultimate, if not instant death. One thing a traited duelist does not suffer, and a swordsman mitigates by evading when he makes his strike. Swordman CD is also low when traited so swordmen uptime is strong. He’s replaceable essentially.

~Continued in a second reply…

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So, if you agree, I’d like to keep discussing about various options that can apply to this build.

So about GS. Yes, it offers so much in terms of damage. It’s a pure DPS weapon and incredible at what it does. On the flip side the cost is that it offers no defense. You have one knockback but if the target has stability the skill is null and void. The same goes for focus pull. Pistol stun might suffer the same fate, but you still have Scepter 2 on hand for a block or blind. So the first point to note is in a comparison of weapon loadouts and what that means. The next is back to what I mentioned in my opener, if I’m going to make X choice, is there a build that better utilizes X? GS is an amazing offensive weapon, but put it in the wrong build and it either becomes lackluster, or a liability. While it might have some good burst potential in this build, it’s going to radically altar your ability to survive, and I’d say change the breadth of play style to keep you as a range, off point DPS dealer. If that’s the case, I’d recommend making a LB ranger instead.

So I’ve been writing this post on and off for a couple hours now, there may be more points I could add that’ve alluded me, but I think this should give you enough big chunks of meat to chew on, and at least see the ramifications of the changes your suggesting. The build I presented looks like High damage plus CS stun, or as I titled it “Phantrupt Asskicker”, but beyond being able to CC the opponent and dish out damage, there’s a lot more to my setup beyond that. Your changes keep the name, but don’t maintain what’s beyond it. The question I want to ask you is, is your build practical? What is it meant to do? And can you succeed with it at that? And ultimately, is it viable?

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


+1 for why you don’t need DE in this type of build.

My general rule in phantasm builds is to avoid DE in exchange for your actual weapon CDs. I’d rather go 3 in Illusions than take DE in a phantasm build.

Also, I’m noticing that sometimes when people make suggestions on how to improve a build, they completely scrap its original intent. Alterations are meant to enhance, not change. This is an exaggeration on my part, but it’s almost like everyone is asking Ross to switch this build to 4/4/0/0/6 dps shatter. lol

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

+1 for why you don’t need DE in this type of build.

My general rule in phantasm builds is to avoid DE in exchange for your actual weapon CDs. I’d rather go 3 in Illusions than take DE in a phantasm build.

Also, I’m noticing that sometimes when people make suggestions on how to improve a build, they completely scrap its original intent. Alterations are meant to enhance, not change. This is an exaggeration on my part, but it’s almost like everyone is asking Ross to switch this build to 4/4/0/0/6 dps shatter. lol

Lol right.

The thing to keep in mind when looking to critique and improve on a build is to understand its original intent. Sometimes its easier to split suggestions into two catagories. First: heres the tweaks to improve but retain the original concept. This might make an optimal concept but sub-optimal meta build. Second is to suggest a different build that achieves the same goal as well as or or better than. Though it may depend on who youre offering it to and why.

I dont mind the discussion though. Challenging ideas also sharpens them.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Ahm, Ross. Nice build.

Can’t wait to see you in game. <3

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Let’s talk about the 2nd build I linked, where I sacrificed the 2 points in dueling and kept CS.

I’ll run your variant and take some vids and post it up as a review.

This is my favorite version of the build posted. I think having CS + IC + PH really makes the build stand out that much more. At that point dueling master is a toss up, though you’ll probably go for blade training. Curious to see your thoughts Ross when you get to testing it out.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


Thanks Ross for a fun spin on things. On that note modified slightly to enjoy wvw. I read earlier posts so my changes are not intended to offend. 62024. Same dom traits, fury in dueling, menders purity, then compounding power, phantasmal haste. The condition cleanse helps with more going on. Again kudos really fun build.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


Finally, got around to watching your vids, and its an different approach. It kind of looks like a “tanky” kind of gameplay, since you are using your blocks so much. Your “in tight” during combat, which is way different for a mesmer. Especially, one that is so glass.

I’m not going to suggest any major alterations, but I wonder if you have tried dropping Decoy for maybe Signet of Domination or Signet of Midnight. Since you have Duelist Discipline, you have a pretty frequent stun already, I’d give Signet of Midnight a try. Its a stun breaker AND “unblockable”. It’d be a nice little “twist” to the build.

Since you have Master of Manipulations, you can blink more. If you can get by with out Decoy, you could add some more offense to the build. Just a suggestion.

FYI, I see your using Bandicam for you video capture. Try out “Open Broadcast Software”. 1. You can use it to stream your games OR capture video with it. And there is no watermark or time limit. 2. It’s Free!!

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

(edited by SlimChance.6593)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Let’s talk about the 2nd build I linked, where I sacrificed the 2 points in dueling and kept CS.

I’ll run your variant and take some vids and post it up as a review.

This is my favorite version of the build posted. I think having CS + IC + PH really makes the build stand out that much more. At that point dueling master is a toss up, though you’ll probably go for blade training. Curious to see your thoughts Ross when you get to testing it out.

When it came to those changes I kept phant fury and pistol trait, and dropped sword. That way only BF changed in terms of CD and I retained/obtained better duelist output. While I can see the potential of this setup I didn’t favor it personally. At first I couldn’t put my finger on why that was. Obviously I can’t argue with the numbers, and it has more damage output. Then I realized, it seemingly shifted the damage from a frontload and spread it a little over a longer period. That’s not bad as certainly the opponent is going to be crushed beneath that pressure. Only I was looking for the penetrating factor of that initial strike to really shape the fight.

At that point a 6, 4, 0, 0, 4 setup begins to scream for those amy and sigil alterations because it no longer makes good use of the 6, 6, 2 setup. The differences are so subtle but they make so much difference on application. Conclusion is its apples and oranges. Just eat whichever fruit you like better.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Finally, got around to watching your vids, and its an different approach. It kind of looks like a “tanky” kind of gameplay, since you are using your blocks so much. Your “in tight” during combat, which is way different for a mesmer. Especially, one that is so glass.

I’m not going to suggest any major alterations, but I wonder if you have tried dropping Decoy for maybe Signet of Domination or Signet of Midnight. Since you have Duelist Discipline, you have a pretty frequent stun already, I’d give Signet of Midnight a try. Its a stun breaker AND “unblockable”. It’d be a nice little “twist” to the build.

Since you have Master of Manipulations, you can blink more. If you can get by with out Decoy, you could add some more offense to the build. Just a suggestion.

FYI, I see your using Bandicam for you video capture. Try out “Open Broadcast Software”. 1. You can use it to stream your games OR capture video with it. And there is no watermark or time limit. 2. It’s Free!!

I can understand the draw to signit of domination, adding an extra 3s stun into the mix can create some nasty results. The kitten cd though is a hard sell in place of decoy. Decoy is a target drop and also a distraction. It covers for phant summons and mantra recharges among other things, and is great when approaching LB rangers ready to get their burst off, wasting it on the clone instead.

Signit of midnight I don’t understand. Stun break on 30s cd, aoe blind, +10% boon duration for passive. This build offers very little in the way of boons or boon duration to begin with. I can’t understand why you’re suggesting it at all, let alone in place of decoy (reasons stated above).

I might take a look at OBS sometime, or just pay for bandicam. Because I’m comfortable and lazy.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So I had a think about sigils and asked myself how I might improve on the setup keeping everything else the same. The challenge was that air/fire was not worthy of the competitive scene, and while I’m not fussed about the particulars of that critique for various reasons it still begged the question of how could I make it better. In theory if it can be stronger in a truly competitive scene, it can be stronger in everything else.

So I retained air/fire on scepter/pistol, but altered sword/sword to bloodlust/battle.

The first major reason for this is that with scepter I can retain constant crit procs thanks to the ranged application of attacks. Often while in sword I’m not making hits. It’s there on BF bursts, or the occasional AA opportunity, but anytime I’m kiting those air/fire sigils are doing me no good. So the question became how do I get more damage into the build with the help of those two weapons? Battle for the 3 might stacks for 20s, and bloodlust to up my power no matter the weapons. Obviously, with the damage unloading from the phantasms, I’m getting maximum benefit the moment I start weapon swapping and proccing might and bloodlust stacks.

Now as a second point, if you’re REALLY wanting to hate on the air runes (I really don’t, I love the utility in the swiftness on heal, and the lightning procs have downed more than their fair share of opponents, even saving my kitten a few times) you can swap them out for strength runes. That way you get even more might plus the bonus 5% damage while under the effect (for you, not your phantasms).

So there you have it. I ran it today and took some vids. Here’s a match, and a bonus 1min goofy vid of me 1Up’ing a thief.

Match (Yes, ranked. Despite the landslide victory)

Bonus clip

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tealots.6095


Hey Ross. I finally gave this build a try after our little dueling session. The Assassin’s amulet makes it a little too glassy for me (though very rewarding when things go right). I switched it to Zerker with Runes of the Ranger to maintain high critical hit chances and ferocity. Air/Fire was still on Scepter/Pistol, but I kept Hydromancy/Energy on Sword-Sword. Take a look here:


The idea of stun locking is really a lot of fun, and once the phantasm CDs start to come to, an F3 Shatter can really work some wonders with a stun and a hard-hitting halting strike. You’ll see in the link that I changed something… I actually took Furious Interruption.

I like the idea of being rewarded for interrupting someone, and for such a high-powered build, FI (when was the last time anyone spoke about this talent?) certainly did that. Especially for one’s initial burst, casting a MoD or a Magic bullet that interrupts, chain into a duelist/confusing images is some really quick spell work, and burst that people don’t see coming. It was particularly fun to pull this prank on some thieves who popped Basilisk Venom and stunned me. Decoy->Magic Bullet->Duelist->Confusing Images->MoD makes very quick work of them.

FI isn’t the greatest, but I think this build can capitalize on it. Plus, if you’re mindful of its internal cool down, getting an interrupt while a player is down leads to a quicker stomp.

I never thought that I’d have fun with a CS build, but it was really creative of you to make one like this.

One other little variant that I want to try is to take Harmonious Mantras for another source of daze. I’d then go for the healing mantra as well, and take 2 points in Inspiration to help with condition clearing. And since mantra heals proc set bonuses, I’d hunt for something to help out with that (or I would stick with the air runes for swiftness during battle). Since the build uses decoy and blink with MI, we have plenty of ways to safely recharge a mantra. Not to mention that enemies won’t want to get too close to us, trying to mend those brutal wounds the phantasms inflict.

(edited by Tealots.6095)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Hey Ross. I finally gave this build a try after our little dueling session. The Assassin’s amulet makes it a little too glassy for me (though very rewarding when things go right). I switched it to Zerker with Runes of the Ranger to maintain high critical hit chances and ferocity. Air/Fire was still on Scepter/Pistol, but I kept Hydromancy/Energy on Sword-Sword. Take a look here:


The idea of stun locking is really a lot of fun, and once the phantasm CDs start to come to, an F3 Shatter can really work some wonders with a stun and a hard-hitting halting strike. You’ll see in the link that I changed something… I actually took Furious Interruption.

I like the idea of being rewarded for interrupting someone, and for such a high-powered build, FI (when was the last time anyone spoke about this talent?) certainly did that. Especially for one’s initial burst, casting a MoD or a Magic bullet that interrupts, chain into a duelist/confusing images is some really quick spell work, and burst that people don’t see coming. It was particularly fun to pull this prank on some thieves who popped Basilisk Venom and stunned me. Decoy->Magic Bullet->Duelist->Confusing Images->MoD makes very quick work of them.

FI isn’t the greatest, but I think this build can capitalize on it. Plus, if you’re mindful of its internal cool down, getting an interrupt while a player is down leads to a quicker stomp.

I never thought that I’d have fun with a CS build, but it was really creative of you to make one like this.

One other little variant that I want to try is to take Harmonious Mantras for another source of daze. I’d then go for the healing mantra as well, and take 2 points in Inspiration to help with condition clearing. And since mantra heals proc set bonuses, I’d hunt for something to help out with that (or I would stick with the air runes for swiftness during battle). Since the build uses decoy and blink with MI, we have plenty of ways to safely recharge a mantra. Not to mention that enemies won’t want to get too close to us, trying to mend those brutal wounds the phantasms inflict.

I’ll agree, a well utilized FI is a marvelous thing, especially chaining into either phant summons and/or scepter 3. I just wish, wish I got a little bit more for my grandmaster purchase.

As for f3 I’ve been working on working in my shatters for the last few days. What I’m training myself to look for is any situation where I have clones up but not phantasms, or at the very least iSwordsman. I don’t like to waste that background presence of iDuelist if I can help it.

In particularly close quarter fights I might find myself with phants down, so a clear and obvious sign for an f3 for me is immediatly after a scepter 2 or sword 4 block, or after an iSwap on MH sword. Otherwise those are clone resources that’re never getting used.

Thanks for trying it out and having such an open mind. I run battle and bloodlust sigils on sword/sword now.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Hey dude, while I didn’t try out this EXACT build I ran something very similar for a while up until last week.

I’ll start off by saying that this build is a lot of fun! It should be obvious, I guess, since phantasms are fun and lockdown is fun, but this build combines the two concept in a very satisfying way. I agree with Tealots in that Furious Interruption works pretty well here -even if the grandmaster itself is lacking- and gives Scepter/Pistol (what I ran) an extremely noticeable performance boost. I coupled that with sigils of Rage/Paralysis to give some extra oomph to my pistol stun and more quickness on my scepter set. I find that a well-timed pistol stun can lead right into a nasty sword blurred shatter… And that’s BEFORE I bust out the phants (I try to soften them up a little before throwing swordsman out)

That being said, the biggest flaw I found was that double offhands is unfortunately too single-target. I struggled with outnumbered fights and wasn’t as effective as I could be in team fights. When I wasn’t noticed though, I could easily keep two separate opponents locked down, so I managed to influence fights by throwing stuns and interrupts into enemies that my allies were facing while my phantasms focused my target. Was nice, for sure.

All in all I recommend this build for anyone wanting to pick something up that’s a little different without being too difficult to learn. It suffers a similar problem to PU in finding a role/place in team fights but 1v1 its pretty beastly. While not the most competitively viable Mesmer build out there, its effective at what it does and there’s plenty fun to be had here.

… Annddd that totally sounded far more like a movie review than I intended. X.x

(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tealots.6095


I think FI is a great way to learn how to capitalize on interrupts for any lockdown spec.

@Chaos, this morning I tried 66020. I took harmonious mantras for the extra daze, and I picked up the healing mantra for mender’s purity. I think that adds some staying power in a fight and dance around a bit longer, but bursting people down isn’t as quick as it is with FI. I agree that the damage is very single target. However, the dazes/stuns are not. The pistol bounces (and I know blind isn’t the best, but sometimes, it’s the best), and the sword daze pierces. With those two abilities alone, plus MoD, there’s room to daze/stun a group on a point — especially if you go with the sigil of paralyzation and Mesmer runes.

This is is very beastly 1v1, and I think it can shine in some team fights. Though I think Ross is right in playing it more like a thief. What’s interesting is that I have an easier time dealing with bunkers with this CS build than I do running typical CI. Oh well, more practice. We should do an all CI/CS mesmer team some night. Anyone… anyone?

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

All in all I recommend this build for anyone wanting to pick something up that’s a little different without being too difficult to learn. It suffers a similar problem to PU in finding a role/place in team fights but 1v1 its pretty beastly. While not the most competitively viable Mesmer build out there, its effective at what it does and there’s plenty fun to be had here.

Thanks for the review Chaos, but where was the star rating?

Anyway I wanted to ask what you meant by the above quote. I understand the problem with PU, but I’m not quite sure what you mean by it not having a role/place in team fights? If one is in a team fight, what would he be doing to be considered as playing a role?

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Added another vid

First fight was bunkering a bunker guard on far (00:10), holding it from capping. I jump off eventually to heal/mantra up and to place a iDuelist out of his reach (guard was smart and took notice of the phants), the Guard would have eventually been burnt down but a ranger came in (1:35). Fight quickly turned into a 3v2 at that point.

After that it was a quick trip to mid to put that fight to rest (2:40) before a return to far for a final team battle 3:03. Landslide into Lord after that.

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


All in all I recommend this build for anyone wanting to pick something up that’s a little different without being too difficult to learn. It suffers a similar problem to PU in finding a role/place in team fights but 1v1 its pretty beastly. While not the most competitively viable Mesmer build out there, its effective at what it does and there’s plenty fun to be had here.

Thanks for the review Chaos, but where was the star rating?

Anyway I wanted to ask what you meant by the above quote. I understand the problem with PU, but I’m not quite sure what you mean by it not having a role/place in team fights? If one is in a team fight, what would he be doing to be considered as playing a role?

I think role is subjective, For me, anything can be a role as long as he/she is not doing 0 pts the whole match.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Added another vid

First fight was bunkering a bunker guard on far (00:10), holding it from capping. I jump off eventually to heal/mantra up and to place a iDuelist out of his reach (guard was smart and took notice of the phants), the Guard would have eventually been burnt down but a ranger came in (1:35). Fight quickly turned into a 3v2 at that point.

After that it was a quick trip to mid to put that fight to rest (2:40) before a return to far for a final team battle 3:03. Landslide into Lord after that.

Why are we not doing this good when we que!?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus