[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Blurred Mes
- Blurred Inscription IP, 10 30 0 0 30 Build
_However i am not a fan of giving names of builds or owning them, however u can say i am distributor of this build, none of builds should be anyone how i think, they are for all gw2 community however all skills just lying there, Blurred from Blurred Inscriptions, _

BUILD LINK Blurred Mes

WvW, It is mainly WvW build, i never played pve, and for Tpvp its some useless(via Distortation ll let u decaped)that build ll lack of role and not worth by traits.. but u can join 8vs8 and its effective and fun there..

- Zerging(Large Scaled Groups)

  • Can be with PUGs Zerging
  • Can be without PUGs Zerging(Guild Raids)

- Roaming

  • Can be Solo Roaming For Fun (Trolling)
    As Jump in alone in 100 mans Blob and escape
  • For Small scaled groups roam haven`t tested yet..

Challenge Rate High
- Its hard to play as on his goal, and lagging kill u via 1/4sec can let u die, requires best timing, and skill position orient


  • For Max Reflection Spec (Max Precision, Max Critical Damage)
    Mirror Mes
  • How should do organize items for more Damage?
    lets say we are all pvt now.. and u want more damage then in order..
    - use your trinkets with critical damage items(if they are ascendants)
    best use of critical damage on ascendant trinkets, after jewels

Where Should i use critical damage first on items?

  1. Jewels (5)
  2. ascendant back piece, then (35/5=7 [if this number lower Better use]
  3. ascendant rings, then (8.50)
  4. ascendant accessories (8.57)
  5. ascendant amulet (9.44)
  6. excotic shoulder, foot, glove (12)
  7. excotic weapon 1 hand Weapons (12.8)
  8. excotic amulet (12.8)
  9. excotic accessory (13.33)
  10. ascendant weapon 1-hand and 2-hands (13.40)
  11. excotic weapon 2hands (14.22)
  12. excotic chest (14.40)
  13. excotic legging, helm, ring, back piece (16)

(celestials not included for damage spec, can add it later)

What i run i ve just limited ascendants http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAsfWnUEFTbTNO0gWbEB1juD8+OSFctSPstLc3A-j0zAocI0VAJGQEEEyCA9BM5psmAFErcFRjVvgpcTq2FQDDrih8GYSBwkyI-w
if can stack guard vitality stacks other wise go pvt

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


- Foods

  • on critical hits (as well trigger on reflections),
    +%40 might or +%40 chill on enemy on night
    -good sinergy with reflection spec with strength runes and bleed on crit changse via might buffs condi damage as well
    %66 chance of steal health anti dps, as well nice buff with high armors as well better with gs..
  • Lemon grass , as always one of best for this build and it really buff your mobility which this build specced
  • +100 prec %10 crit , use for reflection spec
  • Might on dodge , this build has some much time that we dont get vigor, cuz of low attack per min to trigger vigor, and always dodge is best life saver
  • or on kill foods for blob fights, cuz early of clash are easier with this build then where as u could tag much targets then your group will probably, kill most of zerkerrss..

- Runes,

  • Strength up time of Might and %5 damage and power stats.. (its my most of time regular runes) ok for swift and cleanse i dont complain much cuz of group and team composition
  • Lyssa going solo with Mass invi, nice escape with all condi cleanse anti condi burst which conditions are cons of this build
  • melandru classical not much to say but not needed stun duration cuz u ve distortation when u in bombs, or as backline position u wont get stun bursts,
  • earth good sinergy with staff and magnetic aura save life while u retreat excatly
  • traveler, air, if not have a guy that can buff u swiftness so for solo..

Sigils ,

  • On Critical Hit good sync with reflections, more triggers
    - Fire: where has fire can trigger much retal this build is good vs retal.. with distortation
    - Frailty: if has no cooldown ? best for reflection
  • Permanent Bonuses night, force, accuracy
  • On kill Stacks always first make stacks then swap it with other non stack weapons (u wont losee stacks)
    - Perception: if u primarly spec Reflect
    - Bloodlust: Damage boost
    - Conjuration: Solo (boost your trooling :P)
  • on kill
    - Stamina: (u ll become exploding bomb) one of best with ipersona vs blob fights
    - Restoration (longer survival better for harder blob fights as 25guild zergs vs 40 50 pug zergs)
  • on swap
    - Energy: As for lower chance win fights (cuz less ppl dying) or GvG

- Mirror for if u use rune as trigger on heal
- Ether Feast for better self heal boost or if u go as 20 20 0 0 30 (no Blurred Ins, yes Mind wrack), or rather than spec initiatior role as as usual skill can be with Blurred Ins,
- Signet Ether For trigger Blurred Ins, 1 sec invul, better for continued blurr effect or anti burst, or lowered energy

Mirror Images Main skill of build
- it is for Mobility(via distortation as piercing heavy zerg, and for positioning)
- It is for anti Burst Damage for trigger Distortation(F4) Tanking
- It is for Burst Damage(F1)

Signet of Illusions Main skill of build
- More Shatters
- 1sec invul (however u cant use(practicaly) it for 1 sec invul) [needed better sinergy as with Signet of Mighnight use both can give u safe cast + 2 sec invul] then can be use for tanking(taking aggro, getting tagets on u)

- Anti burst (let u get out from heavy damage positions)
- Positioning, let u position yourself +environment attactions as roofs
- As offensive, blink target mirror shatter nice burst

Signet of Midnight
- check above Signet of Illusion

- Time wrap: For better group support
- Mass Inv: small scaled soloing for retreats
- Avatar of Melandru: Boost your initiate role(as using for roots, and cleanse is nice as well) while can tank
- Reaper of Grenth: Condition spread Boost your initiate role, Fits very nice with this build, +%40 condi duration can be used time to time on this skill(hide your backpack below screen can use it fast by mouse click)

- Weapons
Great Sword and staff can swap with gs for more sustain damage, less un connection for dps.. with some more different positioning.. survival can be less but its worth for pressure..

Focus u can sacrifice your burst damage or survival for focus for group support via pulls but it can be challenged as can distrupt guardians pulls.. and focus is not worth for this build

Pistol can be good sync with another periphery chasers as thiefs or sword off hand? havent experianced them yet.

Gs and Staff both as ranged style doesnt fit this build role or position..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Damage Dealing,

  1. Burst Damage – High to Very High,
  2. DPS – Medium to Low
  3. Condition DOT – Low

Damage Negation

  1. DP(Damage Preventing) High to Very High
  2. EHP (Effective Health Pool) Medium to Low
  3. HPS (Healing Per Second) Medium to Low
  4. CC (Crowd Controling) Medium to Low

Damage Dealing:
1) Burst Damage with Burst Damage i meaned in a short time big damage with aoe.. i use spike say, for targeted concentrated damage.. as a main burst, with torch#4 while BF Blurred Frenzying, Mirror Image(2 clones min) and F1 .. rather than saying i give damage 14243124123 bla bla.. (or i hit rabbit 1.5m)

as basic combo,

  • torch#4 – 1.00 skill co-efficient
  • BF – 2.376 skill co-eficient
  • with iP and 2 clones F1 shatter 2.74(if traited x 1.20 = 3.288)
    Total Skill co efficienties with traited Mental Torment = 6.664
    lets check Damage if target has 2600 armor without any buff or conditions
    Damage done = (Weapon Strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)
    with this build that i played on GvG that on link was Build War Mes as regular shatter mesmer with mirror images and signet of illusion( can be with gs and %3damage and %20signet duration) as well

Damage Done = 6076.47
with Crit Chance and Crit Damage
Average Damage = 8555.67

2) DPS i said Medium to Low because, there is a much unconnection time that doing constant action that offensive skills can be used in practically.. Gs instead staff can boost your DPS

3) Condition Damage instead raw damage build doesnt have any condition damage access and we dont have condition damage attribute..

Damage Negation

1) Damage Preventing Distortations with clone or mirror images uses, Blink, signet(blurred), Phase(staff#2), BF(can be added as evade) and dodges
-so Zergs have really high burst potential.. as cannot be in 5 players spvp.. (concentrated fields skills on same point) so u can dance in bombs(bursts)
it ll give huge tank potential via Taking aggro (how many skills u can let enemy sacrifice on u.. ll boost your and your group effectiveness)

2) Health Pool How much damage u can get.. its about vitality thoughness and base armor health stats.. and boons how periodically u can trigger them.. ll be edited soon..

3) HPS its about the heal skills and healing power stats ll be edited soon..

4) Crowd Control its about delays as daze, stuns.. condition spreads as cripple blinds weakness etc.. ll be edited soon

Initiator: If enemy Blob seen in range.. before your guild rush alone on them,
Initiate Skill Rotation:

  1. torch #5
  2. torch #4 (if they started to range u)
  3. Dodge (clone generate)(after your phantasm hit your target and u in combat)
  4. Sword #3 (while they regroup and buffing for clash)
  5. F4 4sec invul.. harras them (take aegis, panic them to attack u and not let buff, make them in combat) use all your shatters f1 f3 f2..
    after this, possibilities,
  • 1) your guild couldnt reach for ambush, and enemy still on regroup..
    a) BF blink away or/and swap staff #2 if not torch#4 used get out of combat..
    b) lengthen Distortation, Signet of illusion, dodge(clone) mirror images kittenain
  • 2) They already started to move for clash and they ignore u.. and your guild far
    a) out of combat
  • 3) best use: Your guild reached on time as 8th round of (i dont have earlier i played last 3) GvG CoN vs OP 3:48 or GvG CoN vs OP round96:20 on GvG CoN vs OP video
    a) BF mirror images F1, F3, F2
    dodge or blink and use staff (then u ll not get as Retal effects example on gvg`s)

Tank: Before your commender go and take aggro while invul..
Had a commander build should find or rework it
Burst Damage: Regular shatter style.. +Mirror images use on shatters

None of Videos made for advertising or community.. i share them personally..
Minor PoV from our GvG with OP it was my first experiment as kind of this build in gvg, Build that i used in video Build War Mes
GvG CoN vs OP Last 3 Rounds

Our last day on SFR some trolling raid(mean unoffical) Last Day on SFR

Until 5:26 it has uses of this build http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53SqKlt9BY8
or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt2FRyfISgE
Old ones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS3GqfKE1z8, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt2FRyfISgE

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860



Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: DonEllz.6312


Distortioning so much :P people will think your bugging

Its Not Apho – Necromancer – Callous Philosophy [LaG] – Anguîsh [Ash]

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


Cat stands for osicat’s builds not shatter builds in general.

Sigil of energy and fire don’t stack as they share 1 internal CD. I watched your videos a bit and it rarely seemed like you were reflecting when distorting or distorting as much as the build would lend itself to. So… just a weak shatter build.

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Velimere.7685


Cat stands for osicat’s builds not shatter builds in general.

What he said.

Anyone who says Zerk is the average Joe build is an average Joe.

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


@Duck yeap then i change it to just mes.. or can say for 10 30 0 0 30 Inscripted IP(illusionary persona) or for 20 20 0 0 30(Distort IP)
- sigil of energy and fire doesnt stack ? :S then yes i should check it ty..
- none of videos was for advertising or for community.. better i should give away slacking and make colorful video yeah there is no primarly reflection goal in anywhere.. and it wont be very effective in eb mass blob wars maybe :P

- however blurred mes(ins ip) some of fun/trolling/fantasy build, as regular oldie goldie build regular shatter mesmer with some different play style is i found effective.. as 20 20 0 0 30 i tried to fit it to organized zergs as guild raids.. however probably u ll have another mesmer for primary requires as glamours..

what i was thinking to make this build..
(our guild raids are ~25ppl roaming.. if vs massive blobs (+40 zergs)
1)dont die
2)position comfortable with your mobile group..
3) for mostly Guild vs Guilds (vs competitive and organised groups) (retal is biggest enemy if u try to massive shatter to train for better effect..
not just retals auras chaos armors…. etc etc..
example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yecRyBzCbW0

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Heinel.6548


Well, high invuln up-time might be good for commanders (tho the build is kinda high in attention upkeep).

It could be a tanky option, but mesmers don’t really have a zergging weapon, and if you aren’t using glamors in a zerg, I’m not entirely sure why you wouldn’t take a warrior or guard instead—way easier unconditional blocks and invuln, high defense even off invuln, etc etc.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


@ Heinel..

- Ofc.. i always say Mesmer lacking role in large scaled fights(Blobs,Zerging)
excatly for competitive groups.. blob vs blob can be fun side of game..
gvg? challenged competitive match
- Mesmer can be better effective in overall rather than other classes?

  • except for veil and portal ok.. No he cant.. glamour mesmer vs Wellomancancers? in overall effecient?
    or bursting, spiking single targets better in overall than thief?
    Yeah what is mesmer for? anyone knows? Feedback ? bah most classes have reflection access.. nullfield? yeah one of best skill of mesmer.. so u would choose mesmer or necro for rip boon and cleanse effects +overall efficient (damage deal, damage negatiation),
    CC(crowd control) (confounding suggestions) access.. vs hammer war? or more more..

if i say basicly not warrior or guard and blurred mes or war mes

  • Distortation = Endure Pain + stability + Beserker stance
    warior or guard cant tank as mesmer distort.. as in initiate
    mesmer can more let enemy waste their skills.. as in initiate
    mesmer can do damage as burst than guard or war

build is traditional shatter mesmer with more shatters access..

there were mesmer commander discussions past on forum.. i had build as kind of build as frontline tanky commander.. with full soldier sets it can become commander build..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: madrono.9468


Hi Azo
An interesting proposal, I’m doing tests with it these days and I have a good feeling.
Only one thing. Have you tried to use it with runes of resistance?


Chuichui- Mesmer
Impures [imp] Baruch Bay

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


hey madrono,
himm resistance runes stats looks nice except 6th(cuz if u use blurred ins. trait, so u ll have invulnerability..)
or for traditional shatter with mirror images and signet of illusion it will not worth.. cuz (as strength runes balance with thoughness with your other items is %5damage > aegis) or hoelbreak or melandru will > than resistance [however best optimization will be organized team as partying with stability supporter via guard or cleanse supporter as war workers or supports from staff eles etc..)
resistance runes maken for heal signets maybe.. i havent think about them much yet.. but for phantasm spike? can be as.. one of damage phantasm(gs#4), pistol#4, #5(optimal), signet(so here aegis can protect your next skill usage of) pistol#4.. ? :S

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: madrono.9468


You’re probably right, however a note: runes of resistance and the trait of blurred inscription not have a bad synergy as aegis lasts 5 seconds so when the distortion finish, you still have up aegis to block the next attack.

Chuichui- Mesmer
Impures [imp] Baruch Bay

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Just gonna leave this here: Masterful reflection only works for the skill Distortion (F4), not for the Distortion effect in general.

42% critchance and 70% critdmg both seem way too low for a shatter build, also.

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


@madrono.. yeap.. aegis also good vs for high co efficient skills as hammer stuns as good as blind effects
aegis (5sec) efficient = (signet blurr has 1 sec) so.. first signet use, then for 1 sec possibility to Not get any single attack x after 1 sec use of signet possibility to get biggest co efficieent single attack.. I tried to fit formula :P
i mean u can have very high chance of getting any attack while u are in blurred inscription so aegis can ll lost.. if i am not wrong.. attack will trigger first aegis then blurr effect of signet..

@lavra.. yea Masterful reflection is not trigger with BF and blurred ins.. i forgot to added it ty..
yeah it can be not much damage.. but as in wvw environment for large scaled fights u ll need more surivaval stats..
and instead of more fun if i like to go more competitive, i wont take blurred ins just go traditional shatter mesmer with 20 20 0 0 30 with mirror images and signet of illu better effect.. or stats can be cool as this? http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAsfWnUEFTbTNO0gWbEB1juD8+OSFctSPstLc3A-j0DBocQYfBkYAigAhsAg+AM3MZ5ooJqCiVNFRjVhET7SRWFLomcByieZ1SBMqwI-w %51 cchance and %125 Cdamage with base of 18khp and 2300 armor? and on first page there are some tips how to use critdamage stats without not lose much other attributes.. and http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/mesmer/ here can let u make better efficient stats optimization..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Looks fine but from my experience critchance is more important than critdmg until you have ~60%. Because of this i would consider dropping up to 10% critdmg and go for more precision instead.

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: madrono.9468


i mean u can have very high chance of getting any attack while u are in blurred inscription so aegis can ll lost.. if i am not wrong.. attack will trigger first aegis then blurr effect of signet..

I have done several tests and I’m fairly convinced that this is not how it happens. During Distortion Aegis is not triggered, so when the effect of the distortion ends always have active aegis. In any case I’m not sure that’s sufficient benefit to use

Chuichui- Mesmer
Impures [imp] Baruch Bay

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


heyy.. sorry for being late answer..

@lavra hey.. cchance or cdamage? i gave some tips on cdamage usage on items above..
and dont forget the power`s efficient on raw damage compare to cdamage or cchance..
1 cchance = 21stats however 1cdamage = 5 to 16 attributes than use the differences on your damage.. so if u want to make it manually.. know 3 things 1) damage formula 2)crit formula 3) targets armor, your stats and your skill co-efficient..
or gw2buildcraft can help u for it as well..
but i can say

  • power is the primary thing to boost your raw damage..
    -prec ll become more important if u need to trigger (chance on criticals) or if u already maxed your power
    i ll share my test.. example i ve
    2271 power
    30.9% cchance
    60% cdamage

Efficient power=3195.18

1383 tough 2303armor
1238 vit 18302hp
exp build: http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/mesmer/?4.0|c.1c.0.f.1g.||1c.7d.1c.7d.1c.7d.1c.7d.1c.7d.1c.7d.|2t.0.2v.0.2s.0.21k.0.2s.0.1c.67|k00.k00.0.0.u000|0.0||e

  • so for this build should i use Oil or Sharperning stone for more damage?
    Oil vs Sharpening = 20.92 Sharpening wins(power) for more damage
    20.92 power means will boost your damage example with 1.00 co efficient skill as torch#4
    so there will be %0.88 damage different (~8 damage differences on torch)
    or %0.97 cchance will trigger more as critical infusions

for cdamage its some more complicated cuz of avability of usages of items..

however i would prefer lower cchance and higher cdamage than vice versa..
cuz its more risky for oponent,foe on bursts.. yeah for dps it would ok as high cchance and low cdamage

i tired dont wanna mix it more if u ve question i ll try to do my best.. however ccdamage fourmulas will change on coming patch

@madrono hey.. ohh than it sounds differ.. but yea will it be fair other than as %5damage or others..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

[Build] WvW - Blurred Mes/War Mes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


new video which has some usage of War Mes http://youtu.be/BNFSfhjZ2bY

till 4.50 in gvgs regular shatter 20 20 0 0 30
at 4.50 scene and 19.20 Blurred Mes
others 5.16 War Mes

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”