[Build before the Patch] Bloody Mesmer

[Build before the Patch] Bloody Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645



Just felt like I should post this before the patch goes off given it worked pretty well for me.
It’s a condi-phantasm build which focuses on Sharper Images for bleed damage, along with some decent Anguish and Confusion from scepter. I think I calculated everything pretty well to get the most blood out of the enemy, but want to know whether it could get better. Defense is pretty solid with the treated focus and Signet of Ether. Reason it won’t be viable after the patch is the runes; mixing and matching to get max Bleed duration. I used the pistol and focus since their phantasms hit the most in bursts of damage to gain up to 7 or 8 bleed per phantasm. I’d usually start the fights with a Magic Bullet Stun, then summon the Duelist for instant bleeds. The rest is pretty self-explanatory, I think. Thoughts?

[Build before the Patch] Bloody Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


  • There’s no condi removal. Better to drop signet of Dom for Null Field or Mantra of Resolve.
  • Traiting for Empowered Illusions is useless because you have minimal power. Better off taking Crippling Dissipation for a cover condition.
  • The 15 in Domination is useless because vulnerability doesn’t affect condition damage. Better off moving it to Dueling for Deceptive Evasion (clones bleed when they crit).
  • Phantasmal Haste only affects your Duelist by reducing the downtime of the attack by a mere 1 second. Better off moving those 10 points to Chaos and taking Debilitating Dissipation for more bleeds and other cover conditions.
elite specs ruined pvp.

[Build before the Patch] Bloody Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


- Hasn’t been a big problem yet. You’re probably right, though. I’ll try it.
-True, I’ll try it. Kinda feels less powerful, but that’s probably just my attraction towards “more damage!”
-15 in dom is to put the crit Bleeds up to 9 and not 8.75 or something. DE may work to put more constant crits, but I feel that having 2 phants doing 8 bleeds for 9 seconds in a burst may be better than 3 clones needing to be constantly maintained for a bleed or two every few seconds.
-While true, I again have a hard time relying on clones for what I need. Phantasms can provide a more reliable hit with less maintenance and at a constant rate. Besides, that 1 second can be helpful in the long term, along with the faster summoning cds.
I may, again, be wrong, but these are my current thoughts on it.