[Build before the Patch] Bloody Mesmer
- There’s no condi removal. Better to drop signet of Dom for Null Field or Mantra of Resolve.
- Traiting for Empowered Illusions is useless because you have minimal power. Better off taking Crippling Dissipation for a cover condition.
- The 15 in Domination is useless because vulnerability doesn’t affect condition damage. Better off moving it to Dueling for Deceptive Evasion (clones bleed when they crit).
- Phantasmal Haste only affects your Duelist by reducing the downtime of the attack by a mere 1 second. Better off moving those 10 points to Chaos and taking Debilitating Dissipation for more bleeds and other cover conditions.
- Hasn’t been a big problem yet. You’re probably right, though. I’ll try it.
-True, I’ll try it. Kinda feels less powerful, but that’s probably just my attraction towards “more damage!”
-15 in dom is to put the crit Bleeds up to 9 and not 8.75 or something. DE may work to put more constant crits, but I feel that having 2 phants doing 8 bleeds for 9 seconds in a burst may be better than 3 clones needing to be constantly maintained for a bleed or two every few seconds.
-While true, I again have a hard time relying on clones for what I need. Phantasms can provide a more reliable hit with less maintenance and at a constant rate. Besides, that 1 second can be helpful in the long term, along with the faster summoning cds.
I may, again, be wrong, but these are my current thoughts on it.