[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

After thinking about the stuff they just showed us I felt like: Hell yeah i actually can go for conditions on my shatterspec now.

Build 1:
Domination: 4 -> I (Mind Wrack damage) , VII (shatter remove boons)
Dueling: 4 -> II (fury for phantasms), X (clone on dodge)
Chaos: 0
Inspiration: 0
Illusions: 6 -> V(confusion duration), VII (additional bounce), XIII (torment on shatter)

Weapons: Scepter of Energy + Pistol of Geomancy & Staff of Energy (of Geomancy)

Gear: Rampager+Carrion (precision, power, condition damage + condition damage, power, vitality)

  • Rampager:
    Amulet, Rings, Earrings, Backpack
  • Carrion:
    Weapons, Armor

Runes: 6x Adventurer (Condition Damage + Power, (6): 50% Endurance on heal)

All shatters will have these effects:

  • 1xMight(10s)
  • 1xConfusion(4.5s)
  • YxTorment(Zs)

One could also hold a Sword and a Torch instead of a Staff but I’d not replace Scepter because it is a great weapon for a shatterspec without IP. It generates clones on range that are standing next to the enemy. Also it has 5 stack torment with it that can be awesome.

Build 2:
Domination: 0
Dueling: 0
Chaos: 4 -> V (conditions on clone death), X (staff trait)
Inspiration: 4 -> III (vigor on shatter) , VII (scepter trait)
Illusions: 6 -> V(confusion duration), VII (additional bounce), XIII (torment on shatter)

Weapons: Scepter of Energy + Torch of Geomancy & Staff of Energy (of Geomancy)

Gear: full Dire (condition damage, toughness, vitality)

Runes 6xUndead (condition damage + toughness)

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pwent.2639


Honestly i think rampagers gear will be way more useful post crit damage nerf. Thinking about making a sw/t sc/p rampagers/celestial build 10/30/10/0/20. Cant stand dire gear i find rabid more fun to play 100% of the time.


[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Does the ferocity change actually nerf crit damage to the ground? Don’t forget that crit damage started from 150%. Even if crit damage drop from 110% to 85%, a full zerk mes still have 235% damage on crit. This still sound more reliable than the condition damage that rampager provided (not to mention rampager main in precision than condition damage).

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


A condi shatter spec will be interesting to give a try. The runes and sigils would be fun to experiment with, maybe some torment runes/sigils to toy around with. Yet again adventures does also sound pretty good, just depends on what your looking more for out of the build.

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


condi shatter is pretty exciting, for sure.
20 (or… 4, I guess, in the new system) in Dueling feels mandatory for the bleeds and clone-on-dodge. But 20 in Chaos or Domination, or 10 in each,both seem to have their advantages.

I love the idea of mind wrack→cry of frustration in rapid succession giving 12 stacks of confusion and maybe 6 of torment.

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

condi shatter is pretty exciting, for sure.
20 (or… 4, I guess, in the new system) in Dueling feels mandatory for the bleeds and clone-on-dodge. But 20 in Chaos or Domination, or 10 in each,both seem to have their advantages.

I love the idea of mind wrack->cry of frustration in rapid succession giving 12 stacks of confusion and maybe 6 of torment.

I used to do this pre confusion nerf. Post confusion nerf it was no longer viable. I can foresee the cries of OP’ness from torment shattering now. Or I could in the old days since back then nobody ran condition removal.

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: sendmark.4731


In build 2 I’d definitely go 20 duelling and drop 20 inspiration, still want clone on dodge for those shatters/clone death.

Two more reactive condi builds though, not bad looking.

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I just bought the equipment and tested it with the possibilities we have. now and i wonder why i dropped conditionshatter [My build] :o

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I just bought the equipment and tested it with the possibilities we have. now and i wonder why i dropped conditionshatter [My build] :o

I was using a build such as this but the damage was not as good and conditions not lasting as long. Hence I am using this now – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vgEQRAra7dlknpTtlqxYNcrNScSB0lOpHmu0nukCcnbA-zEDBYfRGbZIjk3BiIIzECJM5pIastBFRjVVLpqFYqSRW5CwbQamUARMGA-w

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I was using a build such as this but the damage was not as good and conditions not lasting as long. Hence I am using this now – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vgEQRAra7dlknpTtlqxYNcrNScSB0lOpHmu0nukCcnbA-zEDBYfRGbZIjk3BiIIzECJM5pIastBFRjVVLpqFYqSRW5CwbQamUARMGA-w

Are you considering your build a condi build? I think you may have picked the wrong gear in the builder – with 276 condi dmg, none of your condis are going to be worth much, scepter won’t be doing much dmg, etc.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: DeathReign.7821


S2g these builds were exactly what I was coming up with after reading about the new traits.

Will be fun to experiment and see how it all pans out!

Edit: Oh and I’m pretty sure I read that crit damage won’t be affected in PvP as they believe that it is “in a good place” at the moment.

Kiss the chaos.

(edited by DeathReign.7821)

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I was using a build such as this but the damage was not as good and conditions not lasting as long. Hence I am using this now – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vgEQRAra7dlknpTtlqxYNcrNScSB0lOpHmu0nukCcnbA-zEDBYfRGbZIjk3BiIIzECJM5pIastBFRjVVLpqFYqSRW5CwbQamUARMGA-w

Are you considering your build a condi build? I think you may have picked the wrong gear in the builder – with 276 condi dmg, none of your condis are going to be worth much, scepter won’t be doing much dmg, etc.

I am using daze and confusion along with Torment – that is all the conditions – it does a lot more damage than you think. When on Lyssa,, easily doing 3-5K a pop on her.

When using the other build, which was mostly illusion, The damage is not as much although there is more conditions (and takes longer to kill mobs) I also used different armor etc. for that build also.

[Build ideas] Condition after 15th April

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I was using a build such as this but the damage was not as good and conditions not lasting as long. Hence I am using this now – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vgEQRAra7dlknpTtlqxYNcrNScSB0lOpHmu0nukCcnbA-zEDBYfRGbZIjk3BiIIzECJM5pIastBFRjVVLpqFYqSRW5CwbQamUARMGA-w

Are you considering your build a condi build? I think you may have picked the wrong gear in the builder – with 276 condi dmg, none of your condis are going to be worth much, scepter won’t be doing much dmg, etc.

I am using daze and confusion along with Torment – that is all the conditions – it does a lot more damage than you think. When on Lyssa,, easily doing 3-5K a pop on her.

When using the other build, which was mostly illusion, The damage is not as much although there is more conditions (and takes longer to kill mobs) I also used different armor etc. for that build also.

Thanks for the reply. That’s pretty interesting, I may have to look into it; it was definitely hard for me to believe scepter is any good in a power build. (Not being confrontational, just noting that most of the “heavy” hitting dmg from scepter is directly related to your condi dmg)


Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dhampyr.2104)