• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
[Builds] Fay's List of Builds & Guides
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
I’ve been testing Restorative Mantras (trait X in Inspiration) in PvP, and they don’t seem to be healing, for balancing reasons does that trait only work in PvE?
I’ve been testing Restorative Mantras (trait X in Inspiration) in PvP, and they don’t seem to be healing, for balancing reasons does that trait only work in PvE?
They definitely work in PvP It only works once you finish casting the mantra not upon using the readied mantras.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Oooh, I see, thank you!
You should make some PvE videos, Fay
Thisisudax – Guardian – FotM 49
Fractal Videos: http://www.youtube.com/thisisudax
You should make some PvE videos, Fay
I will make one today if I can of several different encounters in dungeons to demonstrate how mantras are a great addition in dungeons also
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Great build Fay! Mantras have always looked pretty interesting to me, so I may have to give this a shot, when I can collect the gear!
I do have a slightly off-topic question though: Earlier you were discussing Mantra of Recovery, and I was wondering if it was worth using even with no traits into mantras, in comparison to our other heals?
I’ve got some footage of a couple of dungeon runs I did with another Mantra Mesmer So expect double awesome Mantra action for one!
I’ll have to edit it to demonstrate the various examples of mantra usage in dungeons. So it might still be a couple of days till it’s ready and uploaded
Great build Fay! Mantras have always looked pretty interesting to me, so I may have to give this a shot, when I can collect the gear!
I do have a slightly off-topic question though: Earlier you were discussing Mantra of Recovery, and I was wondering if it was worth using even with no traits into mantras, in comparison to our other heals?
I looked into the question in regards to healing on a mesmer in an earlier post:
Mantra of Recovery = 10.8k every 15 seconds (With RM trait) – 8k (Without RM trait)
Ether fest = 7.7k every 20 seconds (depended on whether you have 3 clones up or not)
Mirror = 4k every 15 seconds
I personally feel that Mantra of Recovery is the best Mesmer heal because even without the 3x mantra trait and Restorative Mantra trait you can still use the heals regardless of situation and you aren’t depended on having clones up and the cooldown is faster but the downside of course is the charge.
That said I feel that if you don’t us either the 3x mantra trait or Restorative mantra trait both Ether or Mantra are fine depending on what you prefer. Whether you prefer to charge or get clones up they’re both effective and good in different ways.
Good luck with trying out a mantra build I had some positive feedback so far from various mesmers that whispered me so it’s certainly worth a try if it intrigues you.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Fay – many thanks for sharing the mantra build idea. It steered me in a different direction with build creation as I had been trying many different options before I ran across yours. I played around with the build as you had it but ended up with a hybrid phantasm/mantra build which I’m very pleased with. It provides a nice balance of damage, control and support and not too squishy. This is all for PvE/dungeons at the moment.
All Knight’s armor and the rest of my weaps/accessories are zerker stats.
I swap signet of illusions for other utilities as needed.
Thanks again for posting!
(edited by skcamow.3527)
I checked the vs thief videos because I was curious how the fights look like but there’s no most basic scenario you encounter in WvW which is:
1. 11k Backstab
2. 2k Sigil of Air
3. 6.5k Steal’
4.(optional) Cloak & Dagger (6k)
Any order of those skills basically but it usually starts with Backstab
You’re dead in <1sec.
Combat Log shows you were killed by Unknown because the thief hasnt even rendered on your screen before you were downed.
So how do you counter it? Assuming you have no idea of thief going for you there’s no way you will even react with poping Blurred Frenzy for immunity.
(edited by PadmaN.7820)
I checked the vs thief videos because I was curious how the fights look like but there’s no most basic scenario you encounter in WvW which is:
1. 11k Backstab
2. 2k Sigil of Air
3. 6.5k Steal’
4.(optional) Cloak & Dagger (6k)
Any order of those skills basically but it usually starts with Backstab
You’re dead in <1sec.
Combat Log shows you were killed by Unknown because the thief hasnt even rendered on your screen before you were downed.So how do you counter it? Assuming you have no idea of thief going for you there’s no way you will even react with poping Blurred Frenzy for immunity.
To be fair the videos aren’t the best ever. I don’t normally do any sPvP at all I mostly do WvW and dungeons. The mantra build was also fairly new for me as I had switched to it a week before and played around with it till I felt I had something solid to practice and I wasn’t used to all the keybinds etc. The video is to demonstrate how roughly it works. I don’t profess to be an expert with the build yet Although I feel I’ve improved a lot since the videos.
That said, I’ve had plenty of occasions where a thief tries to jump out at me in WvW out of nowhere. Sometimes if I’m busy chatting or particularly slow that day they will get me but 6/10 I just blink away, then keep them from going into stealth by chain dazing them and burning them down quick. Because daze stops thieves from using stealth timing it right leaves them completely exposed.
That’s why if I react fast enough all manner of thieves are generally really easy for me if I time my dazes well and burst and don’t mess up. It’s thieves with a lot of vitality/toughness that I struggle with which I see far less of when skirmishing than the glass cannon type as the tougher ones tend to be with the zerg more.
Not to mention that they don’t expect me to daze them so much so they are taking off guard and start to mess up. It’s a very successful tactic and I guess you’d have to practice yourself to know what I mean
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
In WvW, a competently geared / prepared Thief using the backstab build will not allow you time to react. The burst will be executed within a total of 2.0 seconds, with 0.8 seconds of actual contact time (where you take damage), and will be executed from 900/1200 range. This is basically a guaranteed death unless you dodge their opener at range, or have prot/aegis up from a prior event.
That aside, Dazes troll Thieves hard if the above situation does not occur.
In WvW, a competently geared / prepared Thief using the backstab build will not allow you time to react. The burst will be executed within a total of 2.0 seconds, with 0.8 seconds of actual contact time (where you take damage), and will be executed from 900/1200 range. This is basically a guaranteed death unless you dodge their opener at range, or have prot/aegis up from a prior event.
That aside, Dazes troll Thieves hard if the above situation does not occur.
That’s why you want a lot of vitality in your gear for WvW (It’s why I’m really unhappy having to sacrifice precious Vitality from runes for some swiftness) but without the burst you wont have the edge either so you do need some power and precision as well. It’s a fine balance and that’s why the build is more for others to use to figure out what they feel most comfortable with, integrate it into their builds. like with all professions you have some builds that are harder to counter than others.
Unlike in dungeons where if you know what you are doing you can go with a lot less Vitality, it’s important to have some to give you a second to react in WvW to thieves especially. The only times a glass cannon type backstab out of nowhere thief has gotten the better out of me is when I was either distracted and slow to react or I made a different kind of human error.
Otherwise you should be able to deal with those type of thieves fairly easily overall at least from my experience I’ve had no major issues. I actually secretly find it quite satisfying knowing they probably expected an easy kill and in stead got dazed to death probably left completely confused by the experience (Which is perfect and apt for a mesmer
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Oh hai!! You may remember me from this thread as being the guy who said this build wasn’t for me. Well, I made a little variation of it and, combined with the correct gear + food supplements, I’m in love.
I’ll just drop it here for your enjoyment:
Weapons: AC pow tough vit
Armor: AC pow tough vit
Jewelry: Beryl orichalcum ( pow vit crit dam ) for all except rings
Rinsg: Ascended berserker rings
Back: Pow tough crit
Runes: undecided
Food: Master maintenance oil and Bowl[s] of Curry Butternut Squash Soup
Using all this, my stats are around:
power 1993
precision 1602
toughness 1439
vitality 1707
crit damage 76%
Survivability is good, very good.
I went the 2 mantra activations route for some extra healing. All in all, I’m satisfied with this.
Thoughts? ( also, don’t mean to hijack your thread Fay but this seems like as good a place as any to post a mantra build
EDIT: changed the build a bit, more oomph. All in all, loving this last version. Thanks Fay, for introducing me to mantras
Ilario Ciarenni – Mesmerizing Human Mesmer
[TEO] The Exalted Ones
(edited by Rhogall.4179)
What about something like this for dungeon/fractals PvE?
I’m also thinking about going 25 inspiration 5 chaos with this. Also can’t really decide if I should use sword/sword, sword/pistol or staff as my second weapon…
Sorry for not releasing the video yet. Very ill at the moment so can’t concentrate on editing videos at the moment. I will get right at it when I feel better though!
Rhogall, Interesting build! I’m glad my build inspired you to at least play around with mantras which is my main intend for sharing the build Mantras have a lot more potential now with the decreased cast time. It’s just a matter of getting used to the playstyle.
Panzen, Give it a try for a few days see how it goes! I tend to swap mantra of distraction with resolve for dungeons as a lot of bosses don’t respond to dazes but do apply conditions.
Sometimes I also swap around either blink or mantra of pain for certain fights as well with nullfield or feedback that kind of thing. I like using mantra of concentration for fights like searing effigy in CoF. Basically you have to be more versatile with utility in dungeons overall
Mantra of pain is a great way to support your party in dungeons though with restorative mantras you help top people up nicely. I’ve saved many people and stopped wipes by spamming mantra of pain. It’s not an amazing heal as it doesnt heal people all the way up but it does top up health nicely to give people another second to respond, buy people time to heal up/pop some defense or safe their cooldowns.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
Stuff about being sick …
Rhogall, Interesting build! I’m glad my build inspired you to at least play around with mantras which is my main intend for sharing the build
Mantras have a lot more potential now with the decreased cast time. It’s just a matter of getting used to the playstyle.
More stuff …
Hope you’re doing better.
A few extra notes on my build:
- You have a 2.8k group heal every 5 seconds ( mantra of pain ) I just spam that mantra when I see my group’s health pool going too low. It’s not a lifesaver, obviously, but it helps quite a bit.
- If you change empowering mantras to duelis’ts discipline + switch out 1-2 mantras for other skills ( blink, decoy, … whatever tickles your fancy ) you instachange into a wvw machine :P.
- Phantasms hurt a LOT in this setup
- Consider for wvw also switching Empowered Illusions to Crippling Illusions … you now … for cripples.
- Greatsword auto attacks crit up to 1.9k, phantasms range between 3.5k and ( swear to god I saw it at least once ) 5k.
All in all, this build offers survivability while still hitting like a truck. I would be very curious to see what you could do with this build tbh fay ( subtle hint at a video :P ). I would make one myself, but I would need to get into movie editing and stuff first :P
Ilario Ciarenni – Mesmerizing Human Mesmer
[TEO] The Exalted Ones
Fay – many thanks for sharing the mantra build idea. It steered me in a different direction with build creation as I had been trying many different options before I ran across yours. I played around with the build as you had it but ended up with a hybrid phantasm/mantra build which I’m very pleased with. It provides a nice balance of damage, control and support and not too squishy. This is all for PvE/dungeons at the moment.
All Knight’s armor and the rest of my weaps/accessories are zerker stats.
I swap signet of illusions for other utilities as needed.
Thanks again for posting!
I wanted to make an edit to this build as as result of playing more with it:
The build was changed to a pure phantasm spec with restorative mantras retained. Dom/power is lower but you’ll get power from the armor and additional buffs using food to make a very tanky gear setup with high power.
Weapon: Berserker GS
Weapon: Berserker Sword and Focus
Armor: All Soldier’s (Power/Toughness/Vitality) on Rings/Earrings/Accessories/Spineguard
Masterwork-Light armageddon on TP
Rare-Strong or Conjurer on TP
Exotic-Take your pick from dungeon/karma vendors
Armor Runes: Rune of the Pack
Armor Upgrades: Knight’s specs (Emerald Orbs)
Nourishments: Superior Sharpening Stone (Hardened if cash poor)
Nourishments: Food-Plate of Truffle Steak (Steak and Asparagus if cash poor)
With both nourishments applied and Vitality and Toughness you get from the gear, power is spiked nicely by the stones. I discovered using the stones and afterward searched the forums to find others have as well (so it’s definitely not a new idea!).
With an Exotic GS, Rare Sword-Focus and Masterwork armor:
Power should be GS: ~2035/3,200 ; Sword-Focus: ~2015/2,900 Attack
Vitality should be ~1560/22,000 health
Toughness should be ~1394/2,149 armor
One drawback is that prec/crit dmg is a bit low. This is why I go with the Berserker’s weapons and Emerald Orbs (Precision). Crit Dmg can increase by using Beryl Orbs vs Emerald, but we can improve precision a bit. Rune of the Pack provides great utility for this build.
You get even more power buffs using these runes and swiftness duration with Temporal Curtain. 3rd slot buffs healing power/restorative mantras plus I like the 4th slot which is a great support utility. 6th slot buffs lacking precision nicely and I believe in full exotic gear you would probably hit the desired 40% chance.
Skills-switch feedback with anything else you want – another mantra, Sig of Illusions (if Anet fixes it someday), another phantasm for even more party regeneration etc.
Traits-most are static for the phantasm build but you can play with 1st tier Illusions. I will switch Compounding Power with Confusing Cry at times. This can provide nice sustained retaliation when used with the Illusionary Leap/Temporal Curtain combo field. With all the armor/vitality you have, retaliation can be effective and will bring foes down faster.
You have phatasmal healing in Inspiration and since you are so tanky, you can run in to charge mantras/heal allies and take a few blows easily.
I’ve played around with this build for a few days and I’ve never felt so tanky/unstoppable as a mesmer (PvE). I guess that’s what happens when you go with Toughness/Vitality for secondary attributes but usually when you do that you lose a lot of something else. With this build you don’t have to sacrifice too much of one attribute.
I’ve not played this in WvW so I’m not sure how it would run there but it works great for PvE roaming and dungeons. Main source of damage is obviously going to be Phantasms, which hit hard. Again, the numbers above are with mostly Masterwork so you can imagine how much higher they will be with full Exotics. I will post all those updated numbers when I get to that point.
If you’re not a fan of builds based on food this may not be for you but it’s worth mentioning that even w/out the food, in full exotic gear you’re still in pretty nice shape, very tanky and nice power.
Hope this helps someone and am open to any suggestions on refinement!
Armor Runes: Rune of the Pack
Armor Upgrades: Knight’s specs (Emerald Orbs)
2. Use good tradeoff slots for Berserker. I don’t recall 100%, but I think the accessory inlay gems were the best, followed by the helm item slot or something. Berserker weapons were average or something for priority between “% and not %” item mixes.
Check the gw2wiki equipment affix page for some numbers to assist.
Actually helm’s bad. Priority for Berserker is Exquisites > Shoulder/Boot/Gaunt > Amulet/1H > Earring > 2H > Chest > Leg/Helm/Ring
E.g. avoid using Berserker on Leg/Helm/Ring where possible.
(edited by EasymodeX.4062)
Hey guys thanks for all the really good builds and ideas! I’m finally feeling a bit better so I should be able to focus better on video editing. So expect some soon. I’ve included your builds to the new build list.
I’ve also decided to rename the build to something more memorable. After the greek goddess of healing Panacea (Took me forever to think of something). Since half part of the build is about mantra healing.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Hey Fay (remember me? Lol),
After testing this mantra build in dungeons (mostly CoE), I’m still confused about couple of things.
1.When to Shatter? I’m used to playing with a Shatter build, so it comes natural to me to Shatter asap, which may not be good for this build.
2.When to use Mantra of Pain? I mostly use it when doing the “burst” pattern and when I spam Spatial Surge (when I have CD on skills). Also should I charge it in combat, when I’ve used the charges, but have no one to heal?
I have enjoyed this mantra build, as it is so different from what I’ve used to and it’s mostly dmg build, but by spamming the mantras I become a healer.
Third question. What Sigils should I use in dungeons? I mostly do dungeons on my Mesmer, so I don’t think boon removal is so great, as I can just spam Sword 1 to remove boons. Also 15% stun duration isn’t that great in dungs and the vulnerability Sigil isn’t that good, as hitting F3 will put 25 stacks of Vulnerability on the enemy.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
(edited by My Sweet Lily.1952)
In every build thread, there is some post about Thieves. There always the exact same thing. “ZOMG how do i win vrs someone who hits me for 50k and i can never see him!” That kind of stuff dosent help someone with a build at all. If you want to complaign about thieves go to there forum and complaign like all the others.
Then when Fay gives a great answer its stil not enough. Just more backward thief complaigning.
I decided to get some quick footage in Orr and made a tutorial video demonstrating the tactic I described in the guide and a couple of variations (It’s important to vary it up or you will become predictable).
(Note how I’m finally used to my new mouses key-binds so no more clicking I feel I’m definitely improving with the build and it’s a lot of fun!)
Also for those asking for footage of a dungeon run, I did record some but then the Mesmer meetup happened and I livestreamed our dungeon run. It’s far from a great dungeon run with my delay in game from livestreaming and some of the others not having done the dungeon before! But it still demonstrates the mantra build:
(Note how I swapped mantra of pain for nullfield a lot of the time and am also using mantra of resolve in stead of mantra of distraction)
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Nice of you to put this guide up Fay. I had gotten sort of tired with my mesmer after hitting 80 but this is a completely different playstyle from anything I’ve tried before so it’s been fun tweaking it and trying it out both sPvP and PvE.
If there’s one complaint I have, it’s the amount of times I have to hear the mantra charge-up line… they really need some new ones or less or none even…
Nice of you to put this guide up Fay. I had gotten sort of tired with my mesmer after hitting 80 but this is a completely different playstyle from anything I’ve tried before so it’s been fun tweaking it and trying it out both sPvP and PvE.
If there’s one complaint I have, it’s the amount of times I have to hear the mantra charge-up line… they really need some new ones or less or none even…
I quite like it, Something satisfying about saying ‘Agony, Torment, Pain’ and then the person/npc dies.
In all seriousness though it can help time the mantras better to begin with for those starting out with mantras.
I do however think it would be better to have the three words separated and randomized so with each cast you either get ‘Agony’ or ‘Torment’ or ‘Pain’ so it’s not quite so repetitive or lengthy.
Personally though it doesn’t bother me after a while you just tune it out because you hear it so often that you get used to it being there. I barely notice it now.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
There will be another EU mesmer meet this friday (I believe). For those who want to I’ll be there so if you have any questions about mantras etc. I can answer them in game. Would be nice to compare mantra builds as well
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
I’ve tried this build in sPVP and in a Dungeon. Really didn’t like it in sPVP. The action is so constant that it’s hard to find time to charge mantras.
I really liked it in the Dungeon though. I was able to keep a steady stream of healing coming to my team which helped minimize the impact of individual’s mistakes. I’m thinking about dropping Mantra of pain out of the utility though. It seems very lackluster to add to the standard rotation and keeping three mantras charged can take away from other valuable actions I could be taking.
I’ve tried this build in sPVP and in a Dungeon. Really didn’t like it in sPVP. The action is so constant that it’s hard to find time to charge mantras.
I really liked it in the Dungeon though. I was able to keep a steady stream of healing coming to my team which helped minimize the impact of individual’s mistakes. I’m thinking about dropping Mantra of pain out of the utility though. It seems very lackluster to add to the standard rotation and keeping three mantras charged can take away from other valuable actions I could be taking.
Yea, Mantras are hardest in sPvP by far, as soon as your opponent learns what you are doing you will loose your moment of surprise and it becomes infinitely harder.
That said I wouldn’t advice taking away mantra of pain because it will allow you to spam heal your party when there’s particularly high amounts of damage being taken. I’ve kept up many people that way who don’t know the word ‘dodge’
Also mantra of pain allows for sustained damage much better while you try to charge the other mantras, rather than standing there doing nothing you can use power spike in the meantime, still adding to the fight or when charging mantra of pain you can blink towards someone needing to be healed, so you can be very pro-active if you manage your mantras well.
Sure there are some moments where you have no choice but to stand there and cast a mantra but that’s the sacrifice you make for the challenge and nice damage/heal output.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
The concurrent charge/cast ability of the mantras is the one of the biggest reasons this build works and doesn’t frankly fail miserably. If in a little bind, charge MoR. While that is charging (and healing you/your allies), spam MoP. By the time you’re done doing that, MoR is ready, but MoP is also immediately available due to no CD. Charge MoP again, and while you’re doing that (and healing allies with that charge), cast MoR. You can go back/forth over and over until you are back to full health all the while giving a very generous buff to your allies, and yet still doing some damage while you are healing. If you spec high enough into prec/crit dmg you can get some very nice MoP dmg spikes.
Don’t forget too you can cast certain skills which have no casting time while your mantras are charging and they won’t interrupt them. Decoy is a favorite but there are a few others, just experiment. Point being that you’re not completely disabled while charging the mantras.
Been trying out the build and doing my best to wrap my head around it. The one that still confuses me is Mantra of Pain. Testing it* reveals its abysmal DPS, i.e. 594 DPS. This is compared to 846 DPS with the Mind Slash chain or 780 DPS with Greatsword Spatial Surge.
At best, it’s a 2k heal every 5.25s. But I have to weigh that against a stun breaker (Blink), daze (Distraction), and Portal for WvW. For PVE, as noted, it’s DPS is lacking and classic dungeons don’t have situations where a badly injured character wouldn’t be better off fully disengaging from the fight to heal up. I’m not sure how effective it is at counteracting Agony as I don’t run Fractals.
Curious to have your (further) thoughts of this. Is Mantra of Pain really worth the slot?
* Testing Methodology
Heart of the Mist
6/6 PVP Mesmer runes
PVP Greatsword, PVP Sword, No Sigils
PVP Soldier Amulet with PVP Soldier Jewel
30/0/0/30/10, no Greatsword Training, with Harmonius Mantras
Target Golem - Heavy
Option: Stop Attacking On Target Change - ON
Set Mantra of Pain to autocast (1st preparation cast not counted)
Stopwatch count to 3.0s (+/- 0.3s)
Cast Power Spike
At 13.0s (+/- 0.3s), deselect target
All Power Spike damage tallied and divided by 10s
Repeat for Spatial Surge (max range) and Mind Slash
The main [damage] portion of Mantra of Pain is not supposed to be used in place of your other attacks. If it were better DPS than Sword1, then you could virtually replace a weapon with a utility slot. That’s not the intent.
The point is to elevate your burst damage. For a short period, you can increase the DPS of your Spatial Surge from 780 to 1400 DPS.
The other benefit specific to this build is that you can rotate the charge / discharge sequences with MOR for moarhealz. I mean face it — you maintained a good fraction (most) of your autoattack DPS while AOE healing.
(edited by EasymodeX.4062)
Armor Runes: Rune of the Pack
Armor Upgrades: Knight’s specs (Emerald Orbs)Wat.
Can you elaborate on why taking runes of the pack or emerald orbs with this build doesn’t make sense? I’ve since gone a different route with the jewel buffs (though retained the runes).
2. Use good tradeoff slots for Berserker. I don’t recall 100%, but I think the accessory inlay gems were the best, followed by the helm item slot or something. Berserker weapons were average or something for priority between “% and not %” item mixes.
Check the gw2wiki equipment affix page for some numbers to assist.
Actually helm’s bad. Priority for Berserker is Exquisites > Shoulder/Boot/Gaunt > Amulet/1H > Earring > 2H > Chest > Leg/Helm/Ring
E.g. avoid using Berserker on Leg/Helm/Ring where possible.
Thanks for your suggestions. I didn’t realize that about the percentage differences in the various gear; in my build I’m using mostly Soldier’s gear though.
Can you elaborate on why taking runes of the pack or emerald orbs with this build doesn’t make sense? I’ve since gone a different route with the jewel buffs (though retained the runes).
Err, they use the same slots. Unless you’re using a mix like 4 and 2 or 2 and 4, in which case you probably want to specify the #.
Or if you were referring to the weapon slots, but you said ‘Armor Upgrades:’. You could have been referring to the accessory slots as ‘armor’, but you probably would have said Exquisite or ‘gem’ or ‘jewel’ and not Orbs, so that seems unlikely.
Err, they use the same slots. Unless you’re using a mix like 4 and 2 or 2 and 4, in which case you probably want to specify the #.
Or if you were referring to the weapon slots, but you said ‘Armor Upgrades:’. You could have been referring to the accessory slots as ‘armor’, but you probably would have said Exquisite or ‘gem’ or ‘jewel’ and not Orbs, so that seems unlikely.
Ah, yes that makes sense. What I meant was that I use Runes of the Pack for all six armor pieces and use the gemstones/jewels to buff the trinkets (amulet/rings). Was just using the orbs due to not having enough mats or $$ yet for exquisite jewels.
But your response brings up a good point I have never considered in using jewels/gemstones to upgrade armor/weapons. Not sure if there is a benefit to doing that on armor versus using a full 6 slot rune set but it certainly opens up a plethora of possibilities.
Orbs have more raw stat totals than runes x6 (except for divinity), so many players opt for that, although they lose whatever unique bonuses the runes provide.
Been trying out the build and doing my best to wrap my head around it. The one that still confuses me is Mantra of Pain. Testing it* reveals its abysmal DPS, i.e. 594 DPS. This is compared to 846 DPS with the Mind Slash chain or 780 DPS with Greatsword Spatial Surge.
At best, it’s a 2k heal every 5.25s. But I have to weigh that against a stun breaker (Blink), daze (Distraction), and Portal for WvW. For PVE, as noted, it’s DPS is lacking and classic dungeons don’t have situations where a badly injured character wouldn’t be better off fully disengaging from the fight to heal up. I’m not sure how effective it is at counteracting Agony as I don’t run Fractals.
Curious to have your (further) thoughts of this. Is Mantra of Pain really worth the slot?
Mantra of pain is brilliant to spam heal people around you when required as well as provide an additional burst which balances out the dps loss from using vitality for protection.
Also you will find my build actually has blink, you will need it to survive and Mantra of distraction. As for portal unless you run with a zerg that specifically requests it of you there isn’t really a need to have one equipped as 9/10 there will be a mesmer around you who will have one equipped. As for spvp I have to say my build is hardest in spvp setting and you might have to play around with it more in that setting.
I’m currently playing around with some builds. I’ve been testing a glass cannon power mantra build and wow so much damage output but of course it makes you drop like a fly in no time if you make mistakes.
I’ve also devised a support build which uses mantra of pain as well as the normal boons/buffs to do some stellar support. I will be posting all my build ideas when I finalise them.
The point of the Panacea build for me was to balance doing decent damage with not being squishy and doing support all in one. In WvW especially you tend to go from zerg to skirmishing to requiring more support in a matter of minutes.
But I also wanted something that worked in dungeons and spvp without having to re-spec/swap gear/change playstyles all the time.
Most builds tend to specialise a lot more so where you will shine with one thing, as soon as you’re put in another situation you will tend to be at a disadvantage. I wanted the versatility of combat in WvW to reflect in the build.
It’s a solid start, you can play around from there decide whether you want more dps or more support. That said in PvE if you are familiar with the dungeons you won’t really need the vitality at all and can quite safely go without additional gear/rune vitality and you should then have a lot more damage output.
I also tend to swap a mantra in favour of a more supportive utility in anticipation of certain dungeon fights. It’s important to stay flexible in dungeons I barely find any need for dazes in dungeons for example. The condition removal mantra is far better for dungeons.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
The Mantra of Recovery/Mantra of Pain combo intrigues me, although I’m undecided whether the loss of DPS is worth the heal (probably yes in my case).
For context, yes, I do run in organised guild raids in WvW. That’s why Portal is mandatory for me regardless of the number of Mesmers we have available, which then makes Blink a necessity. So the last slot is either the promise of heal spam (which then suggests I should deck myself in Cleric gear) or daze spam (which then suggests I should deck in regular DPS gear).
Guess I’ll do the smart thing and get both.
The Mantra of Recovery/Mantra of Pain combo intrigues me, although I’m undecided whether the loss of DPS is worth the heal (probably yes in my case).
For context, yes, I do run in organised guild raids in WvW. That’s why Portal is mandatory for me regardless of the number of Mesmers we have available, which then makes Blink a necessity. So the last slot is either the promise of heal spam (which then suggests I should deck myself in Cleric gear) or daze spam (which then suggests I should deck in regular DPS gear).
Guess I’ll do the smart thing and get both.
If you mostly run with an organised guild you’ll be less likely to have much use of daze as it’s single target and better for skirmishing, you could in stead try Mantra of Concentration in stead of distraction so you will have 3 stun breakers in stead of one + the heal for charging the mantra + stability. In stead of blink you could use portal.
Just an idea I haven’t experimented with MoC as much yet but thinking about this gave me the idea that in the mantra support build I’m working on I might be able to use it to give myself stability then use signet of inspiration to give those around me stability as well…. Interesting.
You could spam heal, give stability… granted it has the usual 5 people limit I believe but it’s still an interesting additional guardian type support method for a zerg without giving up the damage that’s lacking on support guardians. I’ll have to test all this out tomorrow…
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
I wanted to make an edit to this build as as result of playing more with it:
http://tinyurl.com/avdksu7The build was changed to a pure phantasm spec with restorative mantras retained. Dom/power is lower but you’ll get power from the armor and additional buffs using food to make a very tanky gear setup with high power.
Traits-most are static for the phantasm build but you can play with 1st tier Illusions. I will switch Compounding Power with Confusing Cry at times. This can provide nice sustained retaliation when used with the Illusionary Leap/Temporal Curtain combo field. With all the armor/vitality you have, retaliation can be effective and will bring foes down faster.
Hopefully my final modification of this build:
Just couldn’t do without Warden’s Feedback with a build which relies so heavily on the Focus for damage/control/speed. Also traited higher in precision as that attribute was too low for my liking. The result is a very well balanced, high damage, tanky phantasm/mantra support build I (and my teammates) have come to appreciate.
Gear changed up a bit as well. Now we’re Weap=Berserker, Armor=Soldier, Trinkets(Spine)/(Earrings)=Magi, Amulet=Berserker, and Rings=Soldier. Don’t forget the nourishments as well (Sharpening Stones) as they are key to getting power to respectable levels.
I would categorize this as primarily a Phantasm build with restorative mantras added. You could probably call it a Phantasm/Mantra hybrid.
This has resulted in some of the most fun I’ve had playing GW2 since the betas and I have Fay to thank for providing the initial idea (at least the 1st time I saw it). Love these forums and the insight everyone provides.
I’ve decided to make a website to host my builds and guides. You will find I added two new builds as well as a very simple starter guide.
One of the new builds is a support mantra hybrid and the other one doesn’t use any mantras at all but rather is a condition/shatter build. Let me know what you all think
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Fay, you know I love the mantra based builds (you made me a believer for sure) and also very much appreciate the new Gaia build as this past couple weeks I have been taking a break from the phantasm/mantra support build to craft a condition/shatter build myself. I’m having a great time with it and may try yours out as well. I play GS/Staff for an all ranged style. I’m 20/20/5/0/25 but the 20 in chaos vs dueling is intriguing …
Fay, you know I love the mantra based builds (you made me a believer for sure) and also very much appreciate the new Gaia build as this past couple weeks I have been taking a break from the phantasm/mantra support build to craft a condition/shatter build myself. I’m having a great time with it and may try yours out as well. I play GS/Staff for an all ranged style. I’m 20/20/5/0/25 but the 20 in chaos vs dueling is intriguing …
Main reason for it is being glass cannon isn’t ideal when doing WvW at least when running a condition build you need to last long enough for the conditions to do the damage the extra toughness is nice.
With Chaos, when clones get killed they apply random conditions, you get the cooldown decrease on staff and of course extra boon duration and minor traits for additional survivability. This will allow you to last longer .
Because it’s mainly a condition build crit and precision aren’t favourable as obviously conditions don’t crit. Then there’s the traits you can choose, for example Deceptive Evasion in duelling isn’t really needed for clone generating because you get plenty of those from weapon and utility skills. Then most other traits you can choose from are not that great for the build. There’s some possible options there but again the crit/prec…
But because you still have power in your build you do better sustained direct damage and with the bursts from shattering it gives the build that edge it needs. As well as additional condition application and more AOE effects.
It also gives access to the torch trait giving you emergency condition removal/stealth escape as well as great ways of confusing the enemy, applying confusion/retaliation. Scepter/Torch is great for 1v1 whilst the staff is better for groups of people.
I just personally felt Chaos was a far better trait line to go for in a condition build with shatter as extra burst than Dueling. If it were a power focused shatter build then yes dueling would be the better option.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
Yeah Chaos gives the toughness and boon duration which really is nice in this type of build. I sacrificed that for precision/crit dmg and have great balance across the attributes. Basically I throw up a bunch of staff clones and wear them down with conditions, coming in with shatters for burst damage when necessary.
As someone who is new to Mesmer (as in, level 9 and really struggling with wrapping my head around the core mechanics of the class) I have to say… I didn’t like your Basics guide. Basically, all the guide said is “try everything and use what you like best”
With no offense meant.. I didn’t need to read a two page guide just to tell me to “try different stuff out”. What I’m looking for, as a new player, is something that tells me things like how to handle the clones, or the shatter effect, to make the most of those. What each weapon is useful for. Stuff like that.
As someone who is new to Mesmer (as in, level 9 and really struggling with wrapping my head around the core mechanics of the class) I have to say… I didn’t like your Basics guide. Basically, all the guide said is “try everything and use what you like best”
With no offense meant.. I didn’t need to read a two page guide just to tell me to “try different stuff out”. What I’m looking for, as a new player, is something that tells me things like how to handle the clones, or the shatter effect, to make the most of those. What each weapon is useful for. Stuff like that.
Yup that is coming I build the website in about two days so I haven’t had a chance to write a more in-depth second part to the basic guide but I will be doing that no worries
At the moment trying to juggle fixing my computer, running my guild and some other things with making the guides. I’ll keep you posted when I finish writing in-depth information.
Edit: Made some adjustments to the link description to indicate better that there is a more in-depth version coming soon.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
I’ve finally managed to find some time to add another build to my website and make some adjustments here and there. I’ve been insanely busy of late. So without further ado I would like to introduce:
I theorycrafted and tested this confusion/shatter/glamour/condition build keeping in mind the improvements to Confusing Images as mentioned during the SOTG podcast. It’s already a very solid build and I expect some awesome results with the new improvement coming up.
I have also been recording some videos for the Panacea build and made some minor adjustments to traits and advice but have not yet edited the videos together. Only problem is they wont be perfectly accurate in representation because getting the right exotic gear is expensive I simply haven’t had the time to grind for it so rares will have to do! Regardless the Panacea build is very effective and great support.
Additionally I’ve been writing a comprehensive mesmer guide for beginners. It is not yet finished so for now there is only a placeholder guide on the website however expect many goodies in the next few weeks! Hope you are all as excited about the mesmer improvements to beam attacks as I am and I hope as always that you will find my builds useful.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
Your new Kydoi build trait setup is exactly what I have that I’ve posted here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Glamour-Builds-I-m-New/first#post1688405
However, weapon-wise, I went with scepter/focus + GS. I’m having a lot of fun with this setup and I’ll be giving yours a try too! I am also looking forward to the new ‘beam’ improvements and hope there will be more than just that!
Thanks for sharing such great builds!
Your new Kydoi build trait setup is exactly what I have that I’ve posted here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Glamour-Builds-I-m-New/first#post1688405
However, weapon-wise, I went with scepter/focus + GS. I’m having a lot of fun with this setup and I’ll be giving yours a try too! I am also looking forward to the new ‘beam’ improvements and hope there will be more than just that!
Thanks for sharing such great builds!
Same point division but different trait choices but you know what they say great minds think alike! I think a build like it will be very viable with the improvement to scepter and there will definitely be room for more build variety now that the scepter is not a complete waste of time anymore (in pvp anyway).
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
I’ve added a new build to my website named Kydoi in anticipation of the changes being made to the scepter in the upcoming patch.
What changes are these going to be?
Awww… how anti-climatic. I thought you some how conjured a mantra-confusion build :p
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