(edited by Kazwazza.7168)
Changes to stealth?
So I just entered WvW with my Mesmer, I note that there was recently a patch. While in combat, I used to be able to lay down a veil and walk through it twice to gain stealth for a total of 6 seconds (PU mesmer). Now it seems to be that you cannot do that, as you end up automatically with the revealed debuff for a couple of seconds, even though damage may not have been dealt to obtain the revealed debuff. Now the patch notes as far as I can tell, do not state that this change has been implemented, so I was wondering if this was intentional? If so it is kind of lame and I will now have to re-evaluate my strategy, it is also a bit uncool to not even make mention of this within the patch notes. So I am a little bit annoyed at this lack of communication on this particular matter. Especially when taking into account that Stealth is kind of what my kit revolves around.
Edit: Just asked around in my guild and been advised that this is apparently a bug. Should also mention I was mostly going to be annoyed by the lack of communication, if this was an intentional change to stealth and how it functioned.
See the thief forum. I seriously hope this is a bad nightmare and that it isn’t something Anet is testing.