Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


Increase the number of hitx2
reduce damage of each hit/2 it could even be/4, I would not care.
Add remove 1 boon per tic.

This would be 1 tic every 1/2 sec

Why do i suggest this; Chaos Storm don’t put enough pressure on the enemies.
The foes would really feel themselves in a Storm of Chaos.

Do you think this would be too much Over powered?

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Yep, that would be crazy OP. I wouldn’t mind the initial daze being added back to it. It was nice having something solid and not RNG from it.

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


why would it be OP? since the daze is relativly low.
It is just sad seeing people staying in Chaos Storm as if nothing were.

It should feel like “Oh Sxxt i am in Chaos Storm quickly go away”

and not as it is now: “Chaos Storm ? hmm interresting ok… let see what happen”

it is a 35 sec delay skill, i think it should be more usefull.

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


It would be OP because that’s ripping 2 boons per second, over 4 seconds for up to 8 boons per target on 5 targets. A potential of 40 boons removed (obviously would never actually get that, but still) along with pulsing dazes, poisen, chill, granting aegis swiftness, protection etc. Than you’ve got too consider it’s synergy with CI and CS, so it can also be specced to pulse stuns or immob’s. It’ is also a combo field that can be used to apply nice reasonable amounts of confusion stacks and grant chaos armor. I dunno about you, but I consider that rediculously OP./’

If you’re finding chaos storm lackluster perhaps you are not using it correctly. Chaos storm is not an offensive skill, it is a team orientated defensive utility, and a pretty darn good one when used at the right time.

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

(edited by Neptune.2570)

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


if u think chaos storm is underpowered u r doing smth wrong

chaos storm is one of my favourite skills of mesmer along with portal and phace retreat.. (ye nobody cares what i like)

it gives u defensive boons, gives enemy chill/poison /dazes (i think i forgot smth) and dmges them about 700(or more? never rly checked it out, but it does around 700 dmg in pvp, more in wvw i guess due to boons n gears n stuff) dmg per tick (3500 dmg total) its aoe, has a wide radius, u can immob enemy in it, its devastating if u r a lockdown mesmer

i however would love to see its cd reduced by 2-5 s huehuehuehue, wont happen ik

anyway , chaos storm doesnt need changes.

just my ytb channel


Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


It would be OP because that’s ripping 2 boons per second, over 4 seconds for up to 8 boons per target on 5 targets. A potential of 40 boons removed (obviously would never actually get that, but still)

Ehh what??? Chaos storm doesn’t remove boons.

I get why you would want a buff on chaos storm, but that would probably be related to staff in general. Because hey, let’s be honest: The only good skills on staff are Phase retreat and Chaos storm. I guess you could see #1 as a good skill, but that would be for 1v1’s only.

Chaos storm could need a 5sec cd reduction, but the biggest problem would be the accuracy of iWarlock (along with the damage, which should be lower damage but higher accuracy ) and the worthless chaos armor on #4.

Chaos armor should be the one getting changed by making it a stackable aura and a cooldown reduction.

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


It would be OP because that’s ripping 2 boons per second, over 4 seconds for up to 8 boons per target on 5 targets. A potential of 40 boons removed (obviously would never actually get that, but still)

Ehh what??? Chaos storm doesn’t remove boons.

I get why you would want a buff on chaos storm, but that would probably be related to staff in general. Because hey, let’s be honest: The only good skills on staff are Phase retreat and Chaos storm. I guess you could see #1 as a good skill, but that would be for 1v1’s only.

Chaos storm could need a 5sec cd reduction, but the biggest problem would be the accuracy of iWarlock (along with the damage, which should be lower damage but higher accuracy ) and the worthless chaos armor on #4.

Chaos armor should be the one getting changed by making it a stackable aura and a cooldown reduction.

The OP is suggesting adding boon removal every tick of chaos storm, and increasing the ticks twice as much. That is 8 ticks over the duration of the storm, he then asked if he thinks anyone would find this OP. My post is a reply to the OP’s hypothetical situation of chaos storm.

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Oh sorry I read too fast my bad. Yes I agree that would be op. Double the ticks would be 12 btw, not 8.

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Right. In that case it would be even more OP lol. Agreed with your warlock proposition as well. With it’s accuracy it more often than not gets used kittenter fodder.

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Only thing Chaos Storm needs is its cooldown unnerfed. It does some damage, plus heavy utility through Boons/Conditions. For that matter, Chaos Armor needs cooldown unnerfed as well, and/or putting back Prot on initial usage.
Unfortunately, this is the reality of Anet Balance: They always either over- or under-nerf things. And with Mesmer (or Thief, or D/D Ele), they tend to over-nerf.

As for the OP’s concept: That’d be insanely rigged, bro (or sis). Mainly because of the already existing synergy between Chaos Storm dazes and Interrupt Trait-speccing.
If I (using Bountiful and Chaotic Interruption) had access to 12 ticks of Boon-rip on top of random chances to gain Boons and toss Conditions/Interrupts … it’d be downright sick. Fun as hell, but it’d take maybe 3 hours to get nerfed, which brings us back to the how of Mesmer nerfing.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Actually just a thought, I know it is our only access to poison bar sigils/runes, but poison is an offensive condition on a defensive skill. What about removing the poison from the RNG and adding blind?

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Man. If we did that … and unnerfed Blinding Befuddlement … /begins drooling a bit/.
The only issue then is that at least (even RNG’d) Poison helps versus bunker builds.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


How about adding poison to chaos armor then? Seeing it’ already has offensive conditions. We do need poison access somewhere, it just kinda doesn’t feel fitting as RNG in chaos storm.

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


just deal with the fact that not every proffession has some of everything…

just like mesmer has masses of small evades or blinks, necro has not a single one

ranger is probably the best w poison and bleedwhile guardian doesnt even have neither


there is always the option to just take doom sigil

just my ytb channel


Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


just deal with the fact that not every proffession has some of everything…

just like mesmer has masses of small evades or blinks, necro has not a single one

ranger is probably the best w poison and bleedwhile guardian doesnt even have neither


there is always the option to just take doom sigil

But we do have access to poison….. Nobody even asked for more poison. What im saying is the poison on choas storm should be swapped with the blind on chaos armor and vice versa to keep chaos storms defensive theme.

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


Beside the Boon removal, we can put it by side. Chaos Storm is not something for enemies to stay inside without punishment.

Only Domination trait and Chaos Trait make the skill somehow usefull. But it is too random to always relay on it. if not daze, the condi applied are Sxxt. Each applied 1 time randomly, 1 per hit . how is that usefull for a 35 sec cooldown skill.
Chilled: 1 s
Poison: 2 s
Weakness: 2 s

No… the skill is weak. for what it cost as recharge/cooldown.

1hit every 1/2 sec would not be OP.