Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Ok, finally hit level 35, and made myself some nice rare armor… I think I am going to quit playing a mesmer just because of the outcome… I’m a max size MALE charr, wearing a mid thigh length skirt, with the front and back opened, and knee high boots, wearing one of Prince’s puffy shirts…

Why the hate for the Charr who chooses Light armor? I mean for crying out loud, I can see my underwear clear as day…

Do we ever get any armor that isn’t kitten looking?

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Turtles All The Way Down.5608

Turtles All The Way Down.5608

If you don’t want to be fabulous I’m not sure why you picked the butterfly class.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


I can deal with the butterflies, but looking like a kitty of the night is pushing it….

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kyrul.7681


The armor is for any light-armor class, not just Mesmer. You could always transmute/switch to another armor if you don’t like the look of your current one.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Turtles All The Way Down.5608

Turtles All The Way Down.5608

I haven’t actually checked out this particular armor set but assuming it’s what’s pictured here under the charr tier 1 cultural:

I don’t think it looks too horrible, it could depend on the color it’s dyed. The upper body stuff looks a little more awkward, but I could live with the lower part. The tier 3 looks pretty good in my opinion.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Definitely need a screenshot of your Mesmer, because it sounds hilarious/awesome.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


a quick front and back shot of the level 35 rare light armor on a MALE charr… now where is that NSFW tag?

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sezneg.8630


Wow… that’s not even long enough to call a skirt.

Definitely “fabulous” armor you have there…

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


I’m not the only one that sees how terrible this is then… I think more Mesmers would be played if they didn’t look so fabulous…

Wish I had some kind of warning I would be looking at kittybits while playing, instead of finding out once I start enjoying the profession…

I can deal with poofy armor, but NO armor? Should have made mesmers a female only profession if this is what they have in mind -.-

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelesti.2458


I’m not the only one that sees how terrible this is then… I think more Mesmers would be played if they didn’t look so fabulous…

Wish I had some kind of warning I would be looking at kittybits while playing, instead of finding out once I start enjoying the profession…

I can deal with poofy armor, but NO armor? Should have made mesmers a female only profession if this is what they have in mind -.-

There is no “mesmer armor”. It’s the same for all cloth professions, no really.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sezneg.8630


Honestly, I have no problem with how this class looks on my asura, and didn’t mind the human armor on them either.

Wouldn’t mind the char armor you linked either if the skirt went lower.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Ok, then charr has the short end of the stick for light armor all together, which kinda sucks… Basically any charr who wishes to pick up magic is destined to be fabulous…

As for the skirt being longer, yea, would be fine, I suppose, but I mean really? Can’t even cover my knees?

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


You do know there are several light armour looks right?

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sezneg.8630


Ok, then charr has the short end of the stick for light armor all together, which kinda sucks… Basically any charr who wishes to pick up magic is destined to be fabulous…

As for the skirt being longer, yea, would be fine, I suppose, but I mean really? Can’t even cover my knees?

Honestly, it’s the first char kilt/skirt I’ve seen that short. It was more than likely not made that way on purpose.

It’s also low level armor, so you’ll be rid of it soon enough.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Anyone got examples of higher level LIGHT armor on a CHARR? please? xD

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kutai.4971


The male scholar light armour in the game is genuinely poor, whereas it’s clear that a lot more work has gone into the female armour.

If that bothers you, switch class – personally I’m hoping they put in the ability to change your appearance/gender using gems quite soon, as I’ll definitely switch gender. Some of the male scholar armour sets are incredibly poor. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen female Mesmers and asked what armour they’re wearing (because it looks awesome) and they reply that they’re wearing really basic (or even starting) armour.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Voodoo Tina.4180

Voodoo Tina.4180

The craftable shadow armor set looks fiendish. You can transmute to make your silly lookin armor with good stats look brutal instead of fantastic. I haven’t seem it on a charr, but its easy enough to make, it should be really cheap.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I don’t understand what you all are saying, my male charr mesmer looks fabulous in that armor set! Don’t you know, it’s a~ll about distraction!

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

@Kutai: He’s a charr so gender is irrelevant to the appearance of the armor.

I’d like to second Voodoo Tina’s suggestion, the shadow armor set is very kitten and is available fairly early on (lvl 26 iirc). You can also acquire the same skin from Renown Heart karma vendors in a lot of zones in Kryta.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Devicus.8326


Some of the armour is awful, some is good. I know that the level 80 exotic stuff is proper trousers though, so at least when you’re fully kitted you won’t creep your entire 5 man party out every time you jump. Which I did when I ran Arah a couple of days ago. I got complaints about it. I just told them imagine how I felt having to see that constantly.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

That’s got to be a bug. That set is supposed to have pants. Maybe the pants are somehow clipping into your charr’s legs.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


You mean you don’t want to run around in butt chaps? (Way it looks from behind) No furry love?

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

I see my human’s genitals everytime i go underwater. How can it be worse?

Snow Crows [SC]

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: DoctorWhy.3847


Just be happy you are not a female Asura… they all wear male armor (which some do expose the nippless man chest, which makes your female look…. scary).

(edited by DoctorWhy.3847)

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: juno.1840


a quick front and back shot of the level 35 rare light armor on a MALE charr… now where is that NSFW tag?

ROFL… Maybe you forgot to equip the pants?

You mean you don’t want to run around in butt chaps? (Way it looks from behind) No furry love?

Too funny…

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kutai.4971


Well, it’s a matter of personal taste, but I don’t like that Shadow armour at all. It looks like something a shaman or a necromancer would wear.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: zabotel.7964


Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: seithan.4823


Still looks fabulous to me..

Rig#1: i2500k@4Ghz/ 8GB Ram @ 1600/ Asus GTX580 CU
Rig#2: Core2duo@3Ghz/ 4GB DDR2/ 9800gtx+

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Step 1: Make a new character
Step 2: Get through the tutorial
Step 3: Go to the mists and look at the armor sets for your class and see how they look

Been pretty standard for all 8 of my characters to determine what look I’d like for the class before I get too far into the class and see if I want to reroll to something else. Really helped for my Warrior where I was going to go Charr but then it looked stupid as all get out having this gignormous armor while wielding a tiny rifle most of the time lol…

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Knote.2904


I’m actually kinda jealous, I wish I could get some but chaps. =[

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Well, it’s a matter of personal taste, but I don’t like that Shadow armour at all. It looks like something a shaman or a necromancer would wear.

That shadow armor is just a reskinned verison of the armor you can find in other similar areas like Gendarran Fields.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: cosmik.2539


I guess if you’re going to make a Charr Scholar class, go with a smaller build.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Voodoo Tina.4180

Voodoo Tina.4180

I’m sure masquerade would look suitably charry.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Puffendorf.1694


So, anyone found any decent charr light ones yet? Or asuran when we’re on the armor topic? Tbh, male armors are imo made mostly for humans, all the other races (save sylvari) can more or less go suck it…

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: thehunt.9315


So, anyone found any decent charr light ones yet? Or asuran when we’re on the armor topic? Tbh, male armors are imo made mostly for humans, all the other races (save sylvari) can more or less go suck it…

I dunno Norn cultural armours are pretty nice.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


So, anyone found any decent charr light ones yet? (

I actually really like the male charr heritage set, tho I usually change out the mantle and head pieces. Been using it since level 1 to replace the hideous apprentice kitten. Gloves don’t matter much with this set. Currently, I am using cabalist hood and conjurer mantle. Looks pretty sweet.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Passive Aggressive.3154

Passive Aggressive.3154

I made a female Charr elementalist but deleted her after I went to the mists and previewed all the light armor sets.

Light armor is fairly awful in this game though. There are very few sets I like. ANet sort of missed the mark with the armor in this game. I’m not sure why I am surprised since I wasn’t crazy about most of the armor in GW1.

Light armor is pretty bad, medium armor is OK but all looks the same (think witch hunter from Warhammer Online – cool look but more variety would be nice), heavy armor is the only thing that I really like. So I have been leveling a guardian and warrior.

Hopefully they add new armors to the game and put more thought into how they look on ALL the races. The Charr definitely get the short end of the stick.

“Do what you want to do and don’t tell other people how to behave.” ~ Ruth Stout

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Morbius Star.9823

Morbius Star.9823

I made a mesmer charr and tried to make it as close as Ganon (from The Legend of Zelda series as possible). I really liked the outcome.
Trowing balls out of my scepter, making Phantom Ganons and wearing gerudo-ish masks.
I like exotic light armors better than medium ones, though I think there’s much space for new, prettier, sets.

(edited by Morbius Star.9823)

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sarelm.8317


I hate to say this, but culturally, the charr despise magic. So…. Light armor on Charr might actually be reflecting that.

You laugh because you think I’m joking. I laugh because I’m not.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: BardaTheHobo.9752


Yeah most light armors on charr is kind of bad. I like the vigil set if i remember right and the tier 2 cultural but haven’t actually obtained it yet. For now I just use the HoM light armor, I think it looks decent on charr.

Dextarr Thunderfuse – Charr Engineer
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


charr mesmer is best mesmer


Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jungle Quack.1368

Jungle Quack.1368

Citadel of Flame light armor is extremely cool, especially on a charr.

I mean you and all of your clones have glowing magma tails of DOOM.

Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jaela.3972


Charr mesmer = short end of the stick

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blizt.3086


I’m planning to make a Charr Mesmer soon, and I gotta admit, most Light Armors do look like crap on Charr (honestly, personally I have yet to see a single Charr Memser in 2 month’s play time…)

Managed to mix a set I’m satisfied in the PvP locker though, thought I’d share it to hope seeing more Charr Mesmer in game
