Chronomancer WvW roaming advice
Post your build including gear.
If you’ve got gameplay vids, post those. Sorry I don’t have any gameplay video :-(
(edited by Vicko.1204)
I sometimes also use chronophantasma as my grandmaster cause it helps a lot when I shatter my iDefender,the 5secs buff comes back after it respawns so I can have almost 10 secs of dmg reduction if I timed it right.Most of the time I use that,but I wanted to try quickness now to see how it goes:-)
Looks like you’re full squish. I imagine you’re both getting hit pretty hard by power specs, and are also eating some nasty condi pressure when a condi bomb hits.
Two options. One is you can make some tweaks to your build to make it more robust and survivable. This might include creating a superior solo roaming build that’s not full zerkers.
Second is to target those specific encounters you’re having problems with, though those may already be remedied with a superior build. How committed to your zerker gear are you?
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
1. Ur Crit damage is too low for a DPS Role. As a Mesmer it’s better to sacrifice Power coz Mesmer’s Power Modifier is weaker compared other class. Like 1: 0,6~0,9. While other “Pure” Power class can 1:1 ++ . Try to aim 210% Crit dmg As minimum.
2. For #1 i prefer to trade my Crit Rate into Vit or Armor = Cava or Valkyrie. But again i have Dueling Trait so i have perma 20% Fury.
3. U somewhat lack Illusion generating. Illusion is love, Illusion is life for a Mesmer.
4. Even without Illusion Generating sure u can kill people with Shield Stun → Swap → GS#2 → Walk to melee → F1. Or simply STealth → GS#2 → walk to melee → F1. But this rotation only works vs Squishy. When vs Tankier Role u need more tools to throw at ur enemy and without many illusion u can’t abuse ur F3 or F4.
5. Shield Block is good. U won’t take damage for 2s but u won’t do anything either for 2s. Compared to Old Torch Stealth u won’t take damage for 3s but u can do something while inside stealth.
Hope that helps. Sorry for my English.
Yes,power builds do heavy dmg to me.That’s why I started getting toughness+vitality trinkets.But I guess that’s not enough yet :-) Tbh,I don’t like being zerker and I started playing as one cause I was mainly a power/shatter mesmer before HoT and the dmg then from other classes wasnt that bad as it is now.So I thought I could make it work somehow as a chrono.I’m happy i was wrong :-)
Now I know that I can work with it,and it’s not my class’ fault.Gonna start building more defensive stats and in the same time increase my crit dmg a bit.
@Nevhie Yes illusion generation is lacking with the quickness grandmaster trait.I used to use chronophantasma.I will go back to it.:-)
Thank you very much for your help Ross and Nevhie.Any other suggestion is super welcomed :-)
@Vicko something you can do to get better aswell is to duel a lot of heralds,daredevils and druids and/or make one yourself, take it to sPvP and play with it a bit, using some of the stadnard meta builds! You learn a lot from doing that, learning the skills and traits they use, to get a better understanding about what you have to avoid ect.
For starters when vs a Herald it’s important to stopper dealing dmg. when they pop the healing ability and don’t apply all your burst on the druid whiles his in the spirit form (just like elementalist in water), but right after and so on.
Daredevils and Thiefs is about playing defensive at the start, but then counter attacking as soon as you see a opening and apply pressure
When using your block ability, train yourself in using it right when an attack is coming at you! That way most people won’t have time to stop the attack, and you secure a block agaisnt an important skill! Same way, don’t go from one block into the next block, rather save it to block another important skill! Every profession have some obvious animated skills you can use the block for! Also watch out for the unblockable attacks!
Something you can do to easy get more sustain is using some of the Heal on crit food, like Omnom Berry Ghost, or change you runes, I personally love Rune of the Defender as a Chronomancer I’m playng a pretty much pure zerker build and I can handle anythign WvW throw after me dmg wise, because of my trait and weapon loadout and rune!
WvW Roaming movies!
As a Mesmer it’s better to sacrifice Power coz Mesmer’s Power Modifier is weaker compared other class. Like 1: 0,6~0,9. While other “Pure” Power class can 1:1 ++ . Try to aim 210% Crit dmg As minimum.
Crit damage depends on power and skill coefficient too. Optimum set of 3 stats (power, crit chance, crit damage) with finite stats pool is floating. But most of the time power is a last thing to sacrifice.
(edited by Mak.2657)
@Amadeus Thank you for your tips :-) I indeed watch for some of the enemy skills you mentioned but the truth is I sometimes fail to respond in time because I’m still not very used to the new specializations and I now know that mistakes like these recieve heavy punishment if the opponent is a person who knows what he is doing.So…Practice it is I’m also a fan of your videos btw
Are you still using staff and the bunky build?Happened to find a roamer chrono the other day with probably a similar build like yours.He was kiting 4-5 ppl for ages
@Mak Will keep that in mind Mak!I have a fair amount of power as it is now so I guess I have that going for me which is nice Thanks!