Chronomancer and keeping clones alive

Chronomancer and keeping clones alive

in Mesmer

Posted by: posthumecaver.6473


Hi guys,

I am normally PVP player but after posting the following topic ‘’ and getting awesome answers, I was quite intrigued from the following aspect of the chronomancer.

So, you can do something like quickly summon some illusions pop continuum split. Quickly use mimic, well of recall, well of action, well of eternity, time warp, continuum shift, mimic, well of recall, well of action, well of eternity, time warp. Of course, its suggested you save time warp for another continuum shift since it has such a long cool down. However, this rotation gives 28 seconds of quickness, 28 seconds of alacrity, gives a bunch of healing, removes 6 conditions, gives 24 seconds of slow, provides chill for 20 seconds, and does a little bit extra damage. Most fights don’t last this long, so its best to utilize your skills and rotations to save cool downs based on the length of the fight. However, this shows you can easily make actions 50% faster and reduce skill cool downs by 66% for a full encounter on your allies. By doing this, in another thread, it has been calculated that it is theoretically possible for a chronomancer and 4 eles to out dps 5 eles. Same applies to other group compositions, eles just provide the most standard dps out of the classes.

Normally I used the Mesmer only PVP so going out and trying PVE was new to me, I try to use the above mentioned combo in HoT jungles.

Ohhh men, that was big struggle, to be able to use the combo defined by the XStein you need 3 clones to shatter to get enough Quickness, the problems in the all big scale fights that you can try to pull this combo Boss AOE kills the clones/phantasm much quicker then I can spawn them.

So for the people using clones in the PVE, how are you keeping them alive?

Chronomancer and keeping clones alive

in Mesmer

Posted by: posthumecaver.6473


ANet made my day, thx you….

Now a long Revenant there is 2nd class that I will play during HoT.