Chronomancer still the coolest?

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I didn’t watch the Tempest stream. But in the Ele forum ppl seem to be upset about the Tempest. Of course opinions cover the whole range… but as Guardians complained about the name/lore of Dragonhunter, the Elementalists seem to be complaining about some of the Tempest concepts (like attunement lockout^^)…

So, it seems that Chronomancer still is the best received Elite Specialization. What do you think?

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Photoloss.4817


Best concept, implementation will be horribly bugged and will receive day1 nerfs due to PvP either way.

Eles I feel are mostly suffering due to Occam’s Razor: they have everything already, nothing epic left to add…

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Exciton.8942


As far as I see, tempest is actually pretty strong with tons of fields, condie and boon applications.

But the concept is defintiely not as cool as mesmer. Also the tempest specialization just doesn’t feel that unique. Most of the stuff it offers, ele already has. It just expands on that and make it even stronger on their already strong places.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: phokus.8934


Necro Reaper is the coolest in my opinion.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Chronomancer got 2 new skills with long cd, with a low damage phantasm. A 1.5 min cd ability reset for 4 seconds if you sacrifice 3 illusions (that is, if you sacrifice your damage).

Meanwhile reaper got 5 new skills, 5 new death shroud skills.

Guardian got updated virtues, so 3 new virtues, 5 new skills from longbow.

Elementalist got 8 new warhorn skills and 4 attunement overloads.

I don’t understand how anyone can say Chronomancer is the coolest when they effectively got the least new toys.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I don’t understand how anyone can say Chronomancer is the coolest when they effectively got the least new toys.

Alacrity, Quickness on shatter, slow, slow and slow, F5 and Wells. To state only a few things that may be huge game changers. The number of new toys is unimportant, the quality is what matters.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Photoloss.4817


You’re missing how all those specs replace existing abilities though. And how it interacts with all our existing toys, double Time Warp alone will probably be worth more than the entire Reaper spec.

The numbers will be off and it’ll be a waste of space in at least one game mode for at least half a year, but that’s Anet “balancing” for you. I doubt a Tempest or Dragonhugger could beat double TW+perma Alacrity for PvE group content.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Guardian basically has dobule time warp in its base class at the moment, unless you really want that slow as well.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I love the Chronomancer, but as many people have expressed I fear it may receive nerfs soon after release. People tend to complain about Mesmers even when they’re not overpowered just because of how the profession generally works.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drayos.8759


I don’t understand how anyone can say Chronomancer is the coolest when they effectively got the least new toys.

Alacrity, Quickness on shatter, slow, slow and slow, F5 and Wells. To state only a few things that may be huge game changers. The number of new toys is unimportant, the quality is what matters.

this is why:

Chronomancer Mechanically advanced ALOT:

the capability to bring Shattered illusions back for a second round Opens TONS of new Plays and set ups.

the New buff added Alacrity, which is New to the game providing tons of useful plays and capabilities allowing mesmers to actually control how often their team can get out those muchly needed abilities at the right times.

The capability to reverse everything that happens to you will add SOOO MANY new playstyles New Counter plays New Capabilities and More Strategys and Gameplay, it is going to change how u play the Mesmer COMPLETELY.

More Risk for the Rewards: the Counterplay introduced against Mesmers will bring out that higher Risk for those reward su get in the end, a Mesmer can now effectively either Kill it self or Kill Everything.

mesmers new mechanics are so much more depthful Increasing the actual Counterplays and Plays by masses..

Reaper is Just a Copy of the Deathknight that now every game has, they’ve just moved everything to melee and given u a Hammer weapon set with Greatsword Looks, it has no Mobility no Unique capability or been given anything that Will truly Affect how the game plays at all, its Just going to become ur Next hard hitting GS Wielder theres tons of them in the game already… it has no real impact on the Actual Synergy or way teams play out.

Tempest is again Not providing anything that will affect anything else but themselves, it holds some new interesting playstyles but thats as far as it goes and how limited the playstyles are we dont know yet due to some of them being… Very unseeable in PvP capability.

Dragonhunter, imho is the second most interesting, but it doesnt hold any gamebreaking concepts it just looks Amazing and holds alot of interesting ways you can play it specially when synergizing it with other weapon sets.

so no as Far as Gamebreaking and Teamplay changing Chronomancer has the most punch and Impact, however if its nerfed into the floor instantly and becomes useless, nobody knows… Likelyhood is in actual gameplay it’ll be useless due to harsh Nerfs that will defintly come in.

Then again Reaper will suffer this same fate..

So u may aswell Disreguard both these Elites, u wont use them after a Month of the elites release..

Tempest and Dragonhunter are the only two builds that can possibly see any long term play.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I can’t say for dragonhunter, but I will say that reaper and chronomancer got by far the best new traits.

Reaper got the best new mechanics (reaper shroud is a huge improvement over base deathshroud for ANY pvp build due to faster cleave attacks, a leap skill and very high stability uptime, on top of high overall damage).

Tempest got the best new weapon skills in my opinion, but the worst traits, simply because many traits don’t do enough, and don’t enable a way for tempests to cover their casts without using cantrips, which defeats the purposee of the shouts, which would be great if they could be traited to grant stability.

For best utility skills, I’d say its a toss up. Most mesmers will probably run one new well. Necromancer shouts aren’t bad, but signets will still probably be meta, since SoS is such a good trait, and Tempest shouts won’t be taken in excess since cantrips will be needed to cover overload channels.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azure.8670


Chrono is cool, but I actually just re read all of the specs in detail. I feel like reaper and tempest will find ways to be good, chrono actually seems meh to me besides the gm traits

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drayos.8759


nah, chronomancer is Prolly the strongest of the ones seen so far, Reaper Lacks mobility which makes it a easy kill, how is ment to survive if its taken 50k Dmg before it reachs a target? Not to mention the animations are so slow they’ll be the easiest specialization in the game to Simply evade/block or Reflect. This games balance is basically on the shoulders of mobility.

Tempest is just too Easily countered everything they have shouts INTERUPT ME, not to mention the Utility skills dont measure up too cantrips in the slightest, so unless those warhorn skillsets are just ten times stronger in damage and utility then Offhand Focus or Dagger you wont even Use the specialization for anything.

Alacrity is going to be OP, Double Shattering is going to be OP the Increased Sustain on a proffession that can hit for 22k Damage in 1 hit will be OP… atm what stops Mesmers breaking is the fact how squishy they really can be once focus’d, adding sustain to them will litterally Decrease that counter which will cause them to become broken.

Chronomancers going to hard nerfed within a week of release… Reaper will be nerfed within a week cause the QQ will be in Masses and tempests will get buffed making them strong.

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Chrono is by far the elite spec I’m most looking forward to of those revealed and I main an ele.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Chronomancer still the coolest?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Chronomancer is the only elite spec that actually added interesting and unique mechanics to the class. Reaper is basically just AoE QoL changes for necro, dragonhunter is basically ‘we thought we’d just add the ranger toolkit to guardians, that way you don’t need to worry about bringing rangers anymore’, and tempest was basically ‘so you know all of the stuff ele does? Well, we’re not going to add anything really new or unique (except for stuff mesmers already do), but we’ll make you better at all of the things you already do.’