Chronoshatter Game Play High Level (SoloQ)
I have to say, your video kinda shows why shatter mesmer is not a good solo queue spec.
You were doing pretty good in every fight. However, you never really utilized your portal well. W/O portal play, shatter mesmer is not that impactful in the gameplay. I would say you would be much better off with a dragonhunter or reaper.
You were complaining team losing fight at 8:12. But it is not the reason your team was losing.
You guys won the first teamfight because one opponent team member was killing boss. Then after the first teamfight, the rotation completely fell apart. Your engi teammate pushed far. But no one went together with him. This is extremely risky because all the dead enemy players are respawning. He indeed ended up dying.
Then both bunker mesmers were sitting at mid doing nothing. He clearly didn’t even learn PvP 101: almost never sit on a cap doing nothing. They were the main reasons you guys could win teamfights. However, their inaction resulted in a very bad fight at home node. You guys did end up getting home node back, but only by having quite a few deaths over the map and then respawn to home node.
A better rotation after winning the first teamfight is probably like this:
A bunker mes + engi pushes far. This is a very durable dual and needs opponent to outnumber them to take them out. They also have good survivability and disengage.
Then the rest of you go back to home node with you leaving a portal at mid. Now you have one bunker mes at home, one bunker mes at far, one portal at mid. You will have total control of the map.
Surely in solo queue, you can hardly control your teammates’ rotation. But I still think engaging that second fight at home is bad rotation from your side. First, after coming back seeing them killing the boss, you probably should go for a steal. There is no point going back on home node. It is very hard to neutralize a point as a shatter mesmer anyway. Second, you should probably portal back to mid immediately after seeing unfavorable matchup at home. It did end up taking a very long time for you guys to get home node back. If you ported back mid, you could have helped out the engi and kill the revenant. From there on, you can go back home together with the engi. This way you won’t lose mid node(bunker mes camping there anyway) and you will get home back after a fight.
Honestly, if you’re going to run portal AND torch, you should be using them to slip out of dead end fights and pressure the far point.
Otherwise, if you’re gonna be hyper-involved in team fights, like you seem to prefer, I would run a different offhand. Same goes for Power Block. Doesn’t make as much sense to run it given the few amount of interrupts that are going off with torch, but it would be good with another weapon.
Shatter is still a very viable build, even in comparison with thieves (yes, even post-patch). I think the skill floor of mesmers in the general population has been trending downwards for quite a while, and people followed incentives to play builds and classes that were more rewarding for a particular meta.
I’d like to see more teams with the imagination and dedication to use a shatter mesmer in different ways; beyond just making use of portal or moa.
Well heal as a power shatter? What…?
I enjoyed your video Waveguider, and even learned a couple of things. Thanks for posting and keep it up.