“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
What are the exact stats of a clone or phant based on your own?
For example I think I heard clones/phants take our toughness but not our vit, so to what extent?
What is their crit rate compered to ours?
does a clones crit affect the crit rate on a shatter?
a wiki page on this kind of thing would be nice.
Illusions derive their precision, power, condition damage, critical damage, armor, and healing directly from the mesmer’s attributes. Illusions do not gain any benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration or boon duration. They are neither affected by the damage of the mesmer’s equipped weapon nor by any of the various non-stat effects of weapon sigils or armor runes.
Illusions derive their precision, power, condition damage, critical damage, armor, and healing directly from the mesmer’s attributes. Illusions do not gain any benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration or boon duration. They are neither affected by the damage of the mesmer’s equipped weapon nor by any of the various non-stat effects of weapon sigils or armor runes.
So to clerify… Percision, power, condiiton damage, crit dmg, armor, and healing. are the EXACT same stats as the main mesmers?
it used confusing words like “derive” and “benefit” makes it hard to understand what’s specific.
Illusions derive their precision, power, condition damage, critical damage, armor, and healing directly from the mesmer’s attributes. Illusions do not gain any benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration or boon duration. They are neither affected by the damage of the mesmer’s equipped weapon nor by any of the various non-stat effects of weapon sigils or armor runes.
So to clerify… Percision, power, condiiton damage, crit dmg, armor, and healing. are the EXACT same stats as the main mesmers?
it used confusing words like “derive” and “benefit” makes it hard to understand what’s specific.
they obviously aren’t exactly the same stats as you, this is easiest to see since clones do very little damage.
they scale with your stats, but they have their own stats.
Illusions derive their precision, power, condition damage, critical damage, armor, and healing directly from the mesmer’s attributes. Illusions do not gain any benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration or boon duration. They are neither affected by the damage of the mesmer’s equipped weapon nor by any of the various non-stat effects of weapon sigils or armor runes.
That is what I also believe. How much it scales, hard to tell for certain unless someone did accurate tests on a dummy.
So to clerify… Percision, power, condiiton damage, crit dmg, armor, and healing. are the EXACT same stats as the main mesmers?
it used confusing words like “derive” and “benefit” makes it hard to understand what’s specific.
they obviously aren’t exactly the same stats as you, this is easiest to see since clones do very little damage.
they scale with your stats, but they have their own stats.
What are the exact stats of a clone or phant based on your own?
For example I think I heard clones/phants take our toughness but not our vit, so to what extent?
What is their crit rate compered to ours?
does a clones crit affect the crit rate on a shatter?
a wiki page on this kind of thing would be nice.
actually, from just experience, with no hard evidence to back this, i’m pretty sure clones and illusions have your exact toughness, condition damage, precision, crit damage. with only power being the scaling factor. this is probably due to the illusion skill having its own attack rating on the skill.
shatters count as your own attacks, not illusion attacks, so they follow your own stats.
Illusions have the same condition damage, precision and critical damage as the mesmer. If you have the trait that grants fury to your phantasm and over 80% critical strike chance, you may summon an illusionary protector or an illusionary duelist, and using sharper image, you’ll see that every hit will both crit and leave a bleeding on your target with repeatable results.
As for thoughness, they still get 1shoted even in full knight’s armor so… yeah… it may scale/ inherit your thoughness but this hardly matters.
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