The Prestige is a blast finisher.
About the random field idea: What about making it a (grandmaster) trait? Something like: Ether Distortion – “The type of your combo fields changes randomly every second they last.”
But personally, I feel it’s sufficient as it is. Ethereal fields are strong.
The Prestige is a blast finisher.
About the random field idea: What about making it a (grandmaster) trait? Something like: Ether Distortion – “The type of your combo fields changes randomly every second they last.”
But personally, I feel it’s sufficient as it is. Ethereal fields are strong.
Oh yeah forgot about that, guess as i have used it for like a day i forget about the Torch. Yeah it could be a great Grandmaster trait, for those that just want to keep it the way it is for the Chaos Armor and Confusion.
Maybe make it so that its the same for EVERY combo field that we rather, rather than just for Chaos Storm – that would be brilliant in my opinion.
It would be just nice if we had a bit more option when it comes to Combos and fields, currently i dont think its that much.
Greatsword skill 3, blast finisher.
It would finally make the skill usefull and add a highly desired finisher to the Mesmer.
IMO that’s all there really is too it and well within the capabilities of Anet. They could fix us up in 10 minutes. But no, they never will.
Mind Stab isnt a blast finisher – unless the tool tip is lying.
EDIT: Now i see, you would LIKE it to be one.
I find the ethereal field quite useful cause I really like chaos armor. Something you haven’t mentioned is that if you put a pistol phantasm inside an ethereal combo field, you get projectile finishers that stack confusion on the foe. I know confusion isn’t the best condition there is for pve, but if you’re doing a condition build it’s quite useful.
Yeah i did mention about the confusion, just very breifly thats why i suggested the Choas Storm idea could be turned into a trait that would affect all our fields and be optional for those that like/depend on Chaos Armor procs and Confusion procs
All combo effects are too weak. You simply don’t time your skills with your teammembers because it’s not worth it.
Mesmer fields are no expection there, rather more. Confusion and ChaosArmor are pretty useless.
Buff Confusion to at least 2x the current duration. Or since it’s technically difficult, buff its damage to 3x the current value. Chaos Armor … well …
don’t care.
Blasted fire fields are not weak at all.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
All combo effects are too weak. You simply don’t time your skills with your teammembers because it’s not worth it.
Mesmer fields are no expection there, rather more. Confusion and ChaosArmor are pretty useless.Buff Confusion to at least 2x the current duration. Or since it’s technically difficult, buff its damage to 3x the current value. Chaos Armor … well …
don’t care.
I am the opposite, i am thinking for PvP as lets face it – PvE is pathetically easy. Minus high level Fractuals its all spam, spam, spam. So all fields help. So to say that combos are weak just shows how little you know about them in my opinion.
Water fields offer great healing, Fire fields offer Burning, Might, Fire Aura which are all very good. You have stealth, Blindness and many others. Its the lack of them on Mesmer that i dont really like.
More options for combos would be great. But please no random field trait or anything random. Random = bad.
We got already a buttload of rng in our traits we dont need more. Its just to much hit and miss. Maybe something along the line how our glamour fields work. For example:
- Etheral fields become light and light becomes etheral
This could push our support capabilities greatly.
[…]Random = bad.[…]
Sums up what I was going to say. What use is a skill if you can’t rely on certain features. That’s the main reason I don’t use the staff (Chaos skills).
[…]Random = bad.[…]
Sums up what I was going to say. What use is a skill if you can’t rely on certain features. That’s the main reason I don’t use the staff (Chaos skills).
I like random ^^
If people dont like that than maybe add some finishers/combos to different skills, such as Blast to GS #3
For a class that is meant to be about illusions and tricking people and confusing them, we have a big lack of possible combos and finishers.
I like random ^^
If people dont like that than maybe add some finishers/combos to different skills, such as Blast to GS #3
Although I do get why people constantly suggest this I personally feel that the GS is pretty nice and well rounded as it is. I would prefer a blast effect for Staff #4 because it fits the support theme much better.
Some tweaks to Prestige so the blast is easier to trigger would also be great.
Some tweaks to Prestige so the blast is easier to trigger would also be great.
That would be pointless. As the Phantasm is pretty crappy. Thery would have to fix the Phantasm as well. Torch is more taken for the Stealth than the Illusion which is terrible.
They would and they should. I do not see why the blast on prestige should not be improved just because the phantasm is crappy atm. A blast on GS#3 would be convenient but just does not fit the weapon.
If Prestige was a 2-stage skill – e.g. Counter Blade – with 4.1 being stealth + blind and 4.2 being flame burst + blast which can be triggered manually, it could be very useful. Or just make it trigger when you unstealth within a field. The current requirement is stupid.