Commanding on a mesmer?

Commanding on a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Herby.5234


Still viable? I would something like 0/0/6/6/2 or something similar would be the stat allocation while your running PTV armor with heavily defensive runes?

Lets hear your thoughts on this.

Commanding on a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaurniven.2065


Herby as in Herb The High? >.>

Fury By Furry |Given Fury | Furiously Small | Furiously Risen | Serayath

[RaW] Sassari – Commander

Commanding on a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Herby.5234


nope. as in a play on my last name that i picked up from my father.

Commanding on a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaurniven.2065


Ah….well referring to your question, I have as a matter if fact no clue in Commanding on a Mesmer, dearest apologies, however I do not know what to tell you, and if I would tell you advice regarding to Commanding on a Mesmer it would be something that I would of thought of on the spot.
Happy Hunting ^.^

Fury By Furry |Given Fury | Furiously Small | Furiously Risen | Serayath

[RaW] Sassari – Commander

Commanding on a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

I’ve done it, for the single reason that it’s one way to get the veil when you need it.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Commanding on a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alex.9268


It really depends on what kind of commanding you plan on doing. If you are on a T1 server wanting to command the EB pug train during peak hours than absolutely don’t do it on your mesmer, or elementalist for that matter. You will have to compromise the blobs positioning for your own survival, and cost your server points in the process. You will probably create a very toxic atmosphere that benefits no one but the other 2 servers.

If you want to command EotM blobs or smaller BL blobs at weird hours maybe than sure mesmer can scrape the bottom of the barrel and get done what a guardian or a warrior can do in small scale clashes of pug blobs.

Also there is pretty much nothing you will bring to the table as a mesmer commander that you couldn’t bring to the table not commanding on your mesmer. Also you can’t blast water fields, you can’t hold a candle to shout spam just to name a couple.