Compounding power and Illusionary wave

Compounding power and Illusionary wave

in Mesmer

Posted by: Axelk.2473


Hi guys, I have 2 simple questions:
1) coumpounding power, the trait that give 3% more damage per illusion active, affects both base damage and critical damage?
2) illusionary wave sometime, especially when the foe is performing a skill, doesn’t work, it doesn’t push back the enemy and doesn’t interrupt it. is it wanted?

Compounding power and Illusionary wave

in Mesmer

Posted by: Euphoria.2960


Hi guys, I have 2 simple questions:
1) coumpounding power, the trait that give 3% more damage per illusion active, affects both base damage and critical damage?
2) illusionary wave sometime, especially when the foe is performing a skill, doesn’t work, it doesn’t push back the enemy and doesn’t interrupt it. is it wanted?

Regarding illusionary wave – that may be caused by the effects of Stability (mostly witnessed in PvP but fairly common in some PvE mobs)

Although there have been times in which I know I have hit my target with Illusionary Wave and the effect was nulled, it might be a placement or heigh issue – I would do a bug report and have them look at it.

Compounding power and Illusionary wave

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nretep.2564


1) x% damage affects the final damage (of all skills (?)).
It does not affect the x% critical damage. Critical damage is set to (damage * (+50% + x% critical dmg)).
So it should affect your damage from criticals, but not the substat “critical damage” itsself.

2) see above.