Condi Interrupt still viable?
For what game mode? Right now condi mesmer is worse off in sPvP than it was pre patch especially compared to the condition output that can be achieved by other classes. If the MtD nerf is ever reverted then that variation seems solid.
For what game mode? Right now condi mesmer is worse off in sPvP than it was pre patch especially compared to the condition output that can be achieved by other classes. If the MtD nerf is ever reverted then that variation seems solid.
WvW roaming and solo sPvP.
Take mistrust instead of deceptive evasion. There is no cooldown on those aoe confusion hits. I use perplexity cancer for extra effect. Also, i prefer the inspiration line to the chaos line while roaming. Condition clear on shatter and heal frees up space on your utility bar for another skill.
I am having a blast with this in spvp and wvw, sw/t and sc/f focusing on pull and f3 interrupts.
When there are few projectiles to be expected I switch in blinding dissipation over evasive mirror, spvp I use a rampager amulet, speed runes, and fire energy sigils. Same runes in wvw but with a suboptimal mix of sinister celestial and other stuff.
Melting faces is the name of this build. It is everything thieves should be…
(edited by Bazzoong.7145)
I thought about Mistrust instead of DE. I’ll have to try it and see.