Condi in dungeons

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mirmil.5074


I have to admit to something: I hate MH sword with passion. Don’t know why, call it Freudian fixation or fear of sharp objects – I simply don’t like it. But hey, if you play in the dungeon you are (according to meta) play as power with sword/sword sword/focus.

Then there are conditions: mesmer is great at stacking confusion and torment (I won’t count bleeds on shatter crit) but the former works only on skill usage and the latter on movement, so in the end is the condi mesm viable in dungeons/fractals?

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


A mesmer can apply plenty of bleeds, why discount those?

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


too bad torment and confusion suck in pve – only burn and barely bleed works as a good dps source, wich both, we can’t apply good enough to outdamage power in the slightest ways. alsow while playing condi your reflection dmg sux. but it is fun once in a while.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mirmil.5074


Thanks for that link. I guess the answer is “yes, its possible but not worth it”.
OK, back to WvWvW/sPvP then.

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lusteregris.2697


because reflect damage totally depends on power stat of the mes .. sign. But yea mobs attack too slow for confusion. Torment actually deals bunch of dmg, but since maim nerf we cant apply it good enough…aa chain from scepter is a little too little. And about mes bleed…we still havnt got any Dueling Discipline fix or however was called that bugged trait, right? So there is that about mesmer condis.

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


because reflect damage totally depends on power stat of the mes .. sign.

Are you being sarcastic here?
Reflect uses the power stat of the enemy that fired the projectile, and your crit chance/ferocity. The only thing rabid/sinister loses in reflects relative to a berserker build is the Ferocity (not trying to downplay that, it is what it is).

But yea mobs attack too slow for confusion.

Technically depends on the mob, there are a lot of mobs that are fast enough, but bosses in general do attack lots slower, and the reliability is important. People discount confusion more than they should, but you’re still mostly right.
Also, if you can apply enough confusion, it doesn’t really matter how slow they attack. That was one of the gains chrono condi made, a much higher confusion burst.

Torment actually deals bunch of dmg, but since maim nerf we cant apply it good enough…aa chain from scepter is a little too little.

Amen. Chrono helps with that, too.

And about mes bleed…we still havnt got any Dueling Discipline fix or however was called that bugged trait, right? So there is that about mesmer condis.

While a fixed Duelist’s Discipline sends the theoretical dps of the mesmer skyrocketing to potentially-meta levels, Staff Clones+Sharper Images are still a strong source of bleeds, and easier to replace too. I did the math in another thread, but the staff-clone build was sitting around 13k tdps (theoretical dps).
Respectable, just not in the ballpark of the meta.

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


If it comes to condi mes I trust A. White the most.

When I played the HoT beta, the mobs in the jungle move much more and are rather “unstackable” since they dodge, jump, shadowstep, run away, etc much more, so torment could be a better way to deal with them than with the current mobs we face.

It may be wise to have a defensive condition outfit for some encounters there. Especially when there will be more high toughness mobs like the husks, or enemies you really have to backup often wich would support staff play in general.

All the options

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


If it comes to condi mes I trust A. White the most

On that note, I got up to 23k tdps for a chrono condi build today.

Also got to 13.5k on just the shatters for another chrono condi concept that is a lot less demanding. There should be plenty of room to expand that with clone/phant damage and Skill/AA damage. I’m guessing it’ll get close to 20k without any strict theoretical requirements, which is pretty awesome.

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


If it comes to condi mes I trust A. White the most

On that note, I got up to 23k tdps for a chrono condi build today.

I’m curious as to how you got there. Are you assuming moving torment?

Condi in dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


If it comes to condi mes I trust A. White the most

On that note, I got up to 23k tdps for a chrono condi build today.

I’m curious as to how you got there. Are you assuming moving torment?

I did at first. That was the 23k, with some fidgeting room to make up the difference in a couple places.
Edit: It also used Seize the Moment together with Sinister gear and Malicious Scepter to amp up personal weapon dps. Confusing Illusions gets a LOT more effective with permanent alacrity and permanent quickness.

The 13.5k on shatters started as an effort to get around that assumption, and to decrease the number of illusions I had to assume were up at any given moment. Its shatter rotation is a lot more involved though, so figuring out how much dps I can add from weapon skills and illusions is gonna be…interesting.

And frankly, doing any kind of calculation involving both shatters and chronophantasma is really Weird Math, so I haven’t even gone there yet.

(edited by AlphatheWhite.9351)