gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Condi pu build
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
The core:
Scepter and torch with staff.
Illusions 3-3-1
Chaos 3-2-2
Most then go duelling 2-1-3 for deceptive evasion and blind on shatter for more confusion.
I’d suggest creating a level 1 Mesmer and going to the PvP lobby and playing with it, use traveler runes and rabid amulet.
Some mesmers run full dire so they lack bleeds and have some 27k health with guard stacks and 2.5k condition damage with 2.8k toughness.
Utilities: blink, decoy, mass invis. The rest is up to what you prefer, some take mirror as a heal, others ether feast. Some take portal, others take mantra of resolve.
Edit: oh you’re GH like me. If you’re referring to the PU condi Mesmer roamers we keep seeing best to burst down with another thief or Mesmer. 2 of you can burst them very fast especially with basi venoms and co-ordinated steal. Think I’ve seen 1 good PU mesmer the rest were terrible imo.
(edited by apharma.3741)
Hi there,
To clarify this, PU is semi-balanced.
Why semi?
Because it needs few boosts to be optimal and balanced.
Right now, it’s not performing very well, and becomes a target and victim of almost all builds across all classes which makes PU Condi a mediocre wvw build.
I hope that Anet will take a look at PU Condi build and make some stuff like stability on shatter or condition removal on healing skill as baseline.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
Hi there,
To clarify this, PU is semi-balanced.
Why semi?
Because it needs few boosts to be optimal and balanced.Right now, it’s not performing very well, and becomes a target and victim of almost all builds across all classes which makes PU Condi a mediocre wvw build.
I hope that Anet will take a look at PU Condi build and make some stuff like stability on shatter or condition removal on healing skill as baseline.
Yeah i agree PU condi needs a boost, stability should definitely be one of the boons you can generate whilst in stealth.
Id also make these alterations.
Each second in stealth you get a buff similar to corrupters fervor to a maximum of 10 stacks. This should be a core part of PU.
Shatters need the cooldowns reduced, its a key component of the class, we should be looking at active play and shattering as much as possible.
Id probably recommend making main the disillusioned baseline. Mesmer is notoriously slow so we need to be able to stop people from running, or at least have a counter. This would make people think twice about running when you pile up some torment on them if they have their condi clear on cooldown.
With the loss of condition duration as part of a spec line id suggest adding +20% condi duration to either the staff trait or scepter trait. The Guard has +20% boon duration attached to staff so maybe the staff would be the better option.
The torch mage is still weak, he can pretty much be ignored, the burning stacks should be increased to say 5 per hit and also apply poison as we dont really have access to much poison. This would make him useful and a key threat that a player would have to deal with.
Whilst on the topic of phantasms the staff phantasm is ok in power builds when the target has a load of condis. He should probably be a little more efficient for condi builds. Maybe tweak his damage a little and have him strip a boon and apply a 5 sec cripple on hit, this would also have the added benefit of helping a mesmer keep at close range with a player if he tries to flee.
[lion]~ riperonis
(edited by Chorazin.4107)
Yeah i think PU condi needs a boost, stability should definitely be one of the boons you can generate whilst in stealth.
All of the changes you’ve mentioned are ok, but they dont quite go far enough. To really make condi PU balanced we need not only more boons in stealth, but also a trait which removes condis while in stealth, similar to thieves.
The scepter also needs a boost, perhaps boosting the confuse ray to 10 stacks, and the block to 8 stacks of torment. This would level our condi output with necros/engis etc.
It is also unfair how other classes have more interrupts in their condi builds (ele, necro, engi), and so condi mesmer definitely needs more hard cc. I would suggest putting stun (1s) as a random condition on staff auto-attack. This would allow condi PU to really compete as a top tier but not OP build.
Hopefully Anet comes to their senses and finally makes the changes we’ve all wanted for years.
All of the changes you’ve mentioned are ok, but they dont quite go far enough. To really make condi PU balanced we need not only more boons in stealth, but also a trait which removes condis while in stealth, similar to thieves.
The scepter also needs a boost, perhaps boosting the confuse ray to 10 stacks, and the block to 8 stacks of torment. This would level our condi output with necros/engis etc.
It is also unfair how other classes have more interrupts in their condi builds (ele, necro, engi), and so condi mesmer definitely needs more hard cc. I would suggest putting stun (1s) as a random condition on staff auto-attack. This would allow condi PU to really compete as a top tier but not OP build.
Hopefully Anet comes to their senses and finally makes the changes we’ve all wanted for years.
I quite like these adjustments.
Confusing images with 10 stacks of confusion would definitely make it more in line with other classes. Given that an ele’s auto attack(not even a scepter skill, this is just their core auto attack) in earth applies 3 stacks of bleeding. The auto attack is quite swift in 3 seconds you can apply 6 stacks of bleeding just via your auto attack. The auto attack as a kicker counts as a physical projectile(20%) so if you have a fire field down(quite easy for an ele to do) you get burns as well!! From an auto attack!!
Granted the channel for confusing images is faster 2 seconds vs the ele 3(for 2 attacks so 6 stacks of bleed) seconds but confusion mostly punishes those using abilities. It’s easy to ignore these stacks and just kite around until they drop. Whereas the ele bleeds just keep on ticking unless you have a condi clear on hand.
Maybe reducing the channel time to 1 second as it is a triggered ability would be a worthwhile consideration, or perhaps adding a daze to the first tick of the confusing images. Which also makes sense thematically for the mesmer, dazed and confused.
[lion]~ riperonis
(edited by Chorazin.4107)
You guys have some top notch sarcasm.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
I know chorazin is being sarcastic, and I know that Tao, incredibly, is not. I can’t quite figure out cox though. While the staff stun suggestions makes me lean towards sarcasm…as absurd it might be, Tao reminds us that there’s always somebody out there that actually believes it…
Not sure what’re you about Fay.2357, but Anet for sure should make either BD or PU baseline.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
Comedians :-/
@apharmacy thanks, I will do that. And yeah, most I have seen are pretty tanky so they are more then likely to be full dire.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Not sure what’re you about Fay.2357, but Anet for sure should make either BD or PU baseline.
Agreed. All the other classes have easy access to stability, in stacks of 5 or more! Mesmers get single stacks from a useless mantra or a grandmaster trait! We need BD baseline! I think PU baseline would be a bit too much though, maybe just a simple 2 second baseline increase on all stealth skills, and then PU moved down to master tier so we can take the new trait replacing BD!!
New Chaos Grandmaster Trait: CHAOS EXPLOSION!!!
‘All attacks from stealth, including phantasms, do 100% extra damage and create a chaos storm upon the opponent.’
I feel like this would help both condition and power builds, and allow us to compete with the OP builds out there like trap ranger and MM necro.
Comedians :-/
@apharmacy thanks, I will do that. And yeah, most I have seen are pretty tanky so they are more then likely to be full dire.
Sorry, i’m just annoyed at the UP state of condi mesmers atm.
Here’s a link to what I used to run before i got bored of condi pu and wvw roaming in general.
A well played condi pu mesmer is pretty kitten hard to kill solo. They have way too much disengage potential and survivability, especially with dire gear. As suggested above, 2 burst classes together can bring one down, but if you’re on your own i’d suggest kiting like heck (On power mes vs condi mes i spam phants and run away, I guess you’d be using SB to kite).
The alternative is running condi thief. If you look at the build, condi pu really hasnt got that much condi cleanse, and mantra is easy to interrupt – if they arent in stealth, or protected by aegis from pu.
But theyre hard to kill. Theres a reason its a popular wvw roaming build after all.
@ OP: Since people have linked you a few of the major variants of the condi pu builds, I won’t get into the build itself. However, I do think that you feel the mesmer(s) are using perpex runes to stack up such high levels of confusions which I can tell you honestly, it’s not needed at all. I play thief myself and there’s quite a few tricks I can show you in-game on fighting mesmers and I’m willing to go over all of it with you if you’d like. Feel free to drop me a message me either via my account name or on my thief (Elijan) or mesmer (Rijan). With this being said, having both created a condi build from near the release of the patch AND playing it myself from then to now, it is no easy fight. It allows the mesmer to make a lot of mistakes and still be successful.
@ the others talking about balancing this asking for buffs.. it really blows my mind. I remember when I first created and posted my condi build on the forums many people said it wouldn’t work and was too weak for pvp. It’s funny how now it’s considered as I called it, OP. Maybe I’m just truly exceptional at playing this and lots of these people play it at a low level/tier, otherwise I still personally feel it needs to be toned down.
Just a few changes I think would achieve this and still keep the condi mesmer a good option for pvp:
- PU should be reverted or entirely reworked, mainly due to WvW – infinite reset ability and constant harassing when this trait is abused makes it not fun to deal with/engage for opponents. If the stealth duration is dropped to where it was +1 second of stealth, the boons it provides should be buffed in some way (to help with thieves – perhaps always giving aegis + one extra boon).
- Blind on shatter should have a cooldown (at least 5 seconds).
- Phantasm physical damage reduced to its previous state -15% damage.
I’m sure there could be more fixes however for now if those are implemented it would at least allow some counter play for opponents. I would also like to see some of the traits work as intended (i.e. pistol bleeds in the dueling line). Also scepter attack speed (not recharge) made baseline.
@ the others talking about balancing this asking for buffs.. it really blows my mind. I remember when I first created and posted my condi build on the forums many people said it wouldn’t work and was too weak for pvp. It’s funny how now it’s considered as I called it, OP. Maybe I’m just truly exceptional at playing this and lots of these people play it at a low level/tier, otherwise I still personally feel it needs to be toned down.
When you created the pu condi build, no one knew anything about it. All of us mocked and said ‘what is this pu condeeee?? We only know power shatter!’ Maybe you’re right. Maybe we need to learn this complex, high risk/high reward build. Maybe it doesnt need chaos explosion and it can actually be played by highly skilled players such as yourself.
All I know for sure is that in hotjoin, (where I play most of my games) when I play your creation pu condi, I keep getting killed by OP bunker guards and pewpew rangers.
When you created the pu condi build, no one knew anything about it. All of us mocked and said ‘what is this pu condeeee?? We only know power shatter!’ Maybe you’re right. Maybe we need to learn this complex, high risk/high reward build. Maybe it doesnt need chaos explosion and it can actually be played by highly skilled players such as yourself.
All I know for sure is that in hotjoin, (where I play most of my games) when I play your creation pu condi, I keep getting killed by OP bunker guards and pewpew rangers.
Unfortunately Coxy, it really isn’t complex, nor is it high risk, high reward. You have an almost infinite amount of ways to deal with the 2 builds you mentioned. Reflects/blocks/boon stripping via nullfield/invulnerability. If you’re having trouble fighting those two I will personally show you how to fight them, you either A) play those classes yourself and I will fight them so you can see how to counter or find the best power ranger/OP bunker guard you know and I will beat them while you can observe how.
I’m not saying this challenge what you’re saying, I genuinely want to help you if you’re struggling. However I feel that this issue speaks more about the player rather than the build itself.
I know chorazin is being sarcastic
Please, just because you have an agenda against condi PU mesmers rightfully getting the buffs they need to be competitive like chaos explosion. Probably dont even have a mesmer, just come here and complain when you get beaten by a condi PU mesmer.
Probably should do some research and learn to play better against condi PU rather than come here and complain.
Dodge the shatters, make sure you double dodge as the shatter is usually staggered, id also recommend dodging the confusion stacks, confusion stacks are generally bad. Oh and dodge the torment from the counter, torment is generally not a wanted condition. Dodge the staff AoE as well as it has a daze attached to it that can trigger perplexity confusion, see above for confusion not being wanted.
Once you master these basic skills your woes against PU mesmers will be a thing of the past.
[lion]~ riperonis
best way do deal with condi pu Mesmer is to stand still until you have torment and than laugh and run away no 1 has time to deal with them xD they can play with themselves and they have very minimal damage when you don’t attack them back or get endless supply of condi clense works also and my best trick don’t dodge 1 clone but run away until they stealth than let it hit you by purpose xD but first option is best mimic + blink and wave at the new mesmers and let them learn the class to be honest I’m not eaven mad pu condi is good build for beginner mesmers to get hang of mechanics.
PS i don’t hate pu condi general I hate the stats they use usealy sinister is ok every other stats set is cheese its just soo booring to fight them
(edited by baylock.1703)
When you created the pu condi build, no one knew anything about it. All of us mocked and said ‘what is this pu condeeee?? We only know power shatter!’ Maybe you’re right. Maybe we need to learn this complex, high risk/high reward build. Maybe it doesnt need chaos explosion and it can actually be played by highly skilled players such as yourself.
All I know for sure is that in hotjoin, (where I play most of my games) when I play your creation pu condi, I keep getting killed by OP bunker guards and pewpew rangers.
Unfortunately Coxy, it really isn’t complex, nor is it high risk, high reward. You have an almost infinite amount of ways to deal with the 2 builds you mentioned. Reflects/blocks/boon stripping via nullfield/invulnerability. If you’re having trouble fighting those two I will personally show you how to fight them, you either A) play those classes yourself and I will fight them so you can see how to counter or
find the best power ranger/OP bunker guard you know and I will beat them while you can observe how.
I’m not saying this challenge what you’re saying, I genuinely want to help you if you’re struggling. However I feel that this issue speaks more about the player rather than the build itself.
You’ve been really really nice to me here and i feel bad telling you i’m joking. I was sure ‘chaos explosion’ and dying to bunker guard was enough to show the joke. Thanks though for the offer
PM sent with build inside.
Thanks man, will have a look at it
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Do not run this build if you can’t handle lot nasty wispers from random strangers cause people are very salty when they see you. I play pu torment mesmer and I get nasty wisper all the time
Do not run this build if you can’t handle lot nasty wispers from random strangers cause people are very salty when they see you. I play pu torment mesmer and I get nasty wisper all the time
Not that it matters but in general people have no idea what PU Condi means, they just throw it out to spite you. I play Mesmer Condi with no stealth in PvP (or sometimes with just The Prestige and no PU) and people accuse me of playing PU all the time.
People are idiots. I found one guy claiming you need 2 wells from a necro to kill clones…CLONES!!