Condition Mesmer
The conditionmancer is horrible in PvE. Condition mesmer is even worse.
Well, thank you for answering but I wasn’t asking for an opinion whether condition is good or bad. I was asking for builds
Pyroathiest wasn’t stating an opinion on the matter. He was stating a proven fact that has been understood since beta.
Well, thank you for answering but I wasn’t asking for an opinion whether condition is good or bad. I was asking for builds
Yeah, that’s not an opinion. If you run a condition necro in PvE, you are a bad player.
If you run a condition mesmer in PvE, you are an even worse player. Yes, you can ‘play how you like’, but that doesn’t change the fact that the way you play is horrible, and you deserve to be kicked from any decent party.
Its like ask for a healing mantra tank build for speedruns
Osi has the long and short of it – nobody really builds condi specs for PVE. They’re really inefficient. If you’re dead set on running with one, tho, you might try out some of the WvW condi builds.
And Pyro, you must be having a bad day or something. That was a pretty hostile response, dude, and not really warranted.
Tarnished Coast
PVE dps uninteresting condition, most cc ones, confusion and torment.
Interesting ones:
I think best sustained condition dmg possible is if u can keep burn up 100% , stack 20-25 bleed and keep poison on target. Poison is hard to keep on, but say u can get 100%+ condition uptime on burn then 2 staff clones + u using staff, and 1 duelist stacking extra bleed with might stacking (strength) and doom sigil must be the strongest possible dmg.
This as u have 2 sec burn / application and can keep it up full time,
So , pistol + staff. staff with doom + strength, pistol + x with battle and doom,
Balthazar runes + 40% condi food and + 15% condi uptime from gear rest rabid.
0-15-25-0-30’ bounce on staff, fury on phantasm, + hit rate on phantasm.
Still, any phantasm build out dps it.
Thank you all for taking your time to answer my question. I asked this because I have one conditionmancer and I have lots fun with him and the associated playstyle, my teams don’t complain (I never join speedruns/lfzerker).
I was looking for a mesmer build based on conditions as effective as the necromancer, since I have tried a few and they were always far behind the condition necromancer, in mass/single dps, survivability and practicality. My mesmer used to be sword/sword+gs, beserker mantra build, but honestely I find it boring as hell, and I have been looking for builds with staffs, scepters, torches, focus.
From what I read here, basically there is no decent alternative to shatter/mantra/phantom (zerker) I’m almost feeling depressed now… thank you all again.
Thank you all for taking your time to answer my question. I asked this because I have one conditionmancer and I have lots fun with him and the associated playstyle, my teams don’t complain (I never join speedruns/lfzerker).
I was looking for a mesmer build based on conditions as effective as the necromancer, since I have tried a few and they were always far behind the condition necromancer, in mass/single dps, survivability and practicality. My mesmer used to be sword/sword+gs, beserker mantra build, but honestely I find it boring as hell, and I have been looking for builds with staffs, scepters, torches, focus.
From what I read here, basically there is no decent alternative to shatter/mantra/phantom (zerker)I’m almost feeling depressed now… thank you all again.
There’s 2 problems with conditions on mesmer in pve. One is unique to mesmer, the other common to conditions.
Assuming 100% uptime on burning + 25 stacks of bleed, your dps is lower than 2 swordsman and autoattacks. This is a problem common to all conditions, they just don’t do high damage.
The issue with mesmer conditions is that you can’t do that sort of uptime. There’s too much randomness in what conditions are applied. Sometimes you’ll get a damage condition, but sometimes you’ll get a utility condition such as vulnerability, weakness, cripple, etc. Additionally, torment is ineffective on mobs, and confusion is even worse.
What this means is that the mesmer class condition (confusion) is worthless, so all the ways of applying that are null and void. Normally strong condition skills such as debilitating dissipation are bad in pve because of the randomness. You might get a bunch of bleeds, but you also might just get a minute of weakness. So on mesmer, you hit both problems. Not only will your conditions do low damage as always, you won’t be able to actually apply them efficiently either.
I see, what you say makes perfect sense.
Are there any alternatives, useful to the party, other than zerker/condition, as a mesmer?
I see, what you say makes perfect sense.
Are there any alternatives, useful to the party, other than zerker/condition, as a mesmer?
The basic requirement for being useful in a party is having high dps. Mesmer can supply condition removal, boon stripping, reflects, etc, but those don’t matter if you can’t carry your weight in dps.
Well there is a game incoming called Wildstar where there is a class called Esper who do good dmg alternative is a good healer, closest I can think of. it’s not Mesmer but almost
In short, GW 2 PvE is not build around thee roles, healer tank and dps, in GW there is just, Bad dps and good dps, and u favour good dps.
If you dont care avout being useless and really really want a condi build you could try a sc/p phanta build use the duelist for bleed stacking and then use scepter auto to kill clones ro activate on kill traits like confusion or bleeds on clone death but yea condi pve is no bueno
What about support builds? Are there any mesmer support builds more or as effective as a guardian support build?
I don’t think any profession is more or as effective as a guardian support build
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Alot pf classes are niches in to one build thats meta. Hundred blade war might stack ele and in pve theres no such thing as support really. Glamour build isnt bad for support, also mantra healer is decent too. But using a full mantra build with the stab and condi remove means your damage is pretty low. Id be something like x/6/x/4/x leaving you 4 pts to play around with never tried it but ive heRd its decent for supp