Confusing Combatants... Why?...
Yeah plus, this seemed like an interesting mix with chronomancer, seeing how the wells do pulsing direct damage. Could have made some hybrid condi builds with wells possible, by proccing bleeds and confusion from attacks.
Why would they let us have nice things now? Absurd! I’m sure we can wait another three years!
They needed this conceptual trait to push the MtD nerf =0
This needs to be re-added to the mediocre grand master scepter trait to prop up condi builds now that MtD is no longer a build-around trait.
I agree. This trait would be great, especially after the MtD patch. Would be nice for condi builds in both PvE & PvP.
Please anet, we beg you. ;-;
This needs to be re-added to the mediocre grand master scepter trait to prop up condi builds now that MtD is no longer a build-around trait.
Oh please not.
Of all the possible places I could want this, added to Malicious Sorcery wouldn’t be it. :s
This needs to be re-added to the mediocre grand master scepter trait to prop up condi builds now that MtD is no longer a build-around trait.
Oh please not.
Of all the possible places I could want this, added to Malicious Sorcery wouldn’t be it. :s
I don’t think they want the trait to be available to all specs like it was in duelist and condi/scepter is hurting the most right now. It also fits thematically
Its annoying that we now have two (near) perma Fury traits that have no effect on each other.
Then got rid of two +illusion damage traits because “they didn’t see the point” then proceed to do the extra same thing with the two Fury Traits.
Combine the two Traits together (weaken it if you must) and then put Confusing Combatants in the Adept trait position.
It wouldn’t be OP because you wouldn’t be able to take BOTH the Duelist Bleed talent and the Confusing Combatant trait. And Duelist with its large numbers of hits (Warden attacks too slow) would be the only Phantasm that could really exploit it.
They needed this conceptual trait to push the MtD nerf =0
Yeah and then they remove both. :/
Quite funny when thinking about the conceptual +50% torment damage to moving targets on the scepter trait and comparing it with what we have now…
Anet is quick to nerf anything that punishes bad players for spamming attacks mindlessly (i.e. killing themselves with confusion). Anet needs to give the community a little credit. Give us back our torment and confusion and maybe wait one single kittening week before bring out the nerf bat. Give other classes some time to actually come up with counters. Give everyone time to come up with an informed opinion instead of emotional reactions.
So to make this short. I lurk, but almost never, ever log in. This may be the first time I’ve logged into forums in the last 12 to 18 months. That’s how bad this change was.
At 33% chance to proc Confusing Combatant at even 100% crit rate you’re only applying it 1/3rd of the time AT BEST and I was OK with that. The initial thought of 100% confusion on crit seemed too strong and I rarely optimize/power game since I’m a fairly casual PvE player.
Instead of a unique trait we get some sort of bonus fury proc? On a Mesmer? We already have enough fury to last us forever without this new trait. It’s not only no longer unique, it’s flat out redundant and has pretty much killed my enthusiasm I had for these updates since it was bad enough that Chaotic Dampening and Chaotic Transference became mutually exclusive on the same trait line.
That’s how upsetting this change is. You made a lurker – who always felt the Mesmer boards were way, way too whiny – log in to complain about how sad this change to Confusing Combatants is. I really, finally felt like it was time to push for Ascended Rabid stat armor too…
To add to the above, I’ll just throw in something that hasn’t been mentioned:
Mesmers really need more freedom to have a hybrid dd/condi role.
1. We now only have one trait that makes crit interact with conditions (many classes have multiples), and it is also a very mediocre trait that is only worthwhile with one phantasm (duelist).
2. DD is influenced by three attributes from gear; condi by one. This change means I basically have no reason to use something like sinister unless I really want to spend half my stat allotment on some marginal direct damage that synergizes with nothing.
3. Mesmers already had the most extreme ratio of mainhands to offhands (2:4) and to make it worse, HoT is giving us a fifth offhand because ~reasons~. On top of that, the two mainhands we do have favor mutually exclusive playstyles, meaning unless you want to go sword/X + sword/X, you really only get one offhand to play with. Confusion from crit would help a fair bit with making sword+scepter a viable weapon set.
(edited by alia.8349)