Confusion Trait Question.
Only 1 stack will apply if you get both traits. Just get confusing enchantments to get the same confusion but only using 1 trait
Hmm, I was afraid of that. I guess I can try the trait that reduces torch cool down, and Wastrel’s Punishment seems nice.
Only 1 stack will apply if you get both traits. Just get confusing enchantments to get the same confusion but only using 1 trait
This is not accurate.
The 2 traits work in different ways. One functions at the moment you drop the glamour (dazzling glamours). It blinds, and then confuses. Confusing enchantments, however, only functions as a boundary condition, which is the source of its strength. This does mean though, that you’ll only get a stack of confusion when your enemy crosses the boundary of the skill, not immediately when you drop it.