Consume Plasma should be nerfed

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205

It’s free lyssa rune within 35s cd when untraited on a class which highly counters mesmer .
why this is reasonable ?

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: DelusionsOfGrandeur.9287


Consume Plasma is a thief skill, you should post it in the thief section.
You don’t actually want an answer to the question “why is this reasonable?” – you’re only putting it here in the hopes that you’ll incite others to moan alongside you.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


Lyssa also did remove condis, which was the main reason why it got used.
However, a removal of aegis and maybe stabi would actually be quite nice…

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neurophen.9738


Thieves are designed to gank, that’s why this exists.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


Thieves are designed to gank, that’s why this exists.

thief are not designed to gank people with pretty low risk .

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


Consume Plasma is a thief skill, you should post it in the thief section.
You don’t actually want an answer to the question “why is this reasonable?” – you’re only putting it here in the hopes that you’ll incite others to moan alongside you.

Well , It’s just a thought .
Also I’m not any king of top pvp players ,so i do want to know if there is any ways to deal with it from here .
And i shortened this title a bit , i want to ask here before i do any post in thief section .
Since there are a lot of thief haters’ posts there. I don’t want to get a lot of angry feedback . It’s a safe place to make sure I’m not totally wrong.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


Lyssa also did remove condis, which was the main reason why it got used.
However, a removal of aegis and maybe stabi would actually be quite nice…

Lyssa also triggers on elite skill with kitten icd.
Remova of aegis and stabi would help a lot .
which is ironical tho ,half stolen skills thief got from otehr classes are crap while this one fits thief perfectly(beside another stealth skill from thief themselves)

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


hmm 45 is cats ?

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Katran.9186


>Consume Plasma should be nerfed
Thousand times yes. Especially in our meta. Every 2nd thief has 20 sec steal cd.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Joonks.7501

It’s free lyssa rune within 35s cd when untraited on a class which highly counters mesmer .
why this is reasonable ?

I wish people would stop saying “thief counters mesmer.” That’s simply not true. No one profession counters any other in this game. What you meant to say was “this specific thief build is very effective against this specific mesmer build.”

If you’re having problems against thieves, then consider changing your build to be effective against them. Of course that might lower your effectiveness in other areas, but that’s the trade off.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Katran.9186

It’s free lyssa rune within 35s cd when untraited on a class which highly counters mesmer .
why this is reasonable ?

I wish people would stop saying “thief counters mesmer.” That’s simply not true. No one profession counters any other in this game. What you meant to say was “this specific thief build is very effective against this specific mesmer build.”

If you’re having problems against thieves, then consider changing your build to be effective against them. Of course that might lower your effectiveness in other areas, but that’s the trade off.

Glasscannon thief kills glasscannon mesmer. Well, somehow it happened that both classes aren’t TPVP viable in non-glasscannon builds.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

If consume plasma was halved in duration, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. Currently, against mesmers, they can have it 50-55% uptime with trickery builds, which is a huge advantage.

-Rylock [vE]

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Joonks.7501


both classes aren’t TPVP viable in non-glasscannon builds.

Another myth.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Katran.9186


both classes aren’t TPVP viable in non-glasscannon builds.

Another myth.

Yeah. Right. So many tourneys won by condithieves and PU mesmers.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Elegant Avenger.8042

Elegant Avenger.8042
It’s free lyssa rune within 35s cd when untraited on a class which highly counters mesmer .
why this is reasonable ?

I wish people would stop saying “thief counters mesmer.” That’s simply not true. No one profession counters any other in this game. What you meant to say was “this specific thief build is very effective against this specific mesmer build.”

If you’re having problems against thieves, then consider changing your build to be effective against them. Of course that might lower your effectiveness in other areas, but that’s the trade off.

Lol. Thieves counter mesmers EASILY, and in my opinion, they’re the hard counter to them. A lot of mesmer skills require a target to be used, so many skills can’t be used while a thief is stealthed.

There are plenty of counters built into the class. If a thief runs d/d then they can just CnD on the clones. They have so many ways avoiding a mesmer’s damage too. Along with this, their short bow auto attack bounces off the clones, giving them extra hits and killing the mesmer’s shatter damage. Most good thieves can beat a mesmer by using short bow 90% of the time.

Really the only chance a GOOD mesmer has vs a GOOD thief is if they predict their backstabs/ cluster bomb bursts using distortion or blurred frenzy, or if they somehow catch a thief (who has plenty of evades) with a full shatter.

Thief in the past has PREVENTED teams from running a mesmer, because thieves counter most glass cannons, especially mes. And yes, i’m talking about glass cannon mes and glass cannon thief, because those are the only viable builds they have in high level play.

(edited by Elegant Avenger.8042)

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Joonks.7501

It’s free lyssa rune within 35s cd when untraited on a class which highly counters mesmer .
why this is reasonable ?

I wish people would stop saying “thief counters mesmer.” That’s simply not true. No one profession counters any other in this game. What you meant to say was “this specific thief build is very effective against this specific mesmer build.”

If you’re having problems against thieves, then consider changing your build to be effective against them. Of course that might lower your effectiveness in other areas, but that’s the trade off.

Lol. Thieves counter mesmers EASILY, and in my opinion, they’re the hard counter to them. A lot of mesmer skills require a target to be used, so many skills can’t be used while a thief is stealthed.

There are plenty of counters built into the class. If a thief runs d/d then they can just CnD on the clones. They have so many ways avoiding a mesmer’s damage too. Along with this, their short bow auto attack bounces off the clones, giving them extra hits and killing the mesmer’s shatter damage. Most good thieves can beat a mesmer by using short bow 90% of the time.

Really the only chance a GOOD mesmer has vs a GOOD thief is if they predict their backstabs/ cluster bomb bursts using distortion or blurred frenzy, or if they somehow catch a thief (who has plenty of evades) with a full shatter.

Thief in the past has PREVENTED teams from running a mesmer, because thieves counter most glass cannons, especially mes. And yes, i’m talking about glass cannon mes and glass cannon thief, because those are the only viable builds they have in high level play.

I really don’t know what to say except practice more or change your build. Consider how viable your one build really is if you’re getting shut down so easily.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Katran.9186


I really don’t know what to say except practice more or change your build. Consider how viable your one build really is if you’re getting shut down so easily.

You either haven’t fought proper s/d or s/p, either you’re just another useless PU. Watch Eu ToL final at gw2 twitch. Best mesmer of Eu (of the whole world, Eu>NA in terms of TPvP) and positioning genius – Lord Helseth – couldn’t do kitten against Ssh Shad Ssh.

Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


beeing the best mesmer doesnt mean beeing in the winning ToL team, he might be awesome etc, but there is always one asian better than other ppl

anyway not sure how it is in pvp , but as roaming mesmers i still have yet to see a thief making me look like a total scrub in wvw, yes of course i died to thiefs, but not in a way that i couldnt do anything about it , just outplayed/or made a mistake

just my ytb channel


Consume Plasma should be nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Katran.9186


beeing the best mesmer doesnt mean beeing in the winning ToL team

Have you even read, what I’d written? Lord Helseth IS in the winning team. But every fight against Shad he couldn’t do a thing. It’s just F1-2-3-3-5-F, which can’t be properly countered because of target getting buff overload and plenty of evades.