Continuos Rift

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: xBrutalityx.3507


Didn’t see any updates on effecting this skill but its not working. illusions don’t shatter when I use nor does it reset my skills. Is this a bug or was this skill purposely shut down?

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

You’d be the first Ive heard of anything like this.

I used me chrono post patch, was working as far as I could tell.

Are you using a special key bind? If so there’s a bug with settings resetting when you log in/out.

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: xBrutalityx.3507


wasn’t working today I went to numerous maps manually clicking the skill and my illusions refused to explode.

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I recommend ZerkerBerker.

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


I recommend ZerkerBerker.

I recommend rolling your eyes at Ross.

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I killed VG, had no issues with continuum split in any way whatsoever.

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jacob.4280


@xBrutalityx I dont know how long are u playing the chrono, but can u write here, how exactly do u use the Continuous Rift?

No offense, I probably got it wrong from what u wrote but it seems to me, that u expect this:
U use some skill, and then u pop the shatter expecting it will recharge your CDs.

It sadly dont work that way. U have to first pop the shatter, then u have some time window for using ur other skills. After the time window or if the rift gets destroyed early, the skills and yourselve get to the state they/you was previous to the shatter, healthpool included (even from downed state, not sure about death – proly not).

Sorry if I got the OP wrong, in that case this may at least help other ppl who get confused by Continuous Rift shatter.

(edited by Jacob.4280)

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


(even from downed state, not sure about death – proly not).

Neither from downed state, nor from being defeated.

Continuos Rift

in Mesmer

Posted by: savacli.8172


Played through all my Fractal Dailies yesterday, and I didn’t experience the issue OP is describing either.