Critique my WvW build please!

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sega Mega Dave.4195

Sega Mega Dave.4195

Hey Guys,

I’m reworking my Mesmer for WvW, I have done GC builds and condition builds but fancied something different.

The aim is to deal with small groups, wind them up a little with decent survivability and still have enough DPS to actually do some damage. Basically have a bit of fun and not be too squishy in defense or too light weight in attack.

I don’t have enough laurels etc… for Ascended gear so it will all be exotic.

So basically what would you change if building for what im looking for? Would you change any traits etc…?

Build link:|6.1p.h1|c.1p.h1.c.1p.h1j|1n.71a.1n.71a.1n.71a.1n.71a.1n.71a.1n.71a|1i.64.1i.64.1i.64.1i.64.1i.64.1c.64|a3.u24a.k4a.0.a3|40.7|31.3d.34.35.3o|e


Knee Deep In Crit [CRIT] – Desolation

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: drongas.4189


take empowered iliusion without phantasmal strengh not so good imo. u lose half potencial
but if u wanna do dmg with phantoms deceptive evasion not allways good. because dodge replace phantasm (if it up 3)
and u dont have any cond removal, so imo remove 10 points from dominations and put it in inspiration. in small group u not allways have guard or ele who remove conditions from party. u have a lot def but very low hp. condition masters burn u fast. think about valkir trinket set instead cavalier or just half set
ur build depend on autoatack, some shater and some phantasm dmg?
and sry about bad eng


I’m kill you’r bessies

(edited by drongas.4189)

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sega Mega Dave.4195

Sega Mega Dave.4195

Thanks, mainly auto attack and phantasm with the odd shatter if needed. Idea is to keep as many illusions up as possible.

Knee Deep In Crit [CRIT] – Desolation

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sega Mega Dave.4195

Sega Mega Dave.4195

The 25 in inspiration seems a waste for the Phantasmal Strength perk, i know it would be good stacked with Empowered Illusion but is it worth the 25?

Also the reason i have gone for deceptive evasion is that realistically in WvW against a small group i wont have 3 phantasms up. It is something to look into and the condition removal is something i’ve been thinking about.

Maybe Null field as this also means i can phase retreat for some chaos armour. Hmm

Knee Deep In Crit [CRIT] – Desolation

(edited by Sega Mega Dave.4195)

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: drongas.4189


well u got +250 healing. stay near phantoms give u perma regeneration. with 250 healing it nice bonus. but ofc u need creat phantasm build then. but we have investigate 3-4 phantom builds 100%. but u better make it self. “know ur all aspect of mesmer"

well null field for chaos armor very good. and + some suport for ur group


I’m kill you’r bessies

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


Here are my changes:
- For me, traits are fine. That extra 15% damage from 25 in inspiration won’t do a noticeable job, since you already have Empowered Illusions and in WvW phantasms die quite a lot if you’re not running a phantasm build.
- You need some condition cleaning. I would change Sharper Images for Arcane Thievery.
- I would also change Illusionary Defense for Master of Manipulation, since you have 2 manipulation utilities.
- I would change Accuracy sigils for Bloodlust (more power), Perception (more precision), Fire (aoe damage) or Generosity (best condition cleaner in game).

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sega Mega Dave.4195

Sega Mega Dave.4195

Info taken on board.

Anyone else got any input as to what they would do?


Knee Deep In Crit [CRIT] – Desolation

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: CawmSeej.9561


Here are my thoughts:

  • You really need condition removal. Even running Null Field it might not be enough.
  • Air runes don’t provide enough swiftness. I would use them with a focus, but alone, it’s not enough. Centaur runes are much better.
  • Blade Training, Illusionary Defense, and Compounding Power are all okay but I would switch them out for something more useful.

As a side note, I know a lot of people don’t like it, but I really like the sword offhand. The Phantasm is great and Illusionary Riposte is good both on offense and defense.

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


I myself am a semi glass cannon shatter mesmer. I’m more on the edge of glass though. My only defense against conditions is lemongrass food (-40% condition duration) and it seems to be enough. Occasionaly I get schooled by condition builds but I can survive it by putting extreme pressure with shatters on them, use my invuln right and try to dodge most incoming damage. I feel like this is enough but I think a phantasm mesmer is more susceptible to condition damage.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ravbek.7938


I do what Vince does too, Lemongrass food (or the -36% one) plus I also have -20% from Melhandru runes and the conditions just fall off me without too much issue. If you get a big stack you do need to retreat for a bit…let your clones do the work.

Cybek – Gunnars Hold
Wipus Frequentus –
Rock Paper Signet –

Critique my WvW build please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: gaspara.4079


Personally because of the susceptibility to conditions most mesmer builds have unless you use lemongrass food and/or melandru runes I try to make my vitality high enough that my hp breaks 19k, if I am not using lemongrass.