DH vs Mesmer (pvp)
Pay attention to when they use longbow 3 and f1. Most mesmers I beat don’t watch for them. Both skills are unblockable and can potentially be used to CC you.
Time your dazes well. Try your best to interrupt the trap heal and put it on a 4 second cd. If you haven’t seen the dh use ToF yet, watch for it. It’ll kill all your clones. Don’t get in melee range recklessly. As long as your condi pressure is there it should be an even match. You won’t necessarily blow up a dh in a proper 1v1
I make PvP & WvW videos
DH are easily managed by chrono playing well, but there’s a lot of things to keep in mind to do so.
If you know a DH has blown their load in an area, so to speak, send in a couple clones to pop everything first. Phase retreat + iWarlock + shatter will do this nicely. Keep in mind that the traps do recharge their cooldowns while set, so if the DH set up a while ago, they’ll be able to lay down all the traps again right away.
DH is a ranged class, but the traps are pbaoe and their lb knockback is short range. If the DH closes distance with you it means that there’s a burst coming. If you’re running dueling, you can roll through shatters to preemptively blind the spear of justice, and you’ll probably want to get the shield block going to prevent damage from the traps that the DH drops.
Know the traps! The spinny blade trap is harmless if you’ve got shield block ready, but will hurt otherwise. The ring of blades trap is harmless if you stay in/out of it, but hurts to cross. You can dodge across it without taking damage to escape. The DH will try to push/pull you through that trap, so know how they can do that.
DH has a limited number of pushes and pulls. Their only pull is the spear of justice yank, and that’s only available when you’re tethered. That pull is unblockable/undodgeable, so if you notice the tether on you while you’re standing in the ring trap, I’d recommend blinking to drop LoS, even if it means giving up a decap unless you’re sure you can tank the hit. The push the DH uses is a passive proc on longbow skills available only at close range. You can’t really avoid this, so be ready for it when it does occur.
I think the only other note is to know the animations of true shot and hunter’s ward. True shot is a great opportunity to slap on some free torment with the scepter block, so so that whenever possible. Hunter’s ward is an extremely powerful ability on the longbow that puts a mini ring of warding around everything that it hits. It also has an enormous and stationary cast time that practically begs to be interrupted. The cast time is long enough that you can comfortably chew through even 5 stacks of stability to interrupt it as long as you’re paying attention and quick to respond. It’s pretty devastating to have that ability interrupted, and it’s vitally important that you interrupt it in fights, so make sure you watch for that.
That’s about it though. The DH doesn’t really have any tricks past that, it’s all relatively straightforward. Don’t get bursted unawares by the traps and keep the pressure up on the DH to kill them.
I try not to duel a DH as a chrono overall. It is in general quite a bad matchup for us.
The biggest problem is their traps cleave out clones too quickly and they still have a lot of blocks so you don’t have on-demand interrupt/burst most of the time.
It is also hard NOT to trigger their heal trap because of clones. Their trap heal pretty much full heals themselves.