DIY portal range indicator

DIY portal range indicator

in Mesmer

Posted by: msalakka.4653


I’m pretty new to Mesmer and have a tendency to gauge the portal distance wrong in WvW. I love portaling and finding different uses for it, but the range issue is a downer. I came up with a down & dirty solution involving overlaying a circle over the minimap. It doesn’t involve any changes to any game files or whatnot, it functions similarly to Overwolf albeit much more crude in its design. I took a screenshot of the minimap to get the dimensions, then applied a circle on it a few times and tested portals to figure out where the range approximately is, and adjusted the circle accordingly. Then display it with Irfanview and overlay (adjusting opacity) with Ghost-It.

I know most Mesmers probably have no trouble with it nor would want to go through such trouble, but I thought I’d share it anyway in case it helps someone or inspires them to develop something better.


Gutter Rat [cry] | Gandara | Roaming nuisance
~ There is no balance team. ~

(edited by msalakka.4653)

DIY portal range indicator

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591



Now if I would actually need to portal around more often, I would totally do that for myself as well. Nice!

DIY portal range indicator

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I hope Anet doesn’t ban things like this -.-

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

DIY portal range indicator

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ceribis.8104


This looks great. I’ve been a mesmer since release and still have a hard time judging my portal distance sometimes.

Keeghan – Sylvari Mesmer – Jade Quarry

DIY portal range indicator

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


There’s an easier way.
1) Zoom minimap in 100%
2) Maximize size of minimap (make it as big & square as you can)
3) Set minimap to rotate with direction your character is facing
4) Place personal waypoint where you drop portal entrance (alt+left click minimap)
5) Keep running until that personal waypoint is on the edge of your minimap & in the center of whatever edge it’s on
6) That’s the max range of portal
7) ???
8) Profit

DIY portal range indicator

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ceribis.8104


Ohh that’s great too. Thanks!

Keeghan – Sylvari Mesmer – Jade Quarry

DIY portal range indicator

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


There’s an easier way.
1) Zoom minimap in 100%
2) Maximize size of minimap (make it as big & square as you can)
3) Set minimap to rotate with direction your character is facing
4) Place personal waypoint where you drop portal entrance (alt+left click minimap)
5) Keep running until that personal waypoint is on the edge of your minimap & in the center of whatever edge it’s on
6) That’s the max range of portal
7) ???
8) Profit

I wouldn’t want to do it that way, though. I never have my minimap fully zoomed in, and I also don’t have it maxed in size. The way in which OP does it is MUCH more flexible, as you can make your own circle which fits into the minimap-settings you’re used to.