Dear Chronomancers
Check helseth post before posting, is not balanced. It’s pointless to run with shatter mesmer because of simply condi necros, revenants, druids and scrapper
Hope for you all to know.
Alacrity isn’t that big of a deal, half the ‘decent’ mesmers didn’t/don’t notice the difference.
Heck, half the decent mesmers don’t even need to use Alacrity.
Shatter mesmer is still viable. Why not try that out guys? Get some fresh air from all that invulnerability.
I have literally never stopped running shatter mesmer.
Most people haven’t, because Chrono Bunker was boring.
Why does everyone kittening think this is kittening about kittening chrono kittening bunker on this kittening website?
kitten chrono bunker. kitten it straight into hell.
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki
(edited by TheOneWhoSighs.7513)
Shatter mesmer is still viable. Why not try that out guys? Get some fresh air from all that invulnerability.
And shatter mesmer was so viable before HoT that it was in every team …
Hope for you all to know.
Alacrity isn’t that big of a deal, half the ‘decent’ mesmers didn’t/don’t notice the difference.
Heck, half the decent mesmers don’t even need to use Alacrity.
Shatter mesmer is still viable. Why not try that out guys? Get some fresh air from all that invulnerability.I have literally never stopped running shatter mesmer.
Most people haven’t, because Chrono Bunker was boring.Why does everyone kittening think this is kittening about kittening chrono kittening bunker on this kittening website?
kitten chrono bunker. kitten it straight into hell.
It needs more kittening kitten in that post.
People have such a short kittening memory, did anyone read that release note about mesmer? Did any of these people kittening thought it was a good and deserved balance? Where’s our kittening shatter mesmer viability when our kittenING Burst barely do tolerable damage compared to power creep? What’s the kittening point in rolling mesmer when you have to kittening put twice as hard the effort for not even half of the reward.
And then we get one kittening boring build, waayyy too rewarding that not one dude liked and then we kittening don’t have a right to complain about seeing our class swallowed by a black hole.
Being told that : we finally have to play with skills again and we should stop complaining because our op days are gone.
What a kittening load of bullkitten. Didn’t you see patch note anyone? There’s almost not a SINGLE thing in this godawful balance that doesn’t weaken mesmer.
But yeah we had bunker so kitten us I guess.
I almost agree with you 100%. There is only one thing I would change:
Add one more kitten before the word ROLE.
There is currently no role for pvp mesmers now. Game over. I’m with you that bunker mes is boring. All we want is at least one COMPETITIVE build that is fast paced and lively. Now, all we can do is pray to Lyssa that some changes come soon. If they don’t, I’m sticking with pyro’s plan and calling it quits for this game, and honestly…its not just this patch. I’m kitten tired of careless nerfs made to the mesmer class just to appease the masses. Others don’t want mesmers to be a class in gw2? Then kitten it, I quit.
How long has mesmer been in the pvp meta compared to the rest of the classes?
Besides bunker mes (which many traditional mesmers do not like playing), how many times was it worth while to bring more than one mesmer into pvp? And yes, I’m looking at you eles. Is the mesmer going to be viable after these nerfs like the eles were previously?
How many times was the mesmer class nerfed Between balance patches? How many times has this happened to other classes? Do you really think they would ever buff mesmers between balance patches?
When has it been worth while to bring multiple mesmers into pve content? Why is it so bad that there can’t be more than one mesmer in a raid? How many god kitten berserkers and scrappers were brought into raids before? There are nine spots open in a raid. If one group brings two mesmers, it doesn’t mean you have to nerf the class into uselessness. If this was the case, we would have no Eles, warriors, engis, and revs.
Look at the history. How many mesmers have been in the first place teams for the world tournament series?
Beijing Dec 5, 2014: 2 eles, 2 engis, 1 thief, 0 mesmers
Boston Mar 7, 2015: 1 engi, 1 guardian, 1 warrior, 1 ele, 1 thief, 0 mesmers
Cologne Aug 8, 2015: 1 engi, 2 eles, 1 necro, 1 thief, 0 mesmers
Mesmers have had kitten in their pvp history. If this game was balanced than you would see a lot more variety.
How does sustained dps of a mes/chrono compare to the other classes? Notice I’m not just pointing out a couple classes, I’m talking about ALL the other classes.
The list could literally go on and on. Based on the history of this game, it looks like there is some biased kitten puppy going on here.
Whatever, I just don’t care anymore. You would have thought this “history” would have been fixed a long time ago. This is why I’m quitting for now unless changes are made. Holy smokes, I just can’t deal with this anymore. I really don’t think anyone could blame anyone here for quitting if they only play mes. Anet has just been mind kittening them the whole time.
Schrödingers Clone: PvP Mesmer
(edited by Xstein.2187)
Hope for you all to know.
Alacrity isn’t that big of a deal, half the ‘decent’ mesmers didn’t/don’t notice the difference.
Heck, half the decent mesmers don’t even need to use Alacrity.
Shatter mesmer is still viable. Why not try that out guys? Get some fresh air from all that invulnerability.
Hey let’s balance around PvP… Then completely destroy pve. Whether you like it or not, alacrity made us pve viable.
Shatter mesmer is still viable. Why not try that out guys? Get some fresh air from all that invulnerability.
And shatter mesmer was so viable before HoT that it was in every team …
Right? Currently many of us are back where we were before: in any game mode, why would I bring my mesmer when anything my mesmer does, another toon does better? (There are the obvious exceptions; these make up the mesmer niche, as they always have).
(edited by upsdn.5426)
Hope for you all to know.
Alacrity isn’t that big of a deal, half the ‘decent’ mesmers didn’t/don’t notice the difference.
Heck, half the decent mesmers don’t even need to use Alacrity.
Shatter mesmer is still viable. Why not try that out guys? Get some fresh air from all that invulnerability.
I’m a half-decent mesmer, and would like to say that I really do hate Shatter Mesmer. It’s basically a copy of the thief, just harder and less efficient.
I almost agree with you 100%. There is only one thing I would change:
Add one more kitten before the word ROLE.
There is currently no role for pvp mesmers now. Game over. I’m with you that bunker mes is boring. All we want is at least one COMPETITIVE build that is fast paced and lively. Now, all we can do is pray to Lyssa that some changes come soon. If they don’t, I’m sticking with pyro’s plan and calling it quits for this game, and honestly…its not just this patch. I’m kitten tired of careless nerfs made to the mesmer class just to appease the masses. Others don’t want mesmers to be a class in gw2? Then kitten it, I quit.How long has mesmer been in the pvp meta compared to the rest of the classes?
Besides bunker mes (which many traditional mesmers do not like playing), how many times was it worth while to bring more than one mesmer into pvp? And yes, I’m looking at you eles. Is the mesmer going to be viable after these nerfs like the eles were previously?
How many times was the mesmer class nerfed Between balance patches? How many times has this happened to other classes? Do you really think they would ever buff mesmers between balance patches?
When has it been worth while to bring multiple mesmers into pve content? Why is it so bad that there can’t be more than one mesmer in a raid? How many god kitten berserkers and scrappers were brought into raids before? There are nine spots open in a raid. If one group brings two mesmers, it doesn’t mean you have to nerf the class into uselessness. If this was the case, we would have no Eles, warriors, engis, and revs.
Look at the history. How many mesmers have been in the first place teams for the world tournament series?
Beijing Dec 5, 2014: 2 eles, 2 engis, 1 thief, 0 mesmers
Boston Mar 7, 2015: 1 engi, 1 guardian, 1 warrior, 1 ele, 1 thief, 0 mesmers
Cologne Aug 8, 2015: 1 engi, 2 eles, 1 necro, 1 thief, 0 mesmersMesmers have had kitten in their pvp history. If this game was balanced than you would see a lot more variety.
How does sustained dps of a mes/chrono compare to the other classes? Notice I’m not just pointing out a couple classes, I’m talking about ALL the other classes.
The list could literally go on and on. Based on the history of this game, it looks like there is some biased kitten puppy going on here.
Whatever, I just don’t care anymore. You would have thought this “history” would have been fixed a long time ago. This is why I’m quitting for now unless changes are made. Holy smokes, I just can’t deal with this anymore. I really don’t think anyone could blame anyone here for quitting if they only play mes. Anet has just been mind kittening them the whole time.
shatter build? so you’re basically saying everyone else except mesmers should be able to enjoy their new elite specialization?
i never stopped shattering for condition before and after hot and i never complained about the lack of real damage or viable condition damage because utility, and after hot the mesmer became even a greater supporter increasing everyone effectiveness with quickness, boon sharing and alacrity. i accepted as a compromise i could never be left alone in hot maps if i wanted to survive and do some decent damage on my own and used a bunker build only for gorseval (mainly because so much dps is needed that mesmers or chrono were useless if not fulfilling the tanking role and let everyone else do the real damage).
and now? now we are mediocre again i feel like if i want to build a condition build the chrono trait line is a waste of slot now, if i want to build for phantasm same, if i want to build for power shatter meh. and this only because somebody who enjoyed the alacrity as ally in pve cried a lot while against in pvp as it was always done with the mesmer we again are the escape goat so everybody can live happy ever after.
also the mesmer class is the only class everytime a big class balance arrive that you have to reset your whole build and start over again from what is left because previous version became crap. and i never used a metabuild in my life actually.
i also have a ranger and the first time i had to change his build was when the trait line was reworked before hot and after to make him a druid… that says a lot about how they balance classes!
i read all other classes forum and there are not all of this outcry and rage quittings although i’m sure that all of our rant are just perceived as mesmers being just the usual drama queens
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