“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
Death of illusions
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
The AoE cap should be 5, they should stack if the same effect is applied, they will be affected by condition duration, and the radius I don’t know but 240 seems likely.
With scepter auto you can spam clone death and still get the effects from the traits triggering I believe.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
- Does it approved thay exactly aeo cap to 5?
- and while the illusions running for shatter effect to enemy A but before triggered for shatter effect, they destroyed by enemy B on the way while illusions couldnt reach A.. so do they trigger those 3 traits aswell ? (i mean give command to illusions to shatter, and if they destroyed by fields or from somebody those traits still effect or no?)
- and Phantasms are the same as clones?
thank you..
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
(edited by Azo.5860)
Phantasms and clones are illusions, yes.
If an illusion is killed on its way for a shatter, I don’t think it gets the on-shatter effect, but it still gets on-death effects.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
For further clarity, only clones proc the “on-death” traits currently. Phantasms do not, but should with confusing combatants because the trait states “illusions” (this is a bug). Debilitating dissipation and crippling dissipation reference “clones” and works as advertised.
i couldnt spec that which i give shatter order to my clones, but they killed by fields(or with somebody else) while running on the target, do clones still trigger of confusing combatants, Debilitating dissipation and crippling dissipation to radius 240 to 5 targets?
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
With scepter auto, you can spam clone death…
…12 painfully-slow auto-attacks later… Cripple! Vulnerability! Rawr!
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE
With scepter auto, you can spam clone death…
…12 painfully-slow auto-attacks later… Cripple! Vulnerability! Rawr!
You’re doing it wrong.
You’re doing it wrong.
You’re understanding me wrong.
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE
i couldnt spec that which i give shatter order to my clones, but they killed by fields(or with somebody else) while running on the target for shatter, do clones still trigger of confusing combatants, Debilitating dissipation and crippling dissipation to radius 240 to 5 targets?
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
Yes, if they die during the completion of a shatter order, they still blow up, triggering the traits.