Decoy Stunbreak not working?
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Maybe you were immobilized?
Thats a list of all the things you can stun break out of. Mine seems to be working fine as well, maybe you can tell us what the arah mobs are. err. “stopping” you with?
It works as an instant Stunbreak, so if you are stunned and use it, it will break the stun. If you use it and then get stunned after while stealthed (if a projectile stun was already flying towards you), it will still stun you.
Just checked and seems to be working properly for me.
Hybrid PU Clone Spam Build – Chaos Clones
Oh, stunbreaks don’t work with immobilize? I guess that’s what I was doing wrong :-/
http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!