Delay on sword skill activation.

Delay on sword skill activation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


Specifically the delay on Blurred Frenzy and Illusionary Riposte. It feels like these 2 skills dont activate until a second or 2 after I want them too. And it seems that they dont interupt my auto attack’s animation to use them.

Reason for this Topic: This has always been an issue for me. but I was wondering if others have to deal with it also or if there is a timing trick to get around it.
When I ask others in game they always say “Must be lag” tho other than the delay on these 2 skills i see no other evidence that I have lag issues. I assume it delays for others as well, they just arnt observant enough to notice.
So im asking here, where people who are far better than I could shed some light on this, and offer suggestions, other than looking into the future 2 seconds in advance to know if I need to use these abilities early.

Delay on sword skill activation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


2 things

Make sure it’s not a thief using DAZE on you. That’s the new fotm thief build and it will mess you up if your expecting to blurr when getting back stabbed.

2nd, yes i’ve also noticed a delay sometimes even when I’m not being dazed.

Refer back to the first part though and make sure that didn’t have something to do with it. I fought a thief for a hour the other night and slowly realized that’s what was happening. The daze was blocking my frenzy and giving him free back hits where normally i would block them with the frenzy.

(edited by Godmoney.2048)

Delay on sword skill activation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hot Boy.7138

Hot Boy.7138

I’ve noticed a delay this week while doing arah path 2 a couple times while fighting the abomination boss. I’ll hit blurred frenzy or the block skill to absorb one of his swings and nothing happens. I believed it to be lag though from the server since my internet is pretty good 99% of the time.

I’ve also noticed when I fight the first boss in path 3, the crusher. I used to be able to use illusionary riposte to block his hammer slam without fail, not it seems when i try to block it, I get hit by the hammer slam 50% of the time still. I couldn’t figure out the reason why it would work sometimes and not other times.

Delay on sword skill activation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


I’ve noticed a 1 second delay on blurred frenzy too. It usually happens right after I’ve used another skill. I don’t consider it a big deal as I’m almost always able to get the attack/evade off when I need it. Of course, it could be that I’m so use to it, I subconsciously take it into account.

Delay on sword skill activation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


I have also noticed the 1 sec lag in activating this skill but I thought it was just server lag or something.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Delay on sword skill activation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yeah I’ve noticed this too. After I would use sword #3 and then press it again to swap, it wouldn’t go off, but I would have already pressed #2 for frenzy. So I would be standing in the wrong spot using blurred frenzy.

Delay on sword skill activation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

Yeah I’ve noticed this too. After I would use sword #3 and then press it again to swap, it wouldn’t go off, but I would have already pressed #2 for frenzy. So I would be standing in the wrong spot using blurred frenzy.

For this, I think that there is a short cooldown on skill #3, so you can’t just hit it twice in succession. You need to wait a moment for the skill to come off of a very quick cooldown before you can swap.

As for the Blurred Frenzy, I’ve never noticed. Might just be me not paying attention, though.
