Direction for dungeons while leveling
You could pretty easily get 20 points in Inspiration for either Warden’s Feedback or Restorative Mantras, both of which are excellent in many PvE situations.
And, of course, you have the ability to switch the trait there back and forth with Staff and Sword/Focus, which makes it all the better.
Outside of that, you already have probably the best group support weapon setup. Utility-wise you should probably be looking at all the good PvE Glamours (Feedback and Null Field in particular), Signet of Inspiration, Mantras if going for Restorative Mantras, and Phantasmal Disenchanter – kind of buggy, but it does a real good job when it can.
I’d urge you to stay away from Illusion of Life unless you’re comfortable with the group you are playing with. It will often end up doing absolutely nothing if the other members of your party are unfamiliar with the skill.