Do mesmers do decent damage?

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cita.5903


I’m currently only level eight but so far questing seems hellish, my damage output seems pretty bad (Sword/pistol) and I’m dying quite a lot.

Is it worth lvling up a Mesmer. I’m mainly planning to pvp with raiding on the side.

Are mesmers any good in pvp or am I just going to be getting killed every five seconds?

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


go watch osicats videos right below your post WvW shatter cat and that will answer all your questions

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Krag.6210


Mesmer are godly in pvp, especially with a shatter build.

Also a pretty decent dps in pve.

But don’t worry about your low damage at level 8, a mesmer doesn’t really shine until level 30 or something.

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Mesmers start slow compared to some others. That’s because our skills aren’t simply based on the weapon. We use things like phantasms and clones and a variety of other things to boost our damage. It’s why some say you don’t really start to shine until around 30.

Fight through it and once you break through to the other side you won’t regret it, I never have regretted it. I was once an alt a holic…. now all my alts gather dust.

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Cita, feel free to drop into mu guide when you start catch some lvls, like Lordryux say, the spec I run in my guide is strong in dps both for wvwvw and Pve. It do demand some of the player thu, its not a spec for the lazy player.

Some of the vids: big dmg one

Controll and movment vs enemys

The guide:


Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


They do good damage when you’re able to 1-up your enemy. Although I have run into plenty of others who know the mesmer well enough to be able to hold out and drop me like butter. It really depends on who you’re fighting.

As for PvE, not so much. I do dungeons a lot and find that even when I use damage (+10 against svanir etc) and/or +power/precision/crit dmg food… I’m still a weakling compared to the rest of my party. I’ve tried many variations too, and everything feels weak. I’ve tried pumping a precision and power sigil to max before switching to a +10 dmg weapon. I don’t know. The damage rates always feel the same and too low compared to what a warrior or thief is dishing out.

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


They do good damage when you’re able to 1-up your enemy. Although I have run into plenty of others who know the mesmer well enough to be able to hold out and drop me like butter. It really depends on who you’re fighting.

As for PvE, not so much. I do dungeons a lot and find that even when I use damage (+10 against svanir etc) and/or +power/precision/crit dmg food… I’m still a weakling compared to the rest of my party. I’ve tried many variations too, and everything feels weak. I’ve tried pumping a precision and power sigil to max before switching to a +10 dmg weapon. I don’t know. The damage rates always feel the same and too low compared to what a warrior or thief is dishing out.

WATTTT i feel like an unkillable god in dungeons lmao damage of izerker is freakin amazing plus the stacks of might u can get with just one mindwrack is rediculous you must be doing something wrong.

like tbh im literally always the last man standing reviving people and saving thier behinds constantly during dungeons even in AC against kholer people getting downed so easily lol im in the back just dishing out crazy damage and spreading my might stacks to my team with signet of inspiration im loving it

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


WATTTT i feel like an unkillable god in dungeons lmao damage of izerker is freakin amazing plus the stacks of might u can get with just one mindwrack is rediculous you must be doing something wrong.

like tbh im literally always the last man standing reviving people and saving thier behinds constantly during dungeons even in AC against kholer people getting downed so easily lol im in the back just dishing out crazy damage and spreading my might stacks to my team with signet of inspiration im loving it

Drop a comparison for me then. What are your stats?

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


i go 20/20/0/0/30 full zerker with acessorys assasins backpack crest of the soldier on that one superior air runes/superior bloodlust on my gs force on the staff both zerkers have about 3.4k attack with over 45% crit and damage the point is your basically in the back of the pack throwing down clones and shattering them constantly dont ever leave your clones out for a long time because its pointless they dont last long at all.

Pretty much the basics of the game if you pull aggro kite kite dodge dodge and kite some more make sure you have your signet of inspiration for your team and urself mirror images and decoy as always.

I run with Mass Invisibility but you dont have too you can use timewarp i just think MI gives the team time to rest and aswell skip some mobs in the dungeons ill pare it out with viel aswell for skipping just keep your distance and ull be fine one mindwrack gives me about 18+ might stacks its rediculous damage after that and you can just sit back and unload. Dont knock off signet of illusions its actually verry good and verry usefull it saved me behind countless upon countless times by giving me regeneration and aswell aegis alot. apparently procs often. You can aswell take the illusions do 15% more damage and ive had my zerker hit up to 6k+ with that trait but not recommended to take it you can always experiment with that aswell

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Same as Lordryux, as long as I’m not lagging I almost never die in dungeons. However if I’m lagging (my internet randomly sucks, some days it’s great! other days…) I die a lot lol. I’m usually running 20/20/0/0/30 as well using either rabid armor with Runes of Undead or a mix of rampager/zerker armor with Runes of the Centaur, rabid staff, and either sword/sword zerker or sword zerker/pistol rabid. I’ve also often run 0/20/20/0/30 which is a little tankier and I also like a lot. With sword 2, being able to put out pretty much endless clones/phantasms, having either pistol stun or sword 4 block, being able to self shatter f3 and f4 it’s pretty hard to die.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

(edited by Kazhiel.8194)

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alex.9268


Mesmer has great burst potential, and mediocre dps. Condition damage is also bad-mediocre, but we can spec for a lot of confusion.

As others pointed out, until you level up and get some essential traits, leveling will be much slower than other professions.

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Burst is nice, dps is nice and even condition dmg is nice (well my point of view, I have but no real comparison to other professions). I run 20/20/0/25/5 (with phantasmal strength, phantasmal fury and Empowered Illusions my iBerserker and Duelist rock). Also applying with first combo within seconds up to 12 stacks of bleeding. I am full exotic rampager (just one random item for back). 2k power, 58% crit. chance (for the bleeding). I find myself pretty strong both in WvW as also in Dungeons. My burst through shattering illusions is but very weak compared to other builds.

Once, one understood the mesmer, it is pretty dawn good. It takes a while until to play Mesmer gets really awesome. But when it does, u’ll never wanna play another profession :P

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


yea honestly you shouldnt be dieying alot in dungeons aswell as doing low damage we have great survivability and damage to go along with it you have alot of ways to negate that damage so. Shattered strength for now enjoy it while you can because its definitly like a must now 1 mind wrack will grant you about 18 stacks of might lol im loving it but it will get nerfed next patch i can see it happening .

P.S in dungeons i always have a guardian just incase.

if im getting sorta mobbed i use decoy and all the mobs go on the guardian heheehheeheheh im so evil lol

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Infernalis.1635


Well I’ve been trying out the Mesmer recently, did aload of sPvP and then went into PvE to level up after thinking that the class is pure awesomeness.

I’m level 15 currently and have never once felt ‘weak’ as a mesmer. I’ve been running Sword/Pistol(or Sword) and Greatsword for range and diversity! Just poo out clones+phantasms at low levels seems effective enough to just then shattering them instantly upon hitting 3 with Mind Wreak. Nothing really lives!
Try using the leap skill (Sword #3) then drop Mirror Images down= Instant 3 illusion- Mind Wreck! Still alive? Use sword #2. Just an idea and it’s quite fun to see how quick stuff dies

Completely disagree with any statement that mesmers ‘take awhile to get good’, swap straight to Sword and just have fun with it:3

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: boredinbc.2786


Lots might have changed from when I played last, but in my experience mesmers, even at higher levels, have to work harder for their kills – especially compared to Warriors. The playstyle is involved, you will always be dodging, swapping weapons, and be required to think tactically. Some people enjoy this, other do not. Personally I love it, I found other classes to be a bit boring compared to it, but I haven’t leveled to deep into many classes.

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Belcebub.8421


As others have said before me, mesmer can do very decent damage, but takes a while to take off. Imo that’s because both the playstyle and the fact that slow start might discourage you, i know it did for me. But now i absolutely wreck stuff in pve and it’s by far the most fun class i’ve played and i’ve tried them all. There’s just not that much room for mistakes, at least with the build i’m using. Before my mesmer i lvled up a warrior to 80 and took me a while to stop standing under a mob hitting it and dying :P

I mostly use a GS & staff… they’re like offense/defense to me, but i switch the weapons often in combat anyway. Don’t give up on the mesmer, maybe get a few levels of crafting to get to the good part and have fun

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aleph Naught.9034

Aleph Naught.9034

because its definitly like a must now 1 mind wrack will grant you about 18 stacks of might lol

18 stacks of Might from a single Mind Wrack. Right.

Mild Delirium | Innuendum [ENDO] | Gandara

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


They do good damage when you’re able to 1-up your enemy. Although I have run into plenty of others who know the mesmer well enough to be able to hold out and drop me like butter. It really depends on who you’re fighting.

As for PvE, not so much. I do dungeons a lot and find that even when I use damage (+10 against svanir etc) and/or +power/precision/crit dmg food… I’m still a weakling compared to the rest of my party. I’ve tried many variations too, and everything feels weak. I’ve tried pumping a precision and power sigil to max before switching to a +10 dmg weapon. I don’t know. The damage rates always feel the same and too low compared to what a warrior or thief is dishing out.

WATTTT i feel like an unkillable god in dungeons lmao damage of izerker is freakin amazing plus the stacks of might u can get with just one mindwrack is rediculous you must be doing something wrong.

like tbh im literally always the last man standing reviving people and saving thier behinds constantly during dungeons even in AC against kholer people getting downed so easily lol im in the back just dishing out crazy damage and spreading my might stacks to my team with signet of inspiration im loving it

I must agree here I completed a full fractal level with a warrior, Ele, ranger, and a guardian I think was the last one. I was the only one that NEVER fully died. And I was downed once by that stupid sons of svanir shaman’s ice explosions… other than that. EVERYONE else went down or died way more than me… A mesmer can be tankier than a warrior. Why? Signet of illusions. If you run shatter heavy have signet of illusions with your sword… You CAN be invulnerable for about 12 seconds… Longer than any block duration and it saves your endurance….

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


because its definitly like a must now 1 mind wrack will grant you about 18 stacks of might lol

18 stacks of Might from a single Mind Wrack. Right.

From a single mindwrack and iffffff you use the mirror blade on the GS with illusionary elascticity… So much might…

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aleph Naught.9034

Aleph Naught.9034

because its definitly like a must now 1 mind wrack will grant you about 18 stacks of might lol

18 stacks of Might from a single Mind Wrack. Right.

From a single mindwrack and iffffff you use the mirror blade on the GS with illusionary elascticity… So much might…

No ifffff. You can’t get 18 stacks or Might from Mind Wrack, period. You can get 9 (IP doesn’t affect Shattered Strength). That ‘look at me, I get 18 stacks of Might from MW and can’t die’ is exactly the kind of BS that gets us nerfed.

Mild Delirium | Innuendum [ENDO] | Gandara

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


because its definitly like a must now 1 mind wrack will grant you about 18 stacks of might lol

18 stacks of Might from a single Mind Wrack. Right.

From a single mindwrack and iffffff you use the mirror blade on the GS with illusionary elascticity… So much might…

No ifffff. You can’t get 18 stacks or Might from Mind Wrack, period. You can get 9 (IP doesn’t affect Shattered Strength). That ‘look at me, I get 18 stacks of Might from MW and can’t die’ is exactly the kind of BS that gets us nerfed.

Yeah the last thing we need is another nerf… They nerfed our portals to limit the number of uses. But in no way lengthened the amount of time that they are up for. Soooo lame

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aleph Naught.9034

Aleph Naught.9034

Indeed. They limited the number of people being able to pass through but conveniently forgot to do anything about the increased CD or the tooltip duration being different from the actual one.

Anyway, to answer the OP:

Raiding is going to be a bit tricky for you, since this game has none, unless you mean WvW ;>

Don’t rely on your lvl8 questing experience – questing is going to be pretty hard until you’re around lvl40.

As for PvP/WvW performance – Mesmers and Thieves are the two top QQ-generating classes. So the general sentiment is that unless (knowing A-net, until) we get more nerfs, yeah, we’re doing fine.

Mild Delirium | Innuendum [ENDO] | Gandara

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Calle.8746


Man I don’t get it. I’m level 8 with my mesmer. Had a mesmer before at level 16 and been playing some spvp with my current one so I somewhat know how to play. I pwn on my mesmer. Both in sPvP and PvE. I even solo level 10-12 mobs with no problem. Just takes getting used to.

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aleph Naught.9034

Aleph Naught.9034

1. Roll a guardian or a warrior, get it to lvl8.
2. Review your definition of ‘pwning’ in PvE at lvl8. ;>

Questing on a low level mesmer is okay if you know how to play it, but for new players it’s extremely hard, especially in comparison with some other classes.

Just for the record, fine by me.

Mild Delirium | Innuendum [ENDO] | Gandara

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


No mesmer does not do a lot of dps when compared to the other classes. You can burst a bit, but again… when compared other classes… they can do that better too.

If people are dying in PvE that’s a l2p issue. Seriously… PvE in GW2 is NOT hard >.> That’s also why I don’t mind taking a person of any class along… but if I could pick my team and not feel like I’m excluding guildmates… I would never bring along a mesmer.

As far as PvP mesmers in a fight are one of the best classes vs. scrubs and one of the worst vs. pros. Scrubs will run around swatting at clones and eating shatters. Pros will blind/dodge/block with good timing and your illusions won’t even appear. That means your f-abilities have few resourses to use… and you’re toast.

If you’re going into sPvP mesmers can do some nice things on certain maps with portal tricks…. just don’t expect to be there for your abilities in a fight.

I haven’t died to a single mesmer since they changed the blind/block/dodge = no illusion rules. Not a single one. I don’t consider myself a pro, or to have more skill… it’s just that those rules are SO kitten imbalanced vs competent players -.-

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Do mesmers do decent damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Lol… the clone summoning skills but the dodge still produces a mes… and even if decoy doesnt summon it still adds stealth.. and to get rid of blind just do an auto attack and its gone… it doesnt stack intensity and one swing with the sword and its gone.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer