Do you think mesmers are boring?

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

I want to craft my mesmer to 80 but at lvl 30 my my mesmer is kinda boring. Idk maybe I just wish they were more like gw1 mesmers. Do mesmers get more fun at 80?

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


…..Mesmers are the most boring class….before 80. At 80 with good gear all70 traits and at lvl 80 they are the most fun. At least to me.

GET your mesmer to 80. Only then can you understand SOME of the fun mesmer is capable of

Also crafting to 80 is not very efficient and costly because of the acended crafting that poped in a while ago. Go farm spvp for glory and get some tomes of knowledge or maybe do a champ farm in frost gorge and farm some scrolls of knowledge.

I’ve been playing for a while. And when I get a scroll of knowledge I just store it in my bank. It’s pretty fun playing on your main and yet leveling your characters passively by collecting scrolls of knowledge.
Already leveled 3 chars with scrolls of knowledge .
It’s always fun to see the blasts of light as you level a char from 1-80 in a minute

(edited by Chaos.3579)

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Demented Sheep.1642

Demented Sheep.1642

I’d say they get more interesting at 60 or so. It’s one of the problems with the class. I imagine a lot of players get put off because they aren’t all that good until you can play with traits. AT 80 mes is the most fun to me.

But they don’t play like a GW1 mes.

(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: medohgeuh.4650


It’s my favorite class in the game, far more enjoyable than the GW1 variation of it.

Mesmer definitely isn’t for everyone, though, especially if you’re not interested in on-the-fly micromanagement.

…..Mesmers are the most boring class….before 80. At 80 with good gear all70 traits and at lvl 80 they are the most fun. At least to me.

Could say the same for any class. Once you have access to everything the possibilities become nearly endless.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Hmm i have a lvl 80 thief and ele and i like both of them alot. I think i will just lvl my mesmer up and if i dont like it i dont like it. What builds you guys play thats fun on your mesmser?

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I just started (haven’t finished) leveling an ele. I’ve been playing mesmer every day since launch. That’s a lot of entertainment value right there. But who can say what you’re into except you?

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ptolemy.5086


Not all classes are boring before 60 or 80. War is fun and fast and easy mode. Guard was a lot of fun to lvl up. Mesmer without proper gear and runes of speed or traveler is the slowest class in the game. Another mesmer problem with lvling it is not multiple target oriented class. Guard can pull bind and kill 5-6 mobs of same lvl mes can’t. As a result lvlg mes takes longer and becomes annoying sometimes. I crafted at list 50 lvls for mine but did it long time ago when it was really cheap. Buy tomes of Knowelege in PVP or with LA thingys and lvl up for free:) fast
I have 4 lvl 80 fully geared. Guard with legendary shield but play only mesmer for last 4-5 month.

(edited by Ptolemy.5086)

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neurophen.9738


Phantasm builds (typically what you level with) involve a lot of passive play and are quite boring. Sub 40 memser was pretty unfun to level (not quite as bad as older MMOs but getting there), it got better post 60.

Fortunately Mesmer has a number of high skill cap builds at lvl 80 for wvw/pvp, e.g. shatter and lockdown which require good positioning, reflexes and game knowledge.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: medohgeuh.4650


Phantasm builds are only passive if you stick to ranged fighting, with melee they’re a blast.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nyel.1843


I am leveling a Mesmer right now. It’s a tough battle with motivation and missing lust to level.

I used 10 scrolls to boost up from 30 – 40 because of the lack of fun I had with this leveling part. Now I am 55 and it’s more fun.

The problem is, without a good leveling build and bad equip you can do nothing. Veterans, maybe 2 mobs at once can be tough, if you are playing a bit wrong. With 55 and a quite nice leveling build ( army of clones + cripple ) it is so easy to go for 3, 4 mobs at the same time with GS & staff. It is a HUGE difference. With “my” build leveling up from 50 was horrible. With the new build it is extremely funny and quite easy. Nevertheless some veterans are still tough and you need to move a lot – I don’t know why. Mesmer isn’t putting out that heavy damage until 80 I think. My Ele did 2-3 times more damage at once and it was far more easy – Staff, Arcane Wave & Meteor Shower – 6 mobs at the same time EASY.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ptolemy.5086


Ele is AOE class. Mess has huge problem with AoE it is single target oriented. BEst weapons for lvling GS and Sword/Focus. Focus lets you run faster Iwarden hits multiple mobs and reflects projectiles. Unless you intend to use mesmer only for WvW cond build learn how to use sword as a main weapon.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nyel.1843


Sword for leveling is very squishy. And not everybody likes to be a Melee. I am very pleased with the leveling build, though there are 2 different ones of them.

Ele may be an AoE class, nevertheless their single target damage is superior to ours in many ways. We have to do it another way… and it works, but not in lower levels.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


Mesmers are absolutely terrible at levelling and can get very boring when fighting trash mobs all the time.
When you’re 80, though, you can get all the fun traits and play the fun content.

I have played all classes and Mesmer is definitely one of the most fun to play for me.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Sword for leveling is very squishy. And not everybody likes to be a Melee. I am very pleased with the leveling build, though there are 2 different ones of them.

Ele may be an AoE class, nevertheless their single target damage is superior to ours in many ways. We have to do it another way… and it works, but not in lower levels.

that’s because most people don’t understand the game mechanics initially. everytime I teach a newbie how to combo finish with staff and sword/sword inside a ethereal field, suddenly they can take on 5 trash mobs at once and then tell me its 200% better than before.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ptolemy.5086


Sword for leveling is very squishy. And not everybody likes to be a Melee. I am very pleased with the leveling build, though there are 2 different ones of them.

Ele may be an AoE class, nevertheless their single target damage is superior to ours in many ways. We have to do it another way… and it works, but not in lower levels.

BTW. Zerk ele with fire sword has highest DPS in the game:)

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nyel.1843


Never doubted that.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lue.6538


Incredibly boring in large scale pve, but theres probably builds that make even that fun.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: glenndevis.8327


Mesmer is my fav class and in my opinion a lot of fun to play.

I just don’t like playing mesmer in zergs in wvw coz i feel useless damage wise.
Wish mesmers had a bit more damage in PvE as well (our dps sucks compared to most other classes.) and speed coz in wvw nearly any other class can run away from us or just ignore us.

If these disadvantages would make it boring for you. Then no don’t lvl ur mesmer.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bistouri.6038


I want to craft my mesmer to 80 but at lvl 30 my my mesmer is kinda boring…

I think that any class gets kinda boring around lvl 30, but I think that has more to do with the fact that you’ve spent quite some time with it at this point, so the “new character smell” has mostly worn off, and, perhaps more significantly, you probably have your long-anticipated elite skills at 30—and one of the major goals you’ve been looking forward to attaining is… well, attained. You no doubt tried them out a bit, found them moderately exciting, possibly somewhat underwhelming. Now what? Unlike in other games, there’s little in the way of new abilities etc. coming along in a while. I think that’s why a lot of people hit 30 and feel a bit of staleness. But it’s also the time to start doing dungeons, and before you know it, 70 and even 80 are a lot closer. And it’s true that at that point, you’ll likely see your class with fresh eyes.

27" iMac, 3.4 GHz Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB, OS 10.10.1

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Mesmer, currently, is the only class that I’ve rerolled out of. That is, I had a level 80 character with full exotics, multiple transmuted armor sets, and gutted this character and deleted it. I haven’t played warrior/ranger though.

I just didn’t find the mesmer that entertaining. For me, the mesmer had several issues that just made things uninteresting for me.

#1: Lack of activity. The mesmer feels like I spend most of my play just standing around, auto attacking until the phantasm is recharged or I’ve managed to build up enough clones for a shatter. Then I shatter/use the phantasm, then go back to auto attacking again. The mesmer has a ton of niche moves that are useful in specific circumstances, but outside of those circumstances the mesmer is a whole lot of idling.

#2: Lack of presence. It never feels like the mesmer makes a solid impact on the fight. Other classes have excellent boons, large AoEs, potent defensive utilities, debilitating conditions, ridiculous durability, or outstanding damage. The memser… not so much. If you needed a boon removed or a portal to somewhere, the mes was alright, but otherwise the only thing that felt important was Time Warp. Everything else just seemed “meh” at best.

#3: Lack of options. Mesmer weapons and utilities have a lot of dead weight to them, which often made choices not about what was good, but just weeding out what was bad. Lets take a loot at them real quick:

Staff 1: slow, short duration conditions, random condi’s + boons, feels weak overall.
Staff 2: good defensive skill. One of the selling points of the staff. Also, the clones can be deadly when in large numbers.
Staff 3: a conflicted phantasm. The staff weapon says “conditions” but the warlock only really works with direct damage.
Staff 4: was nerfed, never makes a noticable impact.
Staff 5: you basically hope for aegis and daze, but rarely get it. randomly does something slightly useful, otherwise useless.

Greatsword 1: loses power at close range, which is where you’ll do most fighting anyway.
Greatsword 2: 2/5ths of a fire field blast finisher, and the clone is night useless.
Greatsword 3: less damage than the auto attack at range, but at least it removes 1 boon in its short radius.
Greatsword 4: IMO the best phantasm in the game. It does its damage fast, in an AoE, and moves out of danger very quickly.
Greatsword 5: It’s a knockback. Nothing else to say.

Scepter 1: a weak, slow attack that slowly summons clones that do nothing.
Scepter 2: decent block and torment application.
Scepter 3: good confusion, but hard to use in an AoE or in a timely manner.

Sword 1: highest damaging auto attack, but still weak. removes boons, though.
Sword 2: good damage + invulnerability makes this an excellent skill.
Sword 3: convoluted immobilize + teleport that doesn’t work half the time.
Sword 4: good block and damage. The clone causes vulnerability and can body block, so not too bad. Also a good stun.
Sword 5: decent phantasm. Single target, but does its damage really quickly.

Focus 4: your only reliable source of swiftness! Decent pull, and with traits can reflect projectiles. Not a bad skill.
Focus 5: second best phantom IMO. Does a lot of damage + whirl finisher in an AoE and also protects against projectiles.

Pistol 4: decent phantasm. It stays out of danger, but only attacks a single target. Was nerfed.
Pistol 5: It’s a stun that… bounces around becoming less effective for everything it hits. Not sure what the point of that is, but at least it is a stun on your main target.

Torch 4: a skill that takes forever to burn. The blind basically just permits you to use this skill without getting hit, whereas other blinds let you use other skills…
Torch 5: worthless phantasm. weak, short duration confusion with short duration retaliation, takes forever to actually attack.

End result? You’re stuck with sword/focus + either an offhand pistol/sword, or the greatsword if you want to use its phantasm. You’ll see a lot of the sword’s auto attack, which is the only thing you’ll be doing most of the time.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: medohgeuh.4650


I just didn’t find the mesmer that entertaining.

Should have just left it at that, just add “to me” at the end.