Dungeon/Fractal build help
This is what I use. I am crazy support with the amount of reflects I can do with feedback and focus skills. I do pretty good damage with GS at a distance which saves me from my own squishyness. Switch out Cavaliers trinkets for zerker ones if you want to be full glass but I like a little more toughness
You get glamours on shorter cooldowns and null field is also a great saver. You also give regen with your phantasms. Cripple with the iZerker as well. I LOVE this build for Fractals.
Thanks a million!
I’ve gotten to 45 currently with this phantasm build Ofek’s Phantasms
Perma Vigor from crits & perma regen from phantasms. Placing iWarden strategically will take time to learn. Inspiration I & XIII should never change nor shall Illusion of Life & Time Warp. Things will change depending on stealth needs etc. but generally:
Aquatic Ruins Fractal – Arcane Thievery & SoI
Cliffside Fractal – Feedback, Portal, IoL
Snowblind Fractal – Feedback, Portal for initial bonfire (TW still works on it btw) & right before the ice ele teleports you, IoL
Swampland Fractal – Feedback, Portal, IoL
Underground Facility Fractal (Dredge Fractal) and Urban Battlegrounds Fractal (Ascalon Fractal) – Feedback, Null Field, IoL (Blink when running oil ofc)
Volcanic Fractal (Grawl Fractal) – Feedback, IoL, your choice
Uncategorized Fractal (Harpies Fractal) – Feedback, MoD, IoL
Solid Ocean Fractal (Jade Maw) – Blink, Portal, IoL
I also carry every weapon just in case. Mostly switch Sword to Scepter for harpies & volcanic.
Good luck
(edited by Ofek.1743)